James Roof Junior
By terratoonie
In my back garden I have a lovely Garrya elliptica ‘James Roof’, known to his friends as JR.
The shrub has established well over the past decade.
A few years ago I took some cuttings and one grew with remarkable enthusiasm. I named him JR Junior and planted him in my front garden.
JR Junior has turned into an attractive tall shrub, and this year, for the first time, he has his own tassels.
In winter, JR Junior looks especially handsome, and over the summer months he provides all year interest by retaining his evergreen foliage.
I hope you enjoyed seeing the pictures.
20 Jan, 2017
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I always admire JR but OH doesn't like him so I don't grow it. There is a fantastic specimen at Whitby and we walk past it when we park on the quay side.
well done on raising 'junior'.
20 Jan, 2017
Junior has come along a treat, he is looking splendid.
20 Jan, 2017
Hi Linda ...
Junior has produced a surprising number of tassels.
Thanks Seaburngirl ...
Nice that you can admire the Whitby JR, to compensate somewhat for not growing your own.
Thank you Siris ...
JR looks happy in the sunshine today.
20 Jan, 2017
Well done raising JR junior! It has incredibly long tassels. Very attractive! I somtimes think that up here they look a bit weather-beaten. But yours looks very smart indeed.
20 Jan, 2017
Very well done Terra, I can remember you mentioning JR and that you were trying to establish a new one from a cutting, that was way back but junior has done well for you, its an achievement that comes with a good feeling when we raise a new one all of our own....
20 Jan, 2017
Congratulations JR! (and to you as well Terra...) I love these when light from the house shines on the catkins in the dark...
20 Jan, 2017
Very attractive Terra. It looks particularly good in the sunshine.
20 Jan, 2017
I appreciate your comments ...
Thanks Lincs ... Junior has grown very well.
Wildrose ... thank you ... the sun was shining brightly which helped the photography.
20 Jan, 2017
Junior looks so healthy and vibrant ... well done Terra!
20 Jan, 2017
Hi Shirley ..
Thanks .. JR Junior seems more than happy
... I'm delighted for him !
20 Jan, 2017
They look like strings of pearls hanging down. Very attractive shrub. Nice to see you back with us Terratoonie. Hope all is well with you.
20 Jan, 2017
Thanks Paul ...
Nice to be back on GoY.
20 Jan, 2017
Well done TT , I always admired your JR and am pleased to meet Junior a proper chip off the old block .
20 Jan, 2017
Hi Amy .. thank you ..
JR Junior has grown into a big chip !
20 Jan, 2017
Jr is a stunning plant and junior is spectacular. This was the first shrub my husband asked to have planted in our garden and it did give me a lot of headaches. I had to plant and fail several times before I managed to get one to grow in a planting hole in a concrete path. There is a west facing stone wall 6' high wall behind it and a yew tree 6' away which is west facing. The yew is a column up to a height of 7' then there is a spreading canopy. This stretches over the JR. I just found out I am pruning it at the wrong time and it is said it does not like or need pruning. I have to prune it but I will do it earlier this year.
20 Jan, 2017
SG - the time to do is as soon as the flowers fade. As it flowers early in the year, it carries them on growth made the previous season, so doing it early allows it the whole year to make new growth to carry next year's blooms.
20 Jan, 2017
Its beautiful , it has scent?
21 Jan, 2017
Thanks Junna ...
I just went up to JR and sniffed his tassels !
... no scent, but a very attractive shrub.
21 Jan, 2017
Yes Andrew that was something I overlooked. Because it is necessary to keep it trimmed close to the wall - it is on a short path in to the patio area I tended to cut it back whenever it intruded on the walking space. Now I will allow the top growth to grow up a bit more in the hope of getting more and better tassels on the higher branches. It is unfortunate that having tried to grow it in more appropriate places it refused to survive. Thank you for the advice.
21 Jan, 2017
SG - mine is growing against a wall as well. I will post a photo when it comes into flower.
21 Jan, 2017
Thank you.
22 Jan, 2017
was it you who took the photos Tt? What I'm really saying is ....who shot JR?
22 Jan, 2017
Oh dear Paul :o)) It's a lovely specimen Terra,and I love those long tassels..they are always more special when you have succeeded in getting one to grow,after failed attempts..never say never :o) x
22 Jan, 2017
Hi Paul ... should we accuse Maggie Simpson, or am I confusing my soaps with my cartoons ? x
Thanks Sandra ... yes the tassels are attractive.
An added bonus is that they stay in place for many weeks. x
23 Jan, 2017
I've never had any luck with growing Garrya, yours look so attractive.
24 Jan, 2017
Thanks Green finger...
Garrya does seem to be an unpredictable shrub, but is very rewarding when adorned with the pretty tassels.
24 Jan, 2017
Indeed it is, TT. Maybe you are in a more sheltered spot, I'm on the side of a hill now but used to be in a valley which was a frost pocket.
25 Jan, 2017
Really lovely photos, TT! The tassels look spectacular! :-))
I know of a similar bush/tree just five minutes walk from where we live. It's really tall & covered in masses & masses of tassels.
25 Jan, 2017
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I certainly did Terra. That is a very handsome plant you've got there.
20 Jan, 2017