Green everywhere.. but little flowers
By waddy
After finding out the weather had been dry at home on Saturday, while we drove through flash floods etc on the day out, as I got into the garden on Sunday/Monday as I promised myself.
I’ve filled up a couple of ‘bare’ patches with some bedding plants, pased onto me by a kind neighbour who had more than he needed. So with weeding done and trailing plants tied in etc, things should be looking good, but it tends to be loads of greenery everywhere, but very little flowering. Like everyone else, what we need is some sun.
12 Jun, 2012
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You have a lovely garden Waddy, all looks very lush and yes its green but also has some wonderful foliage, your Acer, Pieris and Lupins are really standing out and making a statement..
12 Jun, 2012
You have a lovely garden Waddy, your plants are looking very healthy, yes its green but gorgeous foliage and your Acer,Pieris and Lupins are really making a statement of their own...
Oh heck Hiccups!!!! first my comment disappears and now they are both here, lol...
12 Jun, 2012
A most interesting garden.
Adam Henson said on 'Countryfile' on Sunday that the lambs were not growing because of the lack of sun.
I didnt know they were affected.
My balcony Geraniums have not flowered either. Things can only get better.
13 Jun, 2012
We must think alike,Waddy..I posted some pics of mine much greenery..but still with splashes of colour..your lovely Lupins look great..we need that sunshine..I presume that is you reflected in the window ? nice to meet you.:o)
13 Jun, 2012
Looks lovely, Waddy :) that a Brugmansia you have in the pot, there? If, so, it's miles further on than mine...
13 Jun, 2012
Thanks everyone.
Yes Karenfrance it is. We've never grown one before. It's my husbands pride and joy which he's names 'Ethel'! It seems to be growing at a terrific rate.
13 Jun, 2012
Yes Bloomer, that's me. I hate my photo taking as usual, but didn't realise I was in this pic. Don't I look serious lol.
13 Jun, 2012
Lol! Well named! :D
13 Jun, 2012
Well blow me down Diane, I`ve lost nearly 2st and am shrinking rapidly this year,even my shoes are loose, I guess I can now blame the weather, lol.
Nice to meet you Waddy even though through the glass..
13 Jun, 2012
Lol,Waddy..I would call it concentration ! :o)
13 Jun, 2012
Glad im not the only one with a green garden, its driving me mad.
As I have compleatly changed what im growing from last year I keep thinking i've done the wrong thing & want to pull it all out!
Your garden looks lovely though Waddy :-)
13 Jun, 2012
I know we get impatient waiting for a show of flowers but think back to last year, we had summer flowers very late in the year, perhaps that will happen again and we`ll all have grand gardens through the autumn until winter, lets face it anything can happen this year, lol...
13 Jun, 2012
Your garden is looking very healthy and tidy. You must put a lot of work into it ... I agree about the sun. I want it aswell as the plants lol
14 Jun, 2012
Thanks for your kind comments.
Bloomer; The OH wants to know why Concentration?.
Its not really been hard work Hywel, there's nowhere I'd rather be...unless it's on a Winter Sun holiday!
14 Jun, 2012
Lovely garden Waddy, and nice to meet you, sorry I'm down south....
14 Jun, 2012
Tell your OH,if you hadn't been concentrating,you wouldn't have got these lovely pics,Waddy..:o)
14 Jun, 2012
You have loads of lovely colour in your garden, looks the biz....
14 Jun, 2012
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Lovely garden Waddy, I was thinking the same about my garden, there are loads of green everywhere hardly any flowers, the roses are trying so hard to bloom, lots of buds but they are staying tightly shut. :(((
12 Jun, 2012