A bit sad today.
By tuesdaybear
Sorry this isn’t a garden blog but am feeling very low this evening. I’d been to school to do my 2 hours of French as usual and at the end of the day went to see the Head to ask about arrangements for next year. He said he’d been meaning to catch me to let me know that the budget won’t stretch to keeping me on, as there are other priorities. I can’t tell you how disappointed I am. I LOVE teaching and this was my first job in 4 years. I was taken on, as the class teachers were not confident about teaching French themselves and there was always a question mark about whether the school would be able to retain me, although the teachers themselves had asked for longer sessions with me. I have invested so much time, love and energy into this and had so much fun. It wouldn’t be so bad if there was anything else out there but part-time teaching jobs here are few and far between and I can’t go full-time because of my commitments to Mum, who has Alzheimers. Also, since my brain haemorrhage in July 2012, I no longer have the energy for full-time teaching. I know it means one more afternoon free for the garden but teaching just means so much to me. Sorry for being so woebegone; just needed a shoulder to cry on!
3 Jun, 2014
Previous post: Round and round the garden, like a Tuesdaybear!
That is such a shame - I can imagine how disappointed you are. Cry away, we all could do with strong shoulder every now and then. As they say 'what's for you won't go past you' - maybe something brighter on the horizon for you :)
3 Jun, 2014
You must be devastated after finding a job you really put a lot into. Had you thought of advertising private coaching? People do it for maths and sciences so why not French?
3 Jun, 2014
I hope you find another opportunity to replace the French teaching. Something new will present itself, just when you least expect it ! xxx
3 Jun, 2014
Hi Olive. Thanks for the kind words. The trouble is, I've done all the volunteering stuff before and whilst it did lead to paid work eventually, I only ever got long-term supply and when it came to applying for a permanent position, they were always looking for a younger, cheaper person. I'll be 57 in two weeks so the chance of finding something permanent is ever diminishing. I think I'll have to try agency work and see what happens.
Angie, I haven't heard that expression before, but I suppose it's true. Thank you.
Thank you, Stera and Terra. I will try to be positive but after the year we've had we could really have done without this.
3 Jun, 2014
So sorry to hear your job has come to an end. I know how rewarding teaching is. I am sure your colleagues are as sorry as you are. I hope you will find something to plug the gap x
3 Jun, 2014
Thanks Mel. You do indeed know about the joys of teaching.
Stera, you mentioned private tuition, which is something I have done in the past, but it doesn't give me the buzz that I get from teaching a class of children.
3 Jun, 2014
The University of the 3rd Age was invented for people like you. Its a self-help local group if you have one where you live. The difficulty is finding a church hall or room you
can rent, and taking the cost off the students who apply.
Most people have 4 or 5 in their own homes.
Then all the Courses get over subscribed, so there are
waiting lists. Try U3A.
Good luck !
4 Jun, 2014
I'm so sorry your teaching has had to be discontinued,T.bear.and can understand how you feel,when you enjoyed it so much..I really hope you can find another post,to be able to carry on..good luck to you,and try not to get disheartened .The only positive is ,you know it isn't your skill as a teacher that is at fault.but the lack of funding,in the present economic climate..I'm sure your colleagues are sad to see you go..keep your chin up love,you will find something,I'm sure..
4 Jun, 2014
There is also the Workers Educational Association with whom I have studied for 12 years.
This is for people, like myself, who never had a chance of
Higher Education when they were young.
You seem to have a degree so would qualify as a Tutor. The terms are twice a year and you are paid.
Anyone on any kind of Benefit qualifies for a free course.
I take notes, and type them up when I get home. Keep all my information to read again later on. Its wonderful to read over again in later years. I did flatly refuse to go to
Raptors, 10 weeks on that subject was not for me. Then the Tutor skidded on a black ice and put her car in the ditch, so I laughed. Am
looking forward to September term hoping for History of Art or something similar.
Gardening design is a popular subject !
Make some enquiries and cheer up.
4 Jun, 2014
Tuesdaybear, so sorry to hear your sad news. I hope you find another alternative soon. I love Angie's saying and I hadn't heard it either so let's hope "What's for you, won't go past you". Try and keep smiling and enjoy the extra hours in the garden for now. With "Best Wishes" for the future.
4 Jun, 2014
I think Dianes ideas are really positive for you, not children but mature students are always very focused I find.......its a new venture but could be fun!
good luck my dear
I just thought about the 'holiday clubs'that have sprung up in the long holiday, or after school classes a young friend of mine went to spanish classes....
4 Jun, 2014
Oh that's a shame T'bear :(( It's sad that children's education (like everything else) depends on money. They waste so much on unnecessary things, and essentials have to be shelved all the time. I hope things will improve one day, and that you'll be able to fine another teaching post.
4 Jun, 2014
Oh that's such a shame for the children and a complete **** for you. Sorry to hear your news. As a few others have said cry away, it doesn't change anything but sometimes it helps (even if it's just to give vent to your feelings). Hopefully yo I'll find something soon, sounds like Diane has some great ideas.
4 Jun, 2014
Keep your chin up T'bear, hopefully something will turn up for you, there are some good suggestions put forward, you certainly don't have to apologize, we all need to get things out sometimes, its not always bright and breezy, xx.
4 Jun, 2014
have you thought about private tutoring to suit your hours. or what about nurseries for children under 5 years? Some nurseries book weekly sessions to teach languages (not sure if you would be interested in this age group), or adult learning centres, just a few more ideas to add to the above.
4 Jun, 2014
When I started supply teaching, after leaving my permanent post, as well as registering with the Local Authority I wrote a letter describing my skills and experience (not exactly a CV, and not too long) and sent it to local schools, inviting them to contact me if they thought I might be able to help them. I did get a couple of replies, and in fact one of the schools became a regular source of work. You could maybe try that - it's a bit unconventional but you never know where it might lead.
4 Jun, 2014
Hi Everyone. Thank you so much for all the support and a wealth of ideas too! I really appreciate the thoughtful comments and have a lot of options to explore now. The Workers Educational Association is not one I've heard of but will investigate - thanks Diane. No excuse for me not to be proactive now in the search for something new. xxxx
4 Jun, 2014
Hi Tuesdaybear, i am so sorry for you , i dont know what to say :0(x
5 Jun, 2014
Thanks, Cmsue. Have missed you - good to see you again. x
5 Jun, 2014
Sorry to be late in reading your blog T'bear ... it must have been so disheartening to hear the budget won't stretch to keeping you on. You really are having a sad time right now ... thinking of you and hoping something positive stems from the ideas suggested . :o)
10 Jun, 2014
Thank you for the kind thoughts, Shirley. Don't worry about being late; there's a lot to keep up with on here!
10 Jun, 2014
Hi sorry to hear Bt ur news not so good here. Either oh bin diagnosed. With cancer .. Busy at hospitals. All the time.. But still opening. Garden this weekend. Praying for sun .. Keep well ... Info in my blog if u like. To look chin up my dad had allzimers too so know what. It. Like xxxxx
28 May, 2015
CMSue - great to see you back - have been wondering where you'd go to!
28 May, 2015
Recent posts by tuesdaybear
- Round and round the garden, like a Tuesdaybear!
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- Things are looking up - we hope!
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- We have pictures!
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That is not good for you, but is there no way you could volunteer, I know it is not paying a wage this volunteering lark, but you would still gain from being there and eventually it might lead to paid work. I was never paid as a swimming teacher/coach always gained a lot more from being there with the children and adults.
It would help you mentally if not monetary wise. Eventually you will find some work that pays a wage I am sure. Good luck with your searching and try not to get too down about it all, sending hugs to say thinking of you and hoping you can find something that suits you soon. x :O)
3 Jun, 2014