Drunken bees?
By tuesdaybear
Hi Everyone.
I have cow parsley in my front garden , tho’ it may be a cultivated form, not sure, and I’ve noticed that the bees love it. More than that; they seem to become intoxicated by it, hanging around for ages, completely immobile. The scent of the plant is quite delicious so maybe that’s the attraction. Has anyone else noticed this?
5 Jul, 2013
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Happy to say loads of bees in my garden at the moment, and they`re intoxicated with the astrantias, land on them and stay there!
5 Jul, 2013
Good news for those of us who worry about the declining Bee population in this country.
6 Jul, 2013
Think maybe the bees are dosey due to the change in our weather, but hopefully this week they will be a buzzing in the glorious sunshine. I grow Michaelmas daisy especially for the bees and this year the plant has spread to beyond copeable, will have to dig some out in the autumn but wont do it till the bees have gone. :)
6 Jul, 2013
Interesting Tuesday . . . I haven't noticed that, but we do have masses of cow parsley in our garden, and many bees too. I will now go and have a wander round, and see which plants they favour. Have to be careful of the clover though, as I've only got flip-flops on!
6 Jul, 2013
I'm back, but disappointed as there were none on the cow parsley . . . don't know why there were hardly any about, apart from one on the clover in the lawn! They do love the Californian poppies though.
6 Jul, 2013
yes ive noticed that , when i was taken photos a few weeks ago of bees on plants :) on taking photos of the bees on cow parsley it looked to me that they were more subdue than any of the other bees on differant plants. I remember thinking the nector must be really out of this world or it might be the scent!!! i think around the time i was taken the photos the weather was quite cool, overcast but with sun breaking through every now and then..
why i noticed this mostly was because it was extremly easy to take photos of the bees as they where so out of it!!!!!
might be intresting to look it up on google.
nice blog!!!! from jane...
6 Jul, 2013
I can't say I've noticed it, but it is interesting to know. I have a cultivated Cow Parsley in my garden but it didn't flower very well this year, and I didn't notice any bees on it. It has pink flowers.
6 Jul, 2013
That's the lovely Anthriscus 'Ravenswing' isn't it, Hywel. I guess the bees prefer the wild sort . . .
7 Jul, 2013
Thanks to everyone for your comments. I wrote a detailed reply a few days ago and then managed to delete it by accident. Typical! Have been having more probs with internet connection so not really been on much since.
Mel; I'm pleased they're loving your cotoneaster. My two baby ones haven't flowered this year.
Andrea; glad you have bees on the astrantia. They don't seem to bother with mine at all.
Diane; yes, we need to do all we can for the bees and other wildlife. Have you done the online Beefriendly survey?
GM; Michaelmas daisies don't do well for me, but nice to hear that your bees are enjoying them. My inebriates were in this state before the lovely weather arrived.
SB; sorry you had a fruitless, beeless trip, apart from the one on the clover. Californian poppies are lovely and all the more so for attracting the bees.
Jane; so pleased to hear that you noticed the bee phenomenon too. I did google it but could find nothing conclusive.
Hywel; sorry there were no bees on your cow parsley, but the pink one is lovely anyway.
10 Jul, 2013
Awww i love cow parsly... Looks so fluffy i bought the cultsvated one, but got the wild sort too ... Hope ur well ?
31 Jul, 2013
Thanks for the comment, Cris. It is lovely isn't it? I am well. Are you? Hope the recent weeks of good weather will have your garden flourishing for your next Open Gardens day.
31 Jul, 2013
I am ok , bit tiered with work ,so busy ence not been here much .. Garden growing tooioi fast now lol ... Cutting back .. Lol .. All that rain .. I need a cold spell for a week , then rain then sun for open day haha ... Ain't gona happen is it.. Haha ? got painfull. Hands with this damp ..urggg but ill plod on .. Look forward to meeting u ... Are u quite nr to me . X
1 Aug, 2013
as it goes bear ive got globe artichokes . not for there eating qualities but for the fantastic blue flowers you get on them . the bees get so intoxicated that ive known them to stay the night quite litteraly and I can stroke them lol . and they buzz like there drunk . we need bees ive done the survey too . ive thaught about getting a hive too .
25 May, 2014
I've got globe artichokes too, Leigh! I put them in last year and tho' the foliage grew well, they didn't flower. I really hope they will this year as, like you, I bought them for the flowers, and for the seed-heads which I'm hoping the birds will like. Great to hear that the bees love them too. I've not attempted stroking one before but I will definitely give it a try when they're in this state again.
25 May, 2014
it takes a couple of years for them to flower but the blue is electrifying next to the quite thorny look of the rest of the plant . its fun seeing them drunk and funny and they do leave in the end bear .
25 May, 2014
26 May, 2014
We've got a bees' nest in our roof space this year - bumble bees, not honey bees. So there are plenty in the garden. They'll go mad when the solidago starts flowering!
26 May, 2014
brilliant there lovely .
26 May, 2014
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That's interesting. I haven't any of those umbellifers (except the occasional ground elder, which I get rid of as soon as I see it) but I do see them swarming all over the cotoneaster tree. I don't know if they get drunk, though! It's good to have a plant that they really like. I have noticed that I seem to have more bees this year, though i always have quite a lot. I hope that's a good sign.
5 Jul, 2013