Gardening with friends. 10 years of GoY.
By terratoonie
This year, my gardening activities have consisted mostly of demanding maintenance tasks such as re-felting shed roofs, repairing trellises, miles of jet-washing pavings, and trimming back of overgrown trees and shrubs …
… but these are all good fun, and very enjoyable … made even more so by my garden friends … birds, frogs and dogs …
So for my 10 years on GoY ~ joined 14 Aug. 2008 ~
I’m celebrating with a few photos of the creatures who brighten my day while I work …
This is the shady side of my back garden which thrives well during drought …
My feathered friends supervise from up on high …
Other birds sip and splash …
From her cage indoors, Sapphire can multi-task .. eating millet, supervising the garden .. and watching the television, all at the same time … so she lets me know if I’ve missed any very special TV moments …
Here’s a fledgling wren … just appeared from a nearby nest …
Fox and cubs bird bath .. with adult blackbird and youngster …
A baby blackbird is curious about the new grass …
… and works out how to get inside the 3 star freezer drawer !
The frogs are also fascinated by the grids …
… especially ‘Hunky Chunky Frog’ … a.k.a. Warty Naughty Toad … I hope his diet includes all the visiting vine weevils …
My garden has no pond, but plenty of frogs …
This is Kermit … very shy, so he lives by the shed, in the pot holding my American sword fern …
On the sunny side, Rocky the Rockery Frog …
… and Fritz … he is more bold, and lives in and around my heucheras …
Fritz was very disgruntled when I accidentally disturbed him, hobnobbing with his glamorous girlfriend, Fenella of the Heucherella.
Fenella hopped off to the Ophiopogon …
… and Fritz jumped into the Skimma, knowing he could catch up later with Fenella.
Certainly, there are never any slugs in my heucheras …
… the frogs frolic here all day and every night …
And here are two dogs with three more frogs …
… all very precious garden helpers.
I would like to thank everyone on GoY for your friendship and support over the past decade … and I look forward to many more happy years of Gardening with Friends. x x x
12 Aug, 2018
Previous post: Constant lovely hot sunny weather ... lots of garden work done.
Next post: Hibernating, and remembering warmer days ..
Thank you Amsterdam.. your comments are always very encouraging... and I'm very glad you enjoy my blogs.
12 Aug, 2018
Terra that is a wonderful blog and your photo's add to it, I love it, especially the two gorgeous pals in the last one.
Gosh hasn't that time gone past quickly, I'm just behind you, Oct 2008, although I hovered in the wings before plucking up the courage to actually join in, enjoyed every moment spent with you Terra, we've had some grand times and
Oh Boy !!! we've had a few not so good in our time, I would not have missed it for the world..Hoping for many more happy years Terra, thankyou for helping make them so.XXX.
12 Aug, 2018
Love this anniversary blog Terra ... the Heuchera bed is gorgeous ... Hunky Chunky Frog looks very like a Toad to me! Wishing you many more happy years ahead on GoY ... :o))
12 Aug, 2018
Thanks Lincs and Shirley for your kind words..
Lots of GoY memories ...
yes .. Hunky Chunky seems to be a toad ... a warty naughty toad..
12 Aug, 2018
Beautiful Heucheras and the frogs which must be very welcome, but where do they breed if you haven't a pond? Perhaps they disappear into someone else's, then come home again. Congratulations on your anniversary with GOY, it's certainly a joy to be a member, all those gardens to view, plants to discuss and animal friends to meet. Were the cages there to protect your new grass from the dogs? They look as if butter wouldn't melt - so innocent!
12 Aug, 2018
Thanks Honeysuckle... the cages are there to protect my new grass from the very large wood pigeons... my dogs are good boys and do not damage the grass. Yes, GoY is a good group, isn't it.
I think the frogs and toads arrive from a pond in another garden not too far away. They are very welcome to stay as long as they wish !
12 Aug, 2018
What wonderful photos, so cheerful and full of life. Just what a garden should be, it's all about sharing. I always remind myself that we humans are actually going into the home of the birds/bees/mice/frogs etc so we have to be as polite as we'd want them to be in our homes! Congratulations on 10 years!
12 Aug, 2018
What a great blog! I love that you have so many frogs. No wonder your heucheras look so good!
12 Aug, 2018
Your plants always look so pristine Terra. They must know they are loved, as will all your fauna friends! :)
12 Aug, 2018
A great blog, Tt. I always enjoy seeing your garden & lovely pets. The dogs look so beautifully groomed always, a lot of work with Neptune I should think. The Heucheras
look lovely & healthy also, thanks to the frogs & toads!
Congrats on 10 years with G o Y.
12 Aug, 2018
A lovely blog, Terra, and wonderful to catch the fledgling wren. I had no idea that you joined GoY only two months before me: happy anniversary! And may we enjoy many more years here . . .
12 Aug, 2018
Oh Terra how I wish I liked frogs!!
My phobia of them is silly I know but I can't help it!!
You have been a real treasure on here and your blogs have given us a huge amount of pleasure.
Here's to the next ten years. πΎ π π
12 Aug, 2018
Happy 10th Anniversary.....I am amazed you have so many frogs and a toad, yet no pond! here's to the next 10 years....
I have always enjoyed your blogs TT, and long may they continue......
12 Aug, 2018
What a great selection of garden helpers, keeping all those pests from eating your lovely garden. And of course wouldn't be complete without photos of your faithful house companions.
12 Aug, 2018
Ten wonderful years of friendship ! x
and it's nice to see your garden companions - feathered, amphibious and canine too :o) xxx
12 Aug, 2018
That was fun here's to another 10 years.
13 Aug, 2018
Your garden would be great for yong school children to learn about wild life I am sure Neptune and Truffle and Sapphire would welcome them. Your wild life must think they are at wonderful restaurant. Ten years on and always your blogs are entertaining lovely to see your still here. Have you ever thought of hanging Sapphire over your back door so she can join you out doors I use to hang my bird cage out side in good weather.
13 Aug, 2018
I love your blogs TT so entertaining,your garden and pets are beautiful,lovely photos.
13 Aug, 2018
Hi Tt, HAPPY GoY BIRTHDAY, what a lovely blog, with all your gardening friends, you're so lucky to have the frogs and toads, looking after your plants 24/7, I could do with some in my garden, but I don't have a pond, nor does anyone in the area, so no chance, I do have fox's and the odd badger, but they do more damage than good.
I have another 2 and a half years to wait yet, for my 10th birthday, Derek.
13 Aug, 2018
As always TT, a super blog. I wish I had as many frogs as you have!
13 Aug, 2018
Thanks Wylie, Karen, Feverfew, Sheilabub, Wildrose, Mark, Drc, Callie, 3d and Derek ..
You've made me feel appreciated.
These days it takes me much longer than previously to write a blog ... many hours .. but I'll try to continue making blogs as long as I can ..
Derek .. I have enough frogs and toads that I could lend you some spares, but not the special trio which are being looked after by my dogs .. ha ha ...
so ... you are the 'GoY class of 2011'... a very good year !
13 Aug, 2018
Your welcome Terratoonie yes I think every thing now takes longer as we all get older lol.
13 Aug, 2018
Hi Tt, thanks for the offer, I would love to take you up on it, but I don't think they would be very happy here.
Thank you for the compliment as well, πππ, Derek.
13 Aug, 2018
My neighbour made a 6" deep shallow pond with a 4 foot square of plastic which overlaps at the edges. I thought the water would soon go slimy but it hasnt. Maybe she cleans it when I am not looking. The Toads must come to it, then come across to my garden and sit behind the tubs of Blueberry plants. Maybe they like it cool, so thats the right place and shady.
I leave a large plant saucer of water for them. Have acquired 4 now. Must be combination of what they like. Water and shade.
13 Aug, 2018
Diane .. you are absolutely correct .. frogs and toads like damp, cool, shady places. All summer I've had several large plant saucers under very thirsty plants in pots, and I'm sure the water in these has attracted amphibians.
14 Aug, 2018
Oh! Terra.....where would we be without your lovely blogs?
14 Aug, 2018
So good to see you have been on GoY for the last 10 years, TT! Your blog, as always, is so interesting & full of plants & animals!
In April next year I will catch you up!
14 Aug, 2018
Thanks to everyone who has visited this blog.
Linda and Balcony ... your contributions to GoY since 2010 and 2009 have been super !
15 Aug, 2018
Wonderful blog!! I enjoy everyone of your blogs of your lovely garden and seeing all your feathered and furry friends long may they continue happy 10 year anniversary on GOY .
15 Aug, 2018
Thank you Kidsgran.. I'm pleased you like my blog. You are just a 'baby' ha ha .. you joined GoY in 2012 !
15 Aug, 2018
Love this blog! Haven't seen a frog or a toad this year but lots of slow worms and a few snakes.
Today husband took ages opening a kitchen window to persuade a young wren to leave. It did! Through the back door. It was great to see wrens around again. Once upon a time we had one that used to spend the night inside our bedroom window.
Super images! Thank you TT.
15 Aug, 2018
Hi Eirlys .. thank you !
No slow worms or snakes here. Today I've been jet-washing and several frogs were hopping around. Let's hope we see more wrens in the future.
15 Aug, 2018
How wonderful to look at the photos. I have not seen any birds of any kind in my garden, I don't know where they have gone. :(
15 Aug, 2018
Hi Loupylou .. if you are in an area used by cats, they might scare the birds away.
16 Aug, 2018
Lovely Terra and love the froggy π
11 Nov, 2018
Congratulations TT , you've given everybody a lot of pleasure over the last 10 years long may it continue ...x
12 Nov, 2018
how nice TT congratulation you have made it so entertaining i have loved all your blogs keep up the good work x
13 Nov, 2018
Congrats from me Terra, where has the time gone! ten do have some wonderful frogs in your garden, no wonder all your plants look so good.......great blog and photos as per usual.....look forward to the nest 10 years!!
14 Nov, 2018
Thanks Sandra ..
frogs do seem to like my garden !
Thank you Amy ... very kind words x
Hi Mark... thanks so much... I still have your gnome loo and Bichon plant holder... stored safely and they will reappear ! x
Hello Dotty .. thank you ... yes .. where did that decade go ? This week I photographed another frog ... enjoying the rain on my lawn .. on my new blog.
28 Nov, 2018
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Oh I so enjoyed that! :) It made me laugh out loud! I love how you've been able to provide a lovely haven for your frogs! (and birds and dogs etc...) Please keep on writing your entertaining blogs, I really enjoy them and many congratulations on your 10th anniversary on GOY! May you have many more years on GOY with us all.
12 Aug, 2018