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After living it up on coffee cake, wine and good company, Sticki Ken and moi had to get up reasonably early the next day to go on a trip up the M4 to Andrew’s place.
We had planned this a while ago, when Andrew had kindly agreed to arrange a private visit for us, so Sticki stayed overnight in order to cut down a lot of travel on one day.
Before we left however, we took Sticki to Clifton Suspension Bridge and walked across. Unfortunately one side was shut so we couldnt take pictures of the estuary side, apart from the observatory.

We convoyed up the motorway with a short lunch break of coffee and panninis (very nice too) and a sandwich for Sticki.
I had printed out a general route and a detailed route from a certain roundabout and would you believe it? with only one small digression, we found it, found a parking space and after a really short walk made it to Andrew’s place almost exactly on time!
Andrew was at the door waiting and we spent the first half hour exploring his front garden which was in roughly 3 parts. The first part was a kind of hidden shrubbery which contained some absolutely fab. peonies.

Then we explored the other side, I cant remember the names Im afraid but Andrew will know

I really loved the plant below (cant remember!) so much so its on my desktop right at this moment!

At the side of the house it was shady and there were climbing roses, a lovely actinidia and the Cardinal de Richelieu rose that I wanted to take home with me! I cant believe I didnt take pictures of these, but there was so much to see I just forgot.

We wandered down a bendy path, where plants were vying for attention..acers, trees with clematis scrambling thru them (a General Sikorski I remember), with pillars and faces hiding away in secluded spots

This handsome specimen of a Heuchera (Tapestry maybe?) was one of many dotted around. There was a fruit cage where nearby I spotted the Thalictrum Delavayi, (Im still waiting for the seeds to germinate on mine!) and we met Bruno and Barney (no I shant tell you what they were…you must go and see lol!) . We then made our way to a newly planted part of the garden which, while young yet, will be absolutely stunning in a year or two as it looks fab. now! My camera jammed at this point because “Maureen” batted her you will have to picture a central circle with Etruscan looking pots around it at intervals and some really fascinating plants and shrubs, some quite a decent size already.
We then made our way through an extended archway, passing the conifer that is totally plastered in wisteria. Andrew posted the picture recently and believe me, it is much “huger” than the picture conveys!!!
At the end was a large pond, and a seating area where we sat and had a most welcome cup of tea and biscuits while watching the baby blue tits!
It was two and a half hours of great enjoyment!
Thank you Andrew.

PS Andrew sent me thru two pictures of his new foliage garden and here they are

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lovely memory ~ thanks tet ~ and many thanks to andrew ~ he knows so much about the plants. its a lovely garden ~ a real plantsmans place ~ and so interesting ~ i think the thing i shall remember most ~ and try to use in my garden ~ is how things are put together ~ one plant growing through another.
andrew has some spectacular plants ~ i too loved the peonies ~ and heucheras, and roses and and and.....
the visit to the bridge was also spectacular ~ its a stunning bridge, a sense of history and a great view. many thanks tet and ken. you live in a lovely city

1 Jun, 2011


Another lovely blog, you lot get about a bit! I love the curvy path through the ferns and the peonies

1 Jun, 2011


Actually Annella, Andrews paths were fantastic, very easy to walk on (I noticed cos I have joint probs), they werent jarring..and blended in beautifully.

1 Jun, 2011


nice paths ~ secret paths ~ you couldnt see round the corner ~ i like that in a garden

1 Jun, 2011


so glad you girls had a nice time, the photos are lovely, Andrew looks to have a beautiful garden there. nice blog

1 Jun, 2011


andrews garden looks stuning ..............where is it , and does he open it to viset !!! great pics too ..... glad you enjoyed it

1 Jun, 2011


Yes, that garden makes me want to walk all around it. Lovely blog!

1 Jun, 2011


I'll join you on the walk, Lulu, it looks so inviting. Pleased you met Maureen, Tet! : o ))

1 Jun, 2011


Glad you all had a good time and thanks for showing us what we missed. The curvy path looks very inviting but what a shame you didn't get any pics of the new section, it must be growing up well now. Lovely peonies :o)

1 Jun, 2011


enjoyable tour & well photographed Tety. Love the plantings.

1 Jun, 2011


Wonderful garden, glad you all had such a lovely day.

2 Jun, 2011


It was a great day thanks to Andrew. Im just gutted that I didnt have a picture of his new garden. It really is stunning. Praps I can get him to email a couple so I can add it to my blog.

2 Jun, 2011


Those peonies look stunners, and love the winding pleased you all had a good day,

2 Jun, 2011


The garden looks wonderful - thanks for the lovely pics, Tet.

3 Jun, 2011


Just to let you know that Andrew kindly sent me two pictures of his new Foliage Garden and I have added them to my blog. Pse notice Maureen in the background batting her eyelashes! Thanks Andrew.

4 Jun, 2011


what a lovely addition maureen is! thanks for the pictures tet and andrew ~ its another lovely part of a beautiful garden

4 Jun, 2011


Another amazing garden, it comes through very clearly that Andrew isn`t just a gardener but very much a plantsman.

4 Jun, 2011


Sorry forgot to answer you Cristina..Andrew is near Woking and he's in the yellow book I believe, with official open days. Cant remember the dates..PM to him if he is near enough for you. No.,. I just checked you out...he's a long ways from you unless you visiting London or going to Royal Ascot!

4 Jun, 2011


lol consider myself cke out hahaha ......... yep bit far shame , more pics then please !!!!

8 Jun, 2011


Hi Tet! yes, I'm back again..Just trying to catch up on my favourites blogs, and this is a really great one. I know what delightful company you, Ken and Stiki are, and Andrew's garden is just wonderful Loved the shots of the Suspension bridge as well. Looked like a really wonderful day out..\0/x

4 Sep, 2011


I havent enjoyed myself so much in ages Flori! Ive seen some wonderful gardens this year and will be posting some pics of Norfolk ones later this week. I dont know how it is, but I came home from a weeks holiday without buying one plant. OH thinks I must be ill!! LOL

11 Sep, 2011


Ah Tet you are back - very pleased to see you!

11 Sep, 2011


Hi Sticki, thank you..nice to be back, tho a big list of post to catch up on...some smashing blogs a load yesterday lol!

12 Sep, 2011


I will do my very best to catch up with some more of your great blogs Tet, and hope to catch up with you again before too long. Raff sends a

12 Sep, 2011


Yes, certainly hope to meet up again soon Flori..give Andy and Raff a tickle behind the ears for me...I have a neat little box of treats for Raff and Jamie when they next come to visit!

12 Sep, 2011


Raff loved his ball, it is the only one that he will chase..I can tickle Andy behind the ear, that is sure to get his tail wagging! I am so glad to be back in touch with you again, Tet...\0/x

13 Sep, 2011


Mmmm...I can feel a big giggle forming at the pit of my tum...Im in need of a good laugh that makes my eyes water and my nose run and end up by dribbling and holding my cracked ribs!!!
The picture of gracious old age hey?

13 Sep, 2011


You paint the best pictures with words Tet! lol..You old???? Never!!! \0/x

13 Sep, 2011


Not while I have friends to laugh with Im not. Just having a right ribbuster with Yorkie on the Burton Agnes pictures...she is such a hoot!

13 Sep, 2011

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