THE MANOR REBORN ... on TV ... 24th Nov. 2011
By terratoonie
For those longing for TV garden shows
… I think this will include some gardening …:o)))
The Manor Reborn is a collaboration between the BBC and the National Trust to transform an historic house.
The four part series begins on Thursday 24 November on BBC One at 9.00pm.
Presented by Penelope Keith and Paul Martin, The Manor Reborn follows the exciting design process behind bringing an historic property back to life.
The 4 × 60 minute episodes will see a lively team of historians, designers and volunteers as they refurbish the 500 year-old Avebury Manor in Wiltshire.
Inspired by the real stories and occupants of the Manor – from the age of Queen Elizabeth I to the eve of World War II – the series illustrates the story of British design across five centuries.
It draws on a wide range of craft and furniture-making skills and reveals the invention of ‘the home’.
Along with nine rooms in the house, a kitchen garden has been restored. Together they reflect five different periods of history – Tudor, Queen Anne, Georgian, Victorian and early 20th century.
Architectural writer Dan Cruickshank; Anna Whitelock, lecturer in early modern history at the University of London Royal Holloway; leading interior designer Russell Sage; and gardener David Howard have all brought their expertise to the transformation of the Manor.
They have been joined by volunteers and apprentices – from the National Trust and around the West Country – and some of the most talented craftsmen, designers and specialist companies who preserve the heritage skills needed to restore a historic house.
Danny Cohen, Controller, BBC One said:
’It’s been wonderful to collaborate with the National Trust on a series that I believe will delight viewers across Britain.’
Sarah Staniforth, Museums and Collections Director for the National Trust said:
’An empty house is like a blank canvas, so this was an exciting opportunity to interpret the interiors in an authentic but imaginative way.
The Manor Reborn has broken new ground in how we bring our places to life and we hope that Avebury Manor will be an inspiring experience for our visitors.’
The production is for BBC Vision London Factual.
The Manor Reborn begins on Thursday 24 November on BBC One at 9.00pm.
Is this series of interest to GoY members ? …
On the comments below, I’ll put a reminder, just before each of the four Thursdays, so you don’t miss the shows … :o)
… and I’ll let you know if I find any more garden-related TV programmes over the winter. :o) …
14 Nov, 2011
Previous post: The WONDER of WEEDS TV SHOW
Next post: AN AUTUMN RHYME for autumn time ... :o)
Let's hope the series includes a lot of footage showing how the gardens were transformed ... :o)
14 Nov, 2011
Oh great, will put this on the planner, thank you, cant wait.
14 Nov, 2011
I saw this advertised and thought it sounded interesting, TT. I love looking round old houses and gardens and it will be nice to be able to do for free, sitting down in the warm :)
14 Nov, 2011
Let's hope the series is as good as described !
14 Nov, 2011
Oh beaut TT! This sounds just up my street. I remember Penelope Keith in the series 'To the Manor born'
Thanks for letting us know about this.
14 Nov, 2011
I reckon Penelope Keith and Paul Martin will be a fascinating combination... Lol...
14 Nov, 2011
Great TT. will sky+ it !!!
14 Nov, 2011
thanks for the reminder i thought this looked good. can someone remind me again on thursday???
14 Nov, 2011
I have put it on my calendar Sticki!!
14 Nov, 2011
In future years, at Boughton House, Kettering, Northamptonshire home of the Duke of Buccleuch, which is a copy of the Palace of Versaille (now I cant spell) a huge area of parkland in the front of the house, is going to be recreated into the original 18th c. garden that some idiot ploughed up.
News is that it wont be finished until 2028. I suppose this will be on T/V too for Terra to enjoy.
There are 2 enormous walled gardens at the back of this house, why they want this huge new garden is beyond me.
Makes my back ache, just thinking about it.
14 Nov, 2011
great! thanks GM ~ thats an idea ~ maybe i could do the same ~ only just found my calendar ~ it fell behind a cupboard!!
14 Nov, 2011
Thank you, good info'.
Will look out for that.
14 Nov, 2011
I'll put a reminder on here on Thursday 24th... and subsequent Thursdays ... :o)))
Hi Diane ... let's hope the work on Boughton House gardens will be made into a series of TV programmes ... before 2028 with any luck ... Lol.. :o)
14 Nov, 2011
Thanks Terra, love watching programmes like that, will add to my planner...
14 Nov, 2011
thanks TT ~ that will be great ~ im more likely to look at this than the calendar!!!
14 Nov, 2011
Thanks Terra that would be great, we don't get the Radio Times here and running through the TV Listings on the computer is a nightmare.
14 Nov, 2011
Okay Lincs and Sticki... and Troddles ...
I've put a reminder on my daily diary to remind you all next week ... Lol.
14 Nov, 2011
Many thanks Terra.
14 Nov, 2011
Thank you Tt..i will be watching it :o)
14 Nov, 2011
Glad this is of interest ...
... made it worthwhile writing the blog :o)
14 Nov, 2011
It sounds interesting. I would be just as interested in the house as the garden personally.
I hope we get it here. BBC One Wales , and BBC 2 Wales, are very often different from the English regions.
14 Nov, 2011
perhaps you could get it on iplayer later hywel if they dont put it on bbc wales??
14 Nov, 2011
Hello Hywel...
I hope the programme is shown in Wales too...
... yes, I'm interested in the house as well as the gardens ... :o)
14 Nov, 2011
Thanks, Terra ... always interested in N.T. properties ... and their gardens of course ... :o)
14 Nov, 2011
Thanks Terra, caught a glimpse of this but missed the details (cooking a steak at the time - out of practise lol) so very grateful for the info.
Will be watching avidly, for as you intimated, garden programmes few and far between on TV in the winter..dont know why cos it would be lovely to watch some summery stuff throughout the cold dreary evenings interspersed with hints on winter care etc. after all gardening doesnt fully come to a halt there are still things to be done!
Just been counting on my fingers Diane, I might just be hanging on by my fingernails in 2028! lol!
14 Nov, 2011
Hello Shirley....
yes, NT houses/gardens are interesting, aren't they :o)
Hi Tetrarch ...
Did you see my previous blog about the TV programme, The Wonder of Weeds.... ?
.. that's still available on i player ...
I'll keep a look-out for any more TV gardening shows.. :o)
14 Nov, 2011
Thanks for the reminder Terra, I did, and forgot! Will watch tonight! You're a star.
14 Nov, 2011
14 Nov, 2011
Thanks ST - yes I'll try the iplayer
Thank you TT .....
14 Nov, 2011
14 Nov, 2011
Have just watched The Wonder of Weeds via the iPlayer ... fascinating stuff ... I wonder if Bob Flowerdew's plaited hair could be treated . . . . .
14 Nov, 2011
LOL! I wonder ShirleyT!! I just watched it too..fascinating stuff, but not sure if I will let dandelions live in my garden unchecked..the lady next door loves them, and she has enough for both of us.
14 Nov, 2011
I can't get i player ... It appears I need to do updates to my computer to access it ..... which have all kinds of warnings... I'm worried about losing internet ... so I'll wait till the Weeds programme is repeated ...
14 Nov, 2011
thanx Terra sounds good to me, so i will keep an eye on the reminders as im a feather head haha :o))) x
14 Nov, 2011
Hi Sandra ...
The broadcast dates are in my diary, so reminders should appear okay ;o) x
14 Nov, 2011
thanx Terra :o)) x
14 Nov, 2011
Sounds good Terra......thanks for the reminder....perhaps another one nearer the time......mwaaa...xx?
14 Nov, 2011
We had already decided to watch this program I do like Paul Martin I feel he is a very sincere chap, so looking forward to watching....a reminder would help just in case OH forgets to record it so thanks TT.
15 Nov, 2011
Yes, I'll put reminders for the shows each week on this blog .. :o)
15 Nov, 2011
Bless your cotton socks!!
15 Nov, 2011
15 Nov, 2011
Thank you TT, I love these sort of programmes, very thoughtful of you! :o)x
21 Nov, 2011
Hi Libet ...
I have notes in my diaries to remind everyone :o)x
21 Nov, 2011
☛ ☛ ☛ R E M I N D E R ☚ ☚ ☚
This programme is on
tomorrow evening :o)
23 Nov, 2011
like the pointers, thanks terra, today i remembered it ~ but only cos of the blog!! thank you.
23 Nov, 2011
I'll give another reminder tomorrow ..
☛ ☛ ☛ !!! ☚ ☚ ☚
23 Nov, 2011
☛ ☛ ☛ R E M I N D E R ☚ ☚ ☚
This programme is on
BBC ONE at 9 pm... this evening.
24 Nov, 2011
Ok dokay, ta ever so.
24 Nov, 2011
its good!! i like their friendly banter
thanks terra
24 Nov, 2011
☛ ☛ ☛ R E M I N D E R ☚ ☚ ☚
This TV programme will be broadcast on
BBC ONE at 9 pm... this evening.
Let's hope, this time, they remember to water their plants ;o)
1 Dec, 2011
thank you!!!
1 Dec, 2011
1 Dec, 2011
Thanks Terra - Ive had a bit of a heavy day, thatll give me something nice to look forward to. Its great when they dont always get it right, dont you think?? heheh!!
1 Dec, 2011
i was really shocked at the state of the plants ~ couldnt understand why no one had looked after them.
1 Dec, 2011
I think there may be a bit of a power struggle going on behind the scenes Sticki! That Head Gardener as far as Ive seen has never been out of his tweeds. He doesnt look like he wants to get his hands dirty. Just likes leaning back and watching all the others do the work. Even if they had watered the plants, there was hardly any root left on those plants that were dug up let alone a soil ball!! So not surprising really. He didnt even take cuttings. Perhaps it was political rather than an actual wish to keep the plants.... oh noo.... theyre dead. Loads of complaints from angry viewers and all that...Still good viewing though. I love that bed they have bought. It makes me laugh for all the wrong reasons, am I the only one with a warped sense of humour????
3 Dec, 2011
If I was the gardener I would be highly embarrassed. I would want it to look.really good.
3 Dec, 2011
☛ ☛ ☛ R E M I N D E R ☚ ☚ ☚
The final part of this TV programme
will be broadcast on
BBC ONE at 9 pm... this evening.
They seem to be spending a fortune on travelling to far away places ... I would have spent more money on the gardens !
8 Dec, 2011
Tonight's wasn't the final episode...there is one more.. next Thursday, an hour earlier at 8 pm..
8 Dec, 2011
☛ ☛ ☛ R E M I N D E R ☚ ☚ ☚
The final part of this TV series
will be broadcast on
BBC ONE at 8 pm - 9 pm ... this evening.
Apparently there are last minute complications to the makover plans ...
the wallpaper is held up in Customs,
and the restored Queen Anne bed is too big for the room.
15 Dec, 2011
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Will try and catch this Terra - sounds fascinating.
14 Nov, 2011