The garden fulfills it promise,
By stroller
after the horrible start to the gardening year mother nature with a little help from a (not too bad a )gardener is now giving me such satisfaction and pleasure so I hope you will enjoy sharing it with me.
The first two pictures are taken thru the kitchen and dining room windows and give you a glipse of what I look out on each day.
Then as we step out onto the patio we get a waft of perfume from Honeysuckle `Sweet Scentsation` and the large red flowers of Clematis `Rebecca`as she wraps herself round an old water pump.
Then we have drop of about 2ft into the top lefthand garden bed where we have put up rustic trellis to give support to climbing roses `Aloha`and`Handel`. We have also planted this year clematis `Wisley Cream` and `Princess Diana` to hopefully give us an extended flowering period. You can also see the shrub rose `Hot Chocolate` thriving in this top bed. In 2007 we planted `Phyllis Bides`on the left side of the arch and as you can see she blooms profusely and does so up to the first frosts – sadly she has little scent.
On the right side of the arch is `Dixieland Linda` a lovely deep peach rose which fades to a soft pink this is a sport of `Aloha` although it does have scent it is not as powerful as `Aloha`, and sitting on a log playing her flute is a charming little fairy that I received as a Christmas gift.
Front view
Back view
The arch also acts as a feeding station for the birds and the goldfinshes can often be seen enjoying their niga seeds, sorry not a very good photo they are too quick for me, and the one turned his back on me just as I took the picture.
Going on past the arch is another favourite rose `Mortimer Sackler` and an escalonia `Apple Blossom` the little bird box on the fence has had no residents this year – obviously the local bird population are becoming very choosey.!
Still travelling down the garden this next area shown from different angles has recently had a bit of a makeover by way of a feature/folly. I have used some old broken slabs to make a folly of sorts,with a wall that tiers down and then continues along this bed. I`m trying to find a small imp/troll to go into the recess at the top.
Growing against the fence is a very colourful and prolific rose called `Sophie`s perpetual` and mingling with this is a clematis who`s name I have forgotten but will know when its in
These form a backdrop for the Lupins, Astrantia, Canterbury Bells, etc, together with a lovely snakebark maple and fatsia japonica.
The island bed in front is home to a white lilac, Osmanthus burkwoodii, and a blousy rose called `wild thing`.
Here we take a sideways look thru rustic trellis to the bottom seating area.
The round seating area accomodates the rose `Lazy days` and the climbing rose`Iceberg` ( also a clematis `Warsaw Nike` which climbs up thru the plum tree arch).
A closer look @ L.days and Iceberg.
Turning now to come back up the righthand side of the garden we have the garden shed with seating in front to sit and view the pond. Climbing around the shed is another sweet scentsation honeysuckle and rose `Albertine` who`s combined perfume is very pleasing as you sit watching the fish.
There is also a deep purple clematis growing thru here but I can`t remember its name.
Above the pond and waterfall we have a rustic arch which we made to go over the seating which covers the filter system for the pond. This gave us the opportunity to grow more roses ie. `New dawn`in flower now and Rosa Banksiae which blooms in spring/early summer, and under this we see pan sitting on top of an old whisky barrel.
On the trellis fence where the sparrow is sitting I have planted a Chaenomeles name unknown.
An old wrought iron gate used as a feature holds the rose `love knot` and some ivy and links the garden to the righthand side of the patio and here we find a cheeky little imp sitting among escallonia `gold ellen` and hosta`s which have been more or less slug free this year.
Against the last fence panel and grown in a pot is the lovely bright orange `warm welcome`. Also in pots are trochodendron araloides a hardy evergreen shrub which is good in dry shade this has been in its pot since sept 2011 and has come thru two winters and so has the acer `Aureum` which is a lovely bright green .
The climbing rose `Malvern hills` grows up the leanto at the side of the house and meets up with Hydrangea petiolaris which is a haven for bees.
So you have taken a stroll round the garden and I hope you agree that it has indeed fulfilled its promise, and I add the last two pictures to give an overall impression.
I hope you are all enjoying your gardens and this beautiful weather.
This last picture showing the purple clematis should have come after the Albertine rose photo, don`t know what happened, sorry about that I always seem to get at least one picture in the wrong sequence but never mind on with the gardening.
20 Aug, 2013
Previous post: CRISTINA`s NGS garden day,
Next post: Since my last blog I have had so many PM`s
Thanks Carole its very uplifting when you get nice comments.
20 Aug, 2013
absolutely gorgeous garden jam packed with colour and interest!
20 Aug, 2013
Such a joy and delight Stroller thank you for the pleasure of your beautiful garden .
20 Aug, 2013
Stroller I love to take a wander around your lovely garden, its fabulous, you have created some lovely areas, wish I had access to some stones, that folly is grand anything like that always appeals to me and I like the magical effect you get with the fairies and imps, still a kid at heart,lol........
The photos are lovely and yes its going into my favs as well.......
20 Aug, 2013
Lovely garden :))
20 Aug, 2013
It's a beautiful garden and full of lovely plants. I like all the little seating areas and the features. They make it very interesting.
I'm pleased you're having some nice weather to enjoy it :o)
21 Aug, 2013
Louisa, Kath,Lincs, Pam and Hywel glad you enjoyed your stroll. We lost our son to Cancer on his 46th B`day at the begining of July so tending the garden, has and still is, playing a big part in coping as we get thru each day.
21 Aug, 2013
Fantastic blog Phyl, lovely to see you back, I think you are very brave. How beautiful it's all looking, even better in July than when I saw it in May. I'm adding it to my faves to give me ideas and roses are my new love and you have such fantastic ones. I keep thinking about which plants can go so I can have more roses. Let's hope our mini heat wave is on its way, it so lifts the spirit. We are so lucky loving gardening:-)
21 Aug, 2013
That is a beautiful garden and one way of helping you cope with your very sad loss. Hope you are doing ok still and are able to remember all the good times you had with your son. Very enjoyable walk around Stroller and such an array of colour it is indeed putting on a good display. Hope the weather keeps on performing and helping us get out and about in our gardens for a good while yet. Happy gardening :O)
21 Aug, 2013
lovely garden, you should be very proud of all your hard work, I would be,
21 Aug, 2013
Beautiful garden Stroller, my OH has the same ceramic boots in his study lol.
21 Aug, 2013
It's absolutely beautiful,Stroller..I always enjoy seeing what you have done in your garden..and I am so sorry to hear you lost your son,..but I'm glad your garden is helping you through ...a great comforter at these times..take care...
21 Aug, 2013
Stoller, your garden is absolutely beautiful! You and Mother nature really know how o work together, Well done you :)
21 Aug, 2013
This is really lovely Stroller! I can't read it all now as it's getting near bedtime, but I've saved it to my favourites for later. Oh, and I so enjoyed peeping out from inside your house..lovely! :)
21 Aug, 2013
Thank you all for comments and support.
22 Aug, 2013
it certainly has fulfilled it's promise stroller, and all your roses are gorgeous! Most of mine are taking a breather at the moment and will hopefully flower again in Sept. I must say, I do Love Warsaw Nike!
22 Aug, 2013
oh, and I love you imp among the flowers too!
22 Aug, 2013
Thank you for the walk around your lovely garden, so sorry to hear that your Son has died,it must be so difficult to cope with my dear, its good to know that your garden has helped you, and the love and support here too I hope is a comfort to you xxx
23 Aug, 2013
What a magnificent garden you have, it is so beautiful wherever you look. I also liked the glimpse of your lovely house too :-)
I love the pictures which include the clock, what a feature it makes.
It must be so calming to sit and watch the fish in the pond and to look around your truly lovely garden.
23 Aug, 2013
Oh goodness Stroller, I'm so sorry, I missed your comment about your son.....thinking of you.
23 Aug, 2013
Oh my goodness what a beautiful garden love it all especially your thoughtful imp :-) you all take care .
23 Aug, 2013
I've only just seen your comment about losing your Son, so very sorry to hear that Stroller, gardens are very good places in times of loss or stress. Hope yours brings comfort to you now when you need it.
23 Aug, 2013
Phyl, this has gone to my favourites as there are so many interesting features and plants, the splendid Roses too .... it is obvious from your photos how much you enjoy being in your garden and your hard work has certainly paid off! My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your son ... thinking of you ... :o)
23 Aug, 2013
Thank you all for your lovely comments they are much appreciated.
Sorry I haven`t been in touch for a while Shirley will PM you at a later date.
23 Aug, 2013
Stroller I'm really sorry to read of your loss, I too find comfort in my garden, so understand what you mean and pleased yours is helping you find some peace in these difficult days.
Take care, my thoughts and prayers are with you,
Sue XX
23 Aug, 2013
Beautiful garden thankyou for sharing such beauty
25 Aug, 2013
Oh stroller your garden is a delight and a picture, on reading here some of the remarks I gather you have suffered a loss lately and I just wanted to say how sorry I am, take heart in your beautiful garden where you can find some peace amongst the gorgeous flowers, take care now, I have just purchased an Albertine to remind me of my parents. :)
25 Aug, 2013
Absolutely beautiful Stroller. Love all your features, the old gate and the rustic trellis. Lovely.
26 Aug, 2013
Absolutely stunning ! Saved in my fave's too. So sorry for your loss, my brother would have been 60 on the 23rd but died when he was 34...they were much too young but never forgotten.
29 Aug, 2013
Knowing you are all with us in spirit helps tremendously and as you say Nanjo never forgotten.
4 Sep, 2013
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What a beautiful garden you have Phyliss, so much to look at and so mant interesting areas, I love your stone folly and you have a fantastic collection of Roses, Im going to put it on my favourites so I can use it as a reference when Im choosing new roses. Really enjoyed the tour it is credit to you and all your hard work ;0)))
20 Aug, 2013