Hibernating, and remembering warmer days ..
By terratoonie
This year, despite my working non-stop on garden maintenance, I still have long lists of tasks to do, but most of those jobs will now have to wait till next springtime.
My front garden is an ongoing work-in-progress, but here’s how it looks this November …
Protected by my back garden sheds, these fuchsias are well over 25 years old .. but they continue to flower happily into autumn. Their blooms are now beginning to fall.
In cold weather, my fenced, paved dog-run is an especially useful part of the garden …
The dog-run has plenty of flowers overhead, all along the side. Not a very clear pic. of these … but I hope you get the idea …
Winter jasmine is also over the dog-run area … bright and cheerful …
Happy hebe at the end of the garden…
From my house, for weeks and weeks, I enjoy a nice view of these clematis bells. They flower on and on …
… closer … the ‘black holes’ are where the birds have flown in and out, making their nests …
… even closer … pretty flowers all through the chilly months …
Last Sunday evening I spotted a friend on my lawn, enjoying the rain …
… but some of us prefer to keep cosy indoors …
… for anyone wishing to hide from the rainy weather, here’s a reminder of happy warm summer days in our gardens.
… the link is to facebook, so maybe not accessible to all … but I hope you can reach it …
Please click on the underlined words below …
There’s music, so please turn up your computer sound.
Gardening For Dogs – The Lawn Care Movie
Happy viewing. Stay safe and warm :) x x x
27 Nov, 2018
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Next post: 3 Christmas songs .. CLUE NOW ADDED FOR SONG 2.
I cannot see any of those jobs you did not manage to do . Thank you very much for sharing your garden with us. I love the winter flowering jasmine and that clematis is stunning. I also enjoyed the movie starring Team Terra. Gosh they do work hard. I am not a facebook member but I got in without any bother.
27 Nov, 2018
Thanks Bathgate ... as the weather becomes colder, the clematis is producing even more flowers. I hope you soon see the cardinals and blue jays.
Hi Scotsgran... that is so useful, your telling me that you can reach our movie, despite not being a facebook member... that is a big help... I wasn't sure about the link, thanks so very much letting me know.. a real help. We very much enjoyed the lawn care fun !
27 Nov, 2018
Loved seeing those images. Mind you, with the two gardeners you employ I am not surprised you have a "show" garden! :O)
27 Nov, 2018
Hi Eirlys... I'm lucky to have such enthusiastic helpers !
27 Nov, 2018
I would hardly think it is late November, your garden is looking so colourful. Can't see anything you've missed doing.
27 Nov, 2018
Thank you J ... some hebes don't do well in my garden, but the one photographed seems especially hardy. It is growing next to the outside wall of my raised bed, so is protected, in quite dry soil, and semi-shade.
Sorry I can't remember the name of the plant you ask about, but will message it to you if I can find a label.
Hi Siris ...
My back garden has more winter flowers than summer ones, but that means I get the pleasure of seeing them bloom in the cold months, from the back windows of my house.
Most of my garden work this year has been on essential maintenance, such as re-felting shed roofs ... painting shed walls ... and repairing old trellis sections ... and miles of jet-washing on paths !
28 Nov, 2018
These maintenance jobs do need doing, but oh so boring, not like 'real gardening'. Adds to the overall appearance of the garden.
28 Nov, 2018
Siris ... yes .. the maintenance tasks had to be done .. pigeons had caused so much damage to my shed roofs. But I end up having almost no time for 'proper gardening' !
28 Nov, 2018
Your garden isn't showing any signs of those jobs you say still need doing TT. Everything looks so colourful and neat. Do you know which birds nest in your clematis? What with dodgy hip earlier this year, and now recovering from having a replacement, my garden has so many jobs need doing, I won't know where to start come spring.
28 Nov, 2018
Hi Waddy .. thanks ..
there are never-ending tasks in a garden, aren't there. Next year, certainly you'll have to prioritise on which jobs you think the most important... glad your hip is healing.
The blackbirds build their nests in my clematis ...have done so for several years ... but I wish they wouldn't pull up my lawn and my alpines to make their nests !
28 Nov, 2018
Great movie & the dogs seem to be really enjoying their chores. The lawn is looking good after all their efforts. I had no difficulty in seeing the film tho' I'm not as yet a member of Facebook. Love the mixture of Clematis bells & Jasmine. Could the grey foliage be that of the Curry Plant.
Mine is looking rather similar? Thank you for keeping us so entertained on this dull rainy day.
28 Nov, 2018
Hi Feverfew ..
thanks for letting me know you could see the movie, even though not yet a member of facebook ... we really enjoyed doing the filming.
Yes, you are right in your plant i.d. ... well done...the herb is Curry Plant and I sent that info. by message to Meadowland this afternoon.
My dogs work hard to keep my lawn looking nice, but in the springtime, the blackbirds peck up both my alpines and areas of my lawns, to build their nests, so each year I have repair jobs to do.
28 Nov, 2018
Good to see you again, TT! I had to laugh at the antics your "helpers" get up to!
I enjoyed your video of them mowing the grass & rolling out the bumps in tour lawn! No wonder it always looks so neat & tidy - with 2 canine helpers!
28 Nov, 2018
Hi Tt, lovely blog as usual, still plenty of colour in your garden, I managed to see the top half of the video, the other half was taken up with a banner telling me to login or create a new account, but it still manged to give me a good laugh, thanks, I loved the last part, ''praying for rain'', brilliant, although we haven't had to pray for rain since early August, [we might have prayed for it to STOP], I really enjoyed it, Derek.
28 Nov, 2018
I love the way the clematis is mingling with the winter jasmine Terra. It all looks lovely. I thought the first photo was showing me floods. I couldn't read the photo properly for some reason, but once I did I realised that I was looking at possibly Euphorbias? weird the way my brain goes sometimes! :) I have 20 bags of bark to go down asap, the golden border and heuchera corner to clear of weeds and leaves, and the pod garden and other areas to cut down, clematis to move, plants to be planted.....its very frustrating as we've had heavy rain on every day for the last 18 days. Thank goodness we live at the top of a hill!
28 Nov, 2018
Thanks Derek ..
Glad you were able to watch some of the movie and that you enjoyed it. Thanks for letting me know. Good reactions to my filming are very welcome. Yes, I reckon perhaps Truffle prayed too well for rain ... we've had some downpours lately !
Karen .. My clematis and winter jasmine climbers are well established and I'm really delighted with them.
29 Nov, 2018
As always a treat to see your delightful garden which always seems to be smiling.
I too love the jasmine and clematis together. Your first photo is a lovely one too.
2 Dec, 2018
Hi Wildrose ...
I'm glad you like my garden flowers.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
2 Dec, 2018
Great video Terra! I love Neptune’s mowing technique! Truffle has the same problem as me...his mower tipping sideways! Bane of my life! :)
2 Dec, 2018
Your movie was delightful, the dogs really make me laugh, they obviously love performing, absolutely wonderful, keep them coming such a cheery sight.
2 Dec, 2018
Glad you enjoyed our movie, Karen. Next time your mower tips over, maybe remember Truffle's positive attitude ... smile, keep wagging your tail and try again !
I usually have my fb movies and photos all set to 'friends only', but currently I have 2 shorter movies [Hallowe'en theme] also temporarily set to 'public' .. comedy theme to give some laughs. Take a look if you wish.
Hi Dotty ... I'm pleased you like our lawn-care filming .. ha ha. Yes, my dogs absolutely love performing tricks and learning new routines ... and, as usual, done almost entirely with recycled children's toys from the local charity shops.
3 Dec, 2018
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A wall of clematis! amazing. I'm back to the browns & greys of winter. Hoping the cardinals & blue jays visit soon. So many ideas from your garden.
27 Nov, 2018