Summer, where art thou?
By tuesdaybear
It’s absolutely bucketing,
Which does not make my heart to sing!
‘Tis dark and glooms with thundercloud
Something which should not be allowed
In glorious August at Summer’s height
The day should not be as the night.
Nor should the birds be tucked abed
But should be soaring overhead.
Only slug and snail are still abroad,
With one mind, of one accord,
The lushest growth they are a-seeking,
What trails of havoc they are a-wreaking!
And what of me? Who would be sitting
Where dusk-drawn moths should now be flitting
About the honeysuckle’s sweetest blooms
Which now the vesperal air perfume.
I’d watch too, as it threads and weaves,
The flight of the bat beneath the eaves,
The garden at evening is mesmerising
With sound, sight and scent all tanatalising
But not for me; I cannot avail
Myself of its pleasures while such weather prevails.
Still, maybe tomorrow the rain will have passed
And with spirits uplifted, we’ll welcome Summer at last!
1 Aug, 2012
Previous post: Will you accompany me on a journey?
Next post: We have pictures!
Amazing poem :o)))
1 Aug, 2012
Thanks, both of you. I love writing poems, but it's just a bit of fun.
1 Aug, 2012
Here's hoping that your bit of fun
Will bring to us the welcome sun.. ;o))
1 Aug, 2012
Very good! Lol. :)
1 Aug, 2012
nice Tuesdaybear :)))) afraid no let up next week - maps look very autumn like by Wed next week :(
1 Aug, 2012
Great poem !
Maybe we'll have a nice autumn :o)
1 Aug, 2012
Thank you but Boooo, Paul! (as in disappointment, not surprise) I need Summer first. Maybe they've got it wrong.
Thanks, Hywel. Maybe we will. (Still holding out for Summer though.)
1 Aug, 2012
very nice poem Tuesdaybear loved it.
1 Aug, 2012
Thanks, SL.
1 Aug, 2012
Very clever Tuesdaybear, we had summer last week, it was gorgeous, trouble is the rain came back last Sat, lol...
1 Aug, 2012
Yes, I think I missed what passed for Summer while I was in hospital last week. It has been dire this afternoon and evening! This weather is far too good for slugs and snails, unfortunately.
1 Aug, 2012
Where I am in Galloway
The sun is out
No clouds of grey
Its a lovely poem Tuesday, a member on here Floribunda is a poet too and has done very well on Wickinut?? is it?
Hopethat you feel better now after you stay in hospital x
2 Aug, 2012
Tuesdaybear - there is a light at the end of the tunnel - a high is building bringing very warm temps by 8th - gonna add a pic :)))))))))
2 Aug, 2012
Haven't seen the word 'vesperal' in a while.
Grand poem!
2 Aug, 2012
Great poem, loved it. A lament for a missing summer. Fingers crossed for a bit of sunshine soon ie more than an hour in one whole day/week. Jx
2 Aug, 2012
brilliant poem
2 Aug, 2012
Thanks, Pam - getting better. Not heard of Wickinut!
Paul - I'm happy now!
Lulu - thank you. I chanced my arm with 'vesperal'; wasn't sure I wasn't making it up, based on Vespers being evensong!
Jane - yes, fingers crossed. You heard Paul.
Thank you, Lijemc
2 Aug, 2012
Lovely! And such a heartfelt lament! Please, please, please, we'll have some reliable sunshine in the north-west before too long! Every time the sun shines I think "at last" and then it goes away again!
4 Aug, 2012
Sadly, it has been yet another of those days again here.
4 Aug, 2012
Yes... :-( . Although we heard the thunder, it didn't rain till much later so we actually had a couple of quite nice hours.
4 Aug, 2012
Wonderful poem Tuesdaybear and one we can all identify with! Let's hope your next one will be about the still warm bees-a-buzzing days of late summer???
6 Aug, 2012
Wouldn't that be nice! Thanks Janey.
6 Aug, 2012
This summer, so far, has been such a bummer
But now we've been promised an Indian summer:-)
Great poem Tuesdaybear:-)
17 Aug, 2012
Nice rhyme, nice thought! Let's hope so, BA.
17 Aug, 2012
Its Sunny here in Oxfordshire
Having a bit off trouble fitting sandals onto web feet
6 May, 2013
LOL! I knew you were going to be a character, Mick.
6 May, 2013
English teacher, I wonder? Lol.
Nice poem!
Last year, eh?
We appear to have had better weather in Scotland.
All of March & 2 wks of April.
Still, we all shared the wettest summer on record. Lol.
Wonder what we have in store for this summer?
7 May, 2013
Thanks, Mouldy - and here's hoping for a much better Summer this year.
7 May, 2013
Allelujah! ;-)
8 May, 2013
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Recent posts by tuesdaybear
- A bit sad today.
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- Round and round the garden, like a Tuesdaybear!
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- Oh, the joys of Spring!
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- Things are looking up - we hope!
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- Drunken bees?
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- We have pictures!
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Thats lovely TB, are you 'a poet and we dont know it'!
1 Aug, 2012