By terratoonie
Just a reminder that the Great British Garden Revival resumes on Monday 6th January.
Some of the December programmes were cancelled and rescheduled.
My two blogs of 30th Nov and 4th Dec have the full details of each individual programme, but here’s a summary for this week …
All BBC 2 … at 7.00 pm – 8.00 pm.
Monday 6th Jan.
Part 4 of 10 … Cut flowers ……. Rachel de Thame
……………….. Planting trees … Joe Swift
Tuesday 7th Jan.
Part 5 of 10 … Rock Gardens … Carol Klein
………………… Herb Gardens … Toby Buckland
This pic is my front garden rockeries May 2013
Wednesday 8th Jan.
Part 6 of 10 … Glasshouses … Diarmuid Gavin
……………….. Shrubs ………. Matt James
Thursday 9th Jan.
Part 7 of 10 … Ponds ………… Charlie Dimmock
……………….. Stumperies … Chris Beardshaw
Friday 10th Jan.
Part 8 of 10 .. Lawns ………… Sarah Raven
…………….. Tropical Gardens … James Wong
… and if you switch on BBC 2 early … at 6.30 pm
there is a new series of Great British Railway Journeys
with Michael Portillo.
I hope this info. is useful …
Happy viewing :o)
4 Jan, 2014
Next post: SUNSHINE ... after weeks of wet ...
i will look forward to that too and thank you for reminders i/we appreciate.
4 Jan, 2014
Thanks Tracey and Jane ...
Encouraging to know that the TV reminders are helpful :o)
4 Jan, 2014
i never mention your photo , sorry :-( the front rockeries look so pretty.
4 Jan, 2014
Thank you ... springtime is my favourite season :o)
4 Jan, 2014
4 Jan, 2014
Thanks Terra......
4 Jan, 2014
I think we recorded the series,but will check to see if the re scheduled ones will be on too..I haven't got round to watching any yet..but thanks for the reminder :o)
We will definitely be watching Michael Portillo's railway programmes,as they are in our area..I think our town of Huddersfield may be on the first one..x
4 Jan, 2014
Thanks are so good with these reminders!
4 Jan, 2014
Hi Sue, Sandra, Karen ...
... the railways ... and then the gardens ...
should be good evening entertainment !
4 Jan, 2014
Thanks for the reminders,TT. I might not have noticed & missed them. If the BR ones really are new, I will watch. Have seen the old ones at least twice!
4 Jan, 2014
FF ... the BR shows are definitely new ..
Michael begins at Manchester, birthplace of George Bradshaw ... and on to Chesterfield, resting place of George Stephenson ...
4 Jan, 2014
Januarys looking up!
thanks Terra....and Bloomer x
4 Jan, 2014
Hi Pam ...
Yes ... good viewing for January. x
4 Jan, 2014
Many thanks for the reminder Terra ... definitely will be watching all these programmes ... :o)
4 Jan, 2014
Thanks for that TT what would we do without you.
4 Jan, 2014
Hello Shirley and Dotty ...
I'm pleased this is of help ...
I hope you enjoy the programmes ... :o)
4 Jan, 2014
Thanks for that Tt....I have the same telly likes as you.....hoping to get my dish fixed on Monday, so should have a few channels to choose from at long last!
4 Jan, 2014
Hi Janey ..
I hope you get that dish fixed soon !
4 Jan, 2014
Thanks Tt I will watch. The first lot were good.
4 Jan, 2014
Thanks for the reminder, TT. I will enjoy 'cosying' up indoors to watch those :)
4 Jan, 2014
Thanks so much for all this info Terratoonie much appreciated, I miss working in the garden and I am looking forward to seeing these programs
4 Jan, 2014
Thank you TT like Bloomer the series was recorded on my tv but not sure if they catch the rescheduled ones, so will check as I would hate to miss them, love the train journeys too always interesting, Your garden picture is fantastic......roll on Spring :o)
5 Jan, 2014
What would I do without you ??? My memory is hopeless.
I can't blame getting older, because it has always been hopeless !
So thanks for this blog ... and I will be watching the progs. They are very interesting :o)
The train programmes are interesting too. I enjoyed the last series so I'll be watching this one :o)
Your garden is pretty :o)
5 Jan, 2014
Glad this is of help, Gee and Anci.
Thanks Neena and Hywel for your lovely comments.
I try to make my front garden reasonably protected and enclosed.
I'm really looking forward to the programmes too.
I make note in a diary of 'things to do' and' things coming up' .. to help me remember ... otherwise I would forget too !
5 Jan, 2014
Thanks Tt.... love these programs mines set on my sky planner.... :))
5 Jan, 2014
I'll have to write things in my diary ...
and then I must remember to look in it every day !
5 Jan, 2014
... Holly .. Sky planner ? In your home that's some kind of budgie calendar .. Lol.
Hywel ... the key is to not lose the diary ;o)
5 Jan, 2014
Yes, I'll have to find it before I can write anything in it :D
Must get more organised !
5 Jan, 2014
New wall Calendar ,Hywel? I forget to look in my diary ,and have to walk past the one on my wall ,to get out of the I can't miss it really :o)
5 Jan, 2014
I've got one of those Sandra. I'll have to remember to put it on the wall !!
5 Jan, 2014
Lovely photo of your front garden Terra, and thank you for the programme reminders.
5 Jan, 2014
I despair of you Hywel :o) please don't use a marker pen on your wall instead..Beryl will not be pleased,..neither would I ! Lol.
5 Jan, 2014
LOL :o))
5 Jan, 2014
Thanks Terra, I keep forgetting its on ! x
5 Jan, 2014
Hi Rose ..
there has been quite a gap between the December programmes and those resuming this week. x
5 Jan, 2014
I spent a pleasant afternoon watching the ones we had recorded..thanks for the reminder Terra..TV set to record the rest now :o) x
5 Jan, 2014
Thanks for this Terra, I enjoyed the Michael Portillo programs too, what the heck is a stumpery?:-))
6 Jan, 2014
Long John Silver's garden,Ba ho ho ho ! :o) xx
6 Jan, 2014
pppppppp (raspberry) :-))
6 Jan, 2014
Thank you ! you say the nicest things.. Lol..couldn't resist,sorry..I have no idea either,Ba..:o)) x
6 Jan, 2014
A stumpery is a garden feature similar to a rockery but made from parts of dead trees. This can take the form of whole stumps, logs, pieces of bark or even worked timber such as railway sleepers or floorboards.
The pieces are arranged artistically and plants, typically ferns, mosses and lichens are encouraged to grow around or on them. They provide a feature for the garden and a habitat for several types of wildlife.
The first stumpery was built in 1856 at Biddulph Grange and they remained popular in Victorian Britain.
6 Jan, 2014
Lol Tt.... sky actually would use it if he could.... he knows when Emmerdale is going to come on and gets excited.. and sings a bit of the theme tune I taught him.... he loves loud programs... the noisier the better... :)))
6 Jan, 2014
Lol Holly ..
Crocus budgie has his favourite TV programmes too ...
He is especially keen on the antiques shows ...
He gets very excited seeing those expensive antique René Lalique Budgie Peruches vases ;o)
6 Jan, 2014
Thanks for putting us two "B"s in the picture ,Terra,something else to add to our repertoire of knowledge:o) xx
6 Jan, 2014
Hi Sandra ...
rock gardens and herb gardens this evening :o) xxx
7 Jan, 2014
On my sky planner for yet another dreary afternoon,Terra..:o) x
7 Jan, 2014
i have been loving this Terra...has me looking forward to the spring. loved the rock gardens last night. :-)
8 Jan, 2014
Hi Sandra ...
Yes .. I'm also enjoying the shows ...
Sometimes the 'background' music is a bit intrusive ..
Yesterday evening I felt that Carol Klein was having to compete with a loud orchestra and an over enthusiastic pianist ! ;o)
8 Jan, 2014
i usually have the subtitles on...loved the trip to the Botanic garden of Wales tonight..i haven't been there for a few takes an hour and a half to get there....
tonights program has been great....every one plant shrubs....:-)
8 Jan, 2014
Reading your comment Sandra reminded me that in the Garden Cut Flowers prog with Rachel, the subtitles say 'Flocks' ... methinks they mean Phlox... :o)
8 Jan, 2014
lol...we knew what they meant Shirley....:-)
8 Jan, 2014
Lovely flowers, no matter how they spell it ... :o)
8 Jan, 2014
.. 'a rose by any other name
would smell as sweet' :o)
9 Jan, 2014
I was fascinated by last night's "stumperies".
Thanks for TT's explanation above, I won't be stumped by stumps and all that any more lol
I'm looking forward to tonight's programme and seeing my friend Will Giles at The Exotic Garden :-)
10 Jan, 2014
Hi Tommy ...
I'll look out for your friend. :o)
Yes .. the shows are interesting. Already, a couple of GoY members have featured in the programmes.
Grenville on last night's show used to be a member of GoY. He has a super stumpery garden in Bristol. There was a time when it could be visited by appointment. I don't know if that's still the arrangement.
Maybe if you're ever planning a trip to that part of England, you could phone and request to see it.
10 Jan, 2014
Hi TT ...
BBC have just uploaded a clip "A tropical paradise in chilly Norwich" today. You can see Will Giles and one of his friendly cats there :o)
Thanks for the info about the stumpery garden in Bristol :-)
10 Jan, 2014
I was fascinated by the stumpery programme never having seen this style of gardening before. I have read about it once or twice but never before had I seen one.
Very interesting to know that Prince Charles has had one at Highgrove for many years! :-))
14 Jan, 2014
Hi Balcony ...
Some years ago when Grenville (Kensington) was a GoY member, he showed quite a lot of photos of his stumpery, which was featured in that programme. But those pictures are sadly not on GoY now.
15 Jan, 2014
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Well that's something to look forward to isn't it TT? And a very Happy New Year to you! :o)
4 Jan, 2014