My darling Conker ... RIP my beautiful boy x x x
By terratoonie
Conker enjoyed a wonderful happy Christmas and New Year, playing with his toys and practising his trick routines. But yesterday he suddenly became unwell.
I am still in shock. I will miss him so much. x
8 Jan, 2017
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Such sad news, and so sudden. He will be missed by all his friends.
Love from us all here xxx
8 Jan, 2017
Oh TT what can I say ? nothing that will ease the pain in your heart , I'm so sorry for your loss , Conker has been a wonderful companion in your life , may happy memories carry you through this sorrowful time ... xxx
8 Jan, 2017
This is terrible. And with no warning, so sorry x
8 Jan, 2017
So sorry , Tt , I will not repeat my comments on Facebook but will be thinking of you!
Julie and Paddy send their love.
8 Jan, 2017
I was shocked Terra and heartbroken for you, Conker has been part of you for all the time I have been here, I know how you must be feeling, I've always felt that I knew him and it was a joy to read and see all the beautiful photo's over the years, it hurts so much but know that you gave him a loving and caring home, you battled when many would have given up, memories to treasure Terra and you shared so many moments with us over the years, bless him, he might be gone over that bridge Terra but never will he be forgotten, lots of cuddles with Truffle today and share your tears with him, he won't mind...
I wish I could hug you but one is winging its way to you Love and Warm thoughts Terra XX...
8 Jan, 2017
Hi Tt, so very sorry to hear this, he was a very happy, well loved pet/friend, and will be sadly missed, the words on the card are so very apt, I hope your memories of him will help to heal the wound you now feel, regards Derek.
8 Jan, 2017
That is very sad news Terra, he was a true, loyal and wonderful companion for you and will leave a huge gap. You gave him such a happy, full life and he, in return, gave you great joy and constant friendship.
We are all thinking of you.
8 Jan, 2017
So sorry to hear of your sad loss of Conker.He was a handsome dog who was much loved.
Happy memories will live on for ever.
8 Jan, 2017
Sad news, Terra. You will miss Conker but you will never forget him.
I always think it is a privilege to have a loyal four-legged friend in one's life.
8 Jan, 2017
Such sad news TT thinking of you on the loss of your true friend Conker was much loved by all who met him through your wonderful pictures and blogs
love and hugs to you
8 Jan, 2017
Oh Terra, what a terrible shock. Scott and I will both miss Conker so much. Sending you a big hug. Xx
8 Jan, 2017
So so sorry Terra you will really miss your trusty friend but you have wonderful memories of Conker X
8 Jan, 2017
Such sad news,Terra..Conker was a beautiful.much loved companion for you and Truffle..he will be missed so much..He couldn't have had a better life,than the one he had with you..My thoughts are with
8 Jan, 2017
So sad to hear of Conker's illness. But hopefully he didn't suffer and although you are now missing him you can be assured you gave him a wonderful life.
8 Jan, 2017
Oh Terra, what shocking news for you. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now, my thoughts are with you at this very sad time. Sending you a big virtual hug. xx
8 Jan, 2017
I was just showing a friend of mine ,Cyndy, your last posted photo of Conker and how beautiful and well he looked, what a shock this is. I lost my lovely pomerainian Emily several months ago at the age of fourteen years and a part of my heart went with her. Terra, you and your family have my sincerest condolences and my friend Cyndy has asked me to relate her condolences to you too.
8 Jan, 2017
I am without words to express my in peace Conker you made a lot of people happy in your all to short life. I have tears in my eyes I seemed to know you so well.
Love Brian & Jamie
8 Jan, 2017
Hi Terra, I too feel the same as Brian. I can't begin to understand how sad you must feel. I enjoyed your blogs so, so, much, since joining GOY. I am sure Conker enjoyed doing them with you as well. Please try and remember the good times, you shared, in that lovely garden of yours. Alan and Wendy x
8 Jan, 2017
Oh Terra! What devastating news. He was an important part of the Goy family and we shall all miss him so much. He brought joy to so many people.
Nothing we can say can make your loss any easier but know that we are all thinking about you.
Sending you hugs.
8 Jan, 2017
Such a shock to read about your beloved very sorry Terra, we will miss his happy smile,you can be sure he will never be forgotten, he was loved by us all of us on
9 Jan, 2017
Hi, Terratounie, I can't believe what I have just read. That is so sad. I shall miss reading about Conker. He was such a happy and beautiful dog. My thoughts are with you at this very sad time. Kind regards. Michaella xxx
9 Jan, 2017
Oh terra I'm so's like loosing one of our GOY family.....sending u massive cyber hugs from me Blod and Reggie..xx
9 Jan, 2017
Oh TT what a shock we are all so sorry to hear such sad news Conker was loved by us all and we loved seeing his wonderful pictures on your fantastic blogs.You are in our thoughts TT at this sad time big love and hugs from us all xxx
9 Jan, 2017
I am so sorry to hear this. What a shock for you, no words can describe the loss you are feeling at the deaath of a beloved dog. RIP Conker. My thoughts are with you TT take care xxx
9 Jan, 2017
Thinking of you, TT, such sad news. God bless.
9 Jan, 2017
Dear TT I'm so sorry to read your sad news. Conker was a wonderful dog and will be sadly missed by all your GoY friends. Sending you much love and hugs Tracey xxx
9 Jan, 2017
Ah, Terra, I'm so very sorry. I know how it feels so my heart goes out to you. He did have a wonderful and happy life with you but it's hard to let go, I know. At least you still have your other friends so let them comfort you, as you will comfort them too.
Sending love and healing.
9 Jan, 2017
So sorry to hear of your sad loss Terra. I know I haven't appeared on this site for a long time, but I do pop in from time to time to see what everyone's up to, and I always read your blogs because I so much enjoyed seeing your dogs. What a wonderful companion he was - and such a character. He will be sadly missed by all he came into contact with. x x
9 Jan, 2017
Oh, TT I don't know quite what to say. Your loss of Conker is something only another pet lover can possibly begin to understand. He was a beautiful animal who I am sure gave you many happy hours. He will be missed most of all by you, but also by your friends here on GoY, who have come to know him so well through your fascinating and interesting Blogs. RIP Conker xxx
9 Jan, 2017
We all give thanks for Conker's contribution to our lives.
Your loss is our loss too.
Another Collie somewhere will need you.
Dont leave it too long, start looking soon.
9 Jan, 2017
How sad Terra.I have been telling my husband what an amazing dog Conker was. He was such a great help in the garden and we all enjoyed his antics. How lucky you were to have him. X
9 Jan, 2017
I have given this blog a like because Conker has brought to the forefront our recognition of what these companions of ours give to our daily lives... irreplaceable moments of devotion, love and happiness. Oh and :) too!
10 Jan, 2017
So sorry to hear you have lost your beloved Conker. X
10 Jan, 2017
I am so sorry Terra to hear that you have lost Conker - dogs are our life and soul and our much loved companions - they understand our daily routines and life styles better than we do - my heart goes out to you - Jane
10 Jan, 2017
I was shocked to read the news of Conker's death, TT. :-(( I have only just read your blog & the comments left by all GoY friends. I can sympathise with you because we lost the youngest of our dogs in a similar way - he'd seen the vet on the Friday but Saturday he became unwell & when we took him to the emergency vet in a town 5 miles away early Sunday morning he collapsed in my wife's arm's & died, though the vet was able to bring him around again, he had to be put down a little while afterwards.
Like Conker his death was so unexpected that it left us in shock for days afterwards. ;-((
I will miss Conker also, I'd rooted so much for him during his cancer treatment & I've loved the blogs he was an integral part of. I know his passing will leave an aching void in your heart forever, as our Tippy did to us. We still remember him & it still brings a tear to my eye & great sadness of heart whenever I think of him.
Try to remember all the great years you spent with him & all the great moments of love you gave each other. The love you had for Conker can now be an extra portion for Truffle.
Wishing you the very best & hoping you will be able to get over the loss of your beloved companion soon, he may be gone but he will never be forgotten.
10 Jan, 2017
I'm very sad to read that your dear boy has died but after all he went through in the past it is a blessing that Conker did not have to suffer further harsh treatments in a bid to save him. He made our lives richer because you shared him with us. Lots of love and hugs to you and your beloved team Terra.
10 Jan, 2017
Dear Terra, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. There isn't anything I can add to the words already posted by all your friends here.
The loss of a much loved faithful companion is one we all dread. The end came quickly for Conker & whist that is hard to bear it was probably kinder for him, you must be in shock as well as in grief & Truffle too will need you even more than usual.
When I lost my beloved Zack I couldn't bear the idea of another dog yet I missed his companionship terribly for a very long time before Ruby came to us, then I realised nothing can take his place & each of our pets are one-off individuals & not replacements.
I do hope given time you will come to love another furry friend.
12 Jan, 2017
So sorry Tt to hear of your loss. We all liked seeing your pals in the many blogs you shared with us. We will not forget Conker & he will always be a lovely memory for you forever. It's terrible when they go, but time heals. I have never forgotten any of my pets, but I do still miss them when I think of them at night sometimes.
12 Jan, 2017
My special thanks to every one of you for your kind and thoughtful comments. During this week I have been reading everything you've written, several times over, and your words have been a comfort, even though, till today, I hadn't felt able to reply.
Each day the shock seems to be leaving my body .. gradually ... slowly...
I think of you all as my friends, and after some more days of adjustment, I will be back on GoY, commenting, writing blogs etc.
Stay safe everyone in this icy weather, and my sincere thanks again to you all. x x x
13 Jan, 2017
You take care, yourself, Terra. We think of you as a friend, too, so when you're recovered a little we'll be so happy to see you again.
13 Jan, 2017
Ditto, Derek.
13 Jan, 2017
Take care Terra xx.
14 Jan, 2017
ooohh , dont know what to say , big hug from me, he was and is still loved x
I wont forget Conker .....
15 Jan, 2017
Sorry I donโt visit Grows on you much through the winter,
What a shock such a lovely dog.
17 Jan, 2017
Thanks Arbuthnot, Derek, Sue, Gg and Peter ...
taking me a while to get over the shock ..
your words are very kind. x
19 Jan, 2017
Will remember you always Conker ;-O xxx
21 Jan, 2017
Thank you Junna.. that is very kind x x x
21 Jan, 2017
So sorry to hear of lovely dapper Conker leaving you so suddenly Terra. So hard to bear such a loss, and in this harsh cold frosty winter too. Keep well and warm, and think of all the joys of having him as your good friend and companion.
22 Jan, 2017
Thanks Dorjac for your lovely, understanding comments. x
22 Jan, 2017
Oh Tt.....such a shock, I'm so sorry about your losing Conker...he was such a strong part of you and everything you wrote about with lovely Truffle.... How we've all enjoyed stories of him through the years....I'd like to think he will be keeping Bonsai company in their own special garden...
Much love....Xxx
13 Feb, 2017
Thank you Janey for your kind words ... yes.. I like to think of Conker up in doggie heaven with Welsh Terrier Bonsai and Crocus the budgie. x x x
15 Feb, 2017
Oh terra I'm so sorry. Such a special boy, we will all miss him. Sending you a truffle big hugs.
17 Feb, 2017
Hi Samjp ..
thanks for your kind words. I'm adjusting gradually to life without Conker. Truffle the terrier and Sapphire the budgie are a big help. and they thank you for the hugs.
18 Feb, 2017
So sad to hear Terratoonie about Conker I shall never forget him such a wonderful dog with a big character you did your best .
I am so pleased though you have another one Neptune he looks lovely time came to give another one a great life and fun .
11 Apr, 2017
Thanks 3d for your wonderful comments ... I still miss Conker a lot, but Neptune is doing his best to mend my broken heart. x
11 Apr, 2017
I think Neptune will do a grand job of mending your broken heart eventually Terratoonie I always believe as a door closes a window opens perhaps Conker sent you Neptune ?
11 Apr, 2017
Thanks 3d ... yes ... a window opens ..
17 Apr, 2017
It certainly does and what a lovely cute gift through that window came.
17 Apr, 2017
So sorry to read about Conker, such a lovely companion they're not here long enough are they? Sending love....
7 Jun, 2017
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23 Nov, 2014
Oh Terra I'm so sorry to hear that, bless conker he was well loved, a sad loss for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
8 Jan, 2017