An early morning stroll down the garden breathing in the
By stroller
perfume from the roses and I thought why not grab the camera and share them with you, so here they are. .
Dublin Bay
Malvern Hills
Warm Welcome and Love Knot
New Dawn
Graham Thomas.
Its a very dull overcast day today but their perfume more than makes up for the lack of sunshine and it got me to thinking that for a modest cost we get year on year of pleasure from these beautiful blooms, hope you agree.
Happy gardening all.
1 Jun, 2017
Previous post: This years new project and OH says its definitely the last!!
Next post: Developing nicely.
Gorgeous roses. I can almost smell them.
1 Jun, 2017
I can almost smell the scent I have 3 of those roses ,Warm welcome ,Dublin Bay & New Dawn all form favorites ,yours look very healthy and loads more buds to bloom .....
1 Jun, 2017
Oh, its so lovely to read someone for once pointing out the great value of perennial plants! I am prone to feeling guilty about the amount I spend on them, and OH has occasionally made comment too. But somebody recently said on another forum - 'you can never spend too much on a garden' and I felt a lot better after that! And you are so right...the value I gain from my work and investment is massive.
I love seeing your garden, its just so well kept and healthy looking. And of course I only have one or two roses out at the moment. Most of them are waiting in the wings :) So it's lovely to enjoy yours. I just LOVE Graham of the best in my opinion. I have two here on the gate wall. I shall have to work very hard at training them along rather than upwards! Must remember to get some eyelets!
Its very heavy cloud here too today...but warm enough for lilac scent and my perennial wallflowers are also smelling deliciously of honey. :)
1 Jun, 2017
Oh I remember that gorgeous red one from last year. You really have the magic touch with them - just wish i could smell them!
1 Jun, 2017
they are an absolute picture love all of them. I always say that a good bouquet of flowers (which do not last long) is just as expensive as a rose or even two roses and they come back every season, much rather have a rose planted than a bouquet, but always grateful when someone else buys the bouquet lol. I do so love flowers where ever they are. lol.
1 Jun, 2017
Love your roses, they look stunning.
1 Jun, 2017
Your roses are beautiful. I have recently planted Dublin Bay and can't wait for it open it's buds.
1 Jun, 2017
Thank you for sharing your gorgeous Roses ... love them all!
1 Jun, 2017
Wish I could smell them.
1 Jun, 2017
I have never been a great lover of roses, I think perhaps I was put off by the rose beds of hybrid t's, sitting starkly surrounded by bare earth. Then there was the complicated (as it was then decades ago) pruning, spraying for greenfly, blackspot and all the other nasty things that happened to roses. Now I have discovered climbing and rambler roses, stick them in the ground, talk to them nicely and they will happily ramble and flower without all the tricky bits. So roses have moved up the 'like' list and your's are glorious, what a sight to be greeted with on an overcast day.
1 Jun, 2017
Thanks for showing your beautiful garden again :)
1 Jun, 2017
Your roses are lovely Stroller as is the rest of your garden...
1 Jun, 2017
A very rosey garden & I love your green garden bench aside the garage.
2 Jun, 2017
Thank you one and all for your comments.
2 Jun, 2017
What beautiful roses Stroller...and so many blooms already! Mine are only just beginning to open up. I quite agree with your sentiment about the value and pleasure we get from Perennials year after year. That's not to say I don't like annuals, but for pure staying power, you can't beat a good perennial.
2 Jun, 2017
Looks lovely as ever,and your Roses look so healthy and vibrant..I'm glad you get so much pleasure from your lovely garden.just as we do,by seeing it..thank you for sharing it with us..
3 Jun, 2017
I really enjoyed the walk around your garden, Stroller, with such wonderful roses in full bloom!
It seems strange to read some of the comments from people who haven't got roses flowering yet - they have been flowering in this corner of the UK since the middle of April!!!
Just across the road there is a house with climbing roses on a wall & they were some of the first I saw this year! They left me flabbergasted flowering in the middle of April!!! They weren't the only ones as during the course of that week I saw them all over town!
6 Jun, 2017
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Nothing better than a stroll around the estate!! Im going to do the same shortly, lovely pics :-))
1 Jun, 2017