Ladies who Lunch...
By waddy
Just to show that GoY has other results other than gardening tips, I thought members might be interested in the following.
Back in March of this year, I …like many others..after posting a question i became an avid member of GoY.
Since then I’ve commented on other people’s Blogs, questions, photos etc…and even posted a couple myself.
In August I noticed a Blog posted by Bloomer which had photo’s of a place I recognised…in the conversation which followed between turned out we lived in an area familiar to us both..and had a much closer connection to each other than we had realised.
Later another member of GoY (Gattina)hit on a passion of mine…Italy..turned out she lives there. We often talked on PM and our sense of humour seemed to be the same…strange i know lol! She also commented on Bloomer’s Blogs.. and visa versa.
Bloomer and I eventually meet over coffee..and we hit off straight away.
Later, Gattina let me one of her PM’s…that she was coming to idea dawned..would she like to meet up? The answer was ‘yes!’
Then I had the idea of asking Bloomer to join us, she also said ‘yes’ and thought it would be nice to add another member to the get together…Pansypotter..another GoY member we all had contact with in our favourites. She also said ‘yes’
Gattina still thought she was only meeting me..imagine her surprise when she arrived to be greeted by Bloomer and Pansypotter too.
A super ‘Ladies who Lunch’ was enjoyed by 4 members of GoY who 2 months ago didn’t even know each other…and one who lives 1,000miles away.
We all hope to do it again soon…and who knows..maybe this time in sunny italy?
We did take picks..but as none of us seem to be vain was agreed to keep them to ourselves. But I have included a couple of picks our Yummy puds!
And who knows who might join us next ?
25 Oct, 2012
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It was a super day Terratoonie.
25 Oct, 2012
Glad you have some good photos to remember such a happy day ... Let's hope you'll be able to have more lunches together in the future. :o)
25 Oct, 2012
Thanks Terra.. I do hope so..and who knows we might be in your neck of the woods next :0
25 Oct, 2012
25 Oct, 2012
How great for you I wish I could have seen Gattina's face. :0)))
Its one of Goys Glorious moments and going onto my favorites
25 Oct, 2012
Pamg, it was a picture!... I wish we could have more 'Member' Noggins and Natters it would be great.
Thanks for putting this into your Favs :)
25 Oct, 2012
I remember when it was suggested, really pleased to read that you have met up, where would we be without Goy, although I haven`t met anyone, I always feel as though I now have lots of friends to share things with....
25 Oct, 2012
Its like having penfriends I always think
25 Oct, 2012
Glad you all had a lovely day. Nice to that friendship comes from GOY - go back a few years and how many of us would have laughed at the thought of making friends over the internet!!
That's some cleavage is it not? lol!!
25 Oct, 2012
Now that is disappointing. I'd rather see some happy faces than pictures of food I can't eat lol ;D
Anyway I'm pleased to hear you all met up, and got on so well together :o))
25 Oct, 2012
I so enjoyed reading how your get together was arranged and how it all started off.
I know you really had a great time and to think that this site was responsible for it, gives a nice feeling.
Hope you do it again soon.
25 Oct, 2012
You have put this together so nicely,Waddy..and I agree,it was a lovely day out,and to be able to meet Gattina,at last..Something I never imagined would ever happen..We seem to have a lot in common,all through Goy,and the wonders of the Internet...and the same sense of humour,of which there was plenty...:o) .Those desserts were so good ,weren't they?
..bring it on ..till the next time,as i'm sure there will be one..thank you for inviting me along,it was wonderful :o)
Naturally,it is on my faves .Lol.xx
25 Oct, 2012
I would have liked to have seen my face, too. When I met not only Waddy but two other, favourite Goyers, it certainly was an incredible surprise, and I think it must have taken a good thirty minutes to get my jaw back to its proper position. It took several days for the stupid grin to fade. We had SUCH a good time, and we've not only sorted all the current world problems and planned next year's planting, we've blown our diets, too!
Thank you, you supremely sneaky Waddy, for organising all this, and for Pansypotter and Bloomer for dragging all the way to Manchester, and actually managing to bring some sunshine with you, too. It was a fabulous day.
Believe me, Hywel, any photographs of me would cast a deep depression over any situation - better by far to drool over 1,000 calorie puds any day.
There is a slightly strange postscript to this comment: Waddy very kindly gave me a copy of the weekly newspaper "Gardening News" that she had picked up at the station. I didn't look at it until I was on the homeward journey, but to my extreme surprise, there was a three-page spread all about our own, dear Mossy and his amazing and beautiful Chigwell garden. Of course, being the shy and retiring guy that he is, he hasn't, as far as I can see, mentioned a word of this on this site, but he is obviously a national treasure now, and widely admired. Congratulations, Fabrice!
I'd better get out into the cold and the rain and start making sure that I can do everything I can to ensure that next year's visitors are at the very least mildly impressed by what passes for a garden in these parts. A lawn of sorts would be good. ;o)))
p.s. Lincslass, next time I'm in Lincolnshire (yes, it does happen occasionally) we'll get together for a natter. Promise.
26 Oct, 2012
I would still rather see some happy faces than someone else's food :o(
But if you're ashamed of how you look ........
26 Oct, 2012
Aren't the wonders of the internet amazing? To think none of it would have ben possible before..
Lincslass; So, we'll have to see what can be arranged in Lincolnshire....Mmmm....
You're right Pamg..and then actually meeting's so exciting.
I had one person Scottish, who said I should be careful, when I told them I was meeting people I had only spoken to on the net...that made me laugh..I think we were all safe from the 'white slave trade'
Wildrose, I really can't wait...
Thanks Bloomer, How are the holiday preparation coming along? Will we manage another coffee before you go?
Gattina, I did eventually manage to get another copy...unfortunately for my OH it's given me more ideas for my little plot and as he has to do all the really heavy work I think he's wishing I'd never bought it in the first place! I'll keep you posted on here, of any progress.
26 Oct, 2012
The pleasure was just as good for us too,Gattina..and I think we just about put the world to rights..well,our little bit,anyway :o) .xx
Just what my daughter said to me,Waddy,when I said I was meeting up with Carole for the first time,! Lol.mind you ,our OH's were there too :o))..Sorry,I think I will have to pass on the coffee a lot on this coming week.will get in touch when I get back...It will give us time to have something new to say ..not that we would ever be dumbstruck..! ha ha.xx
26 Oct, 2012
Not ashamed, exactly, Hywel, just a bit self-conscious. Fame and beauty are hard to live with ;o)))
26 Oct, 2012
I always find someone tall to stand behind when the cameras come out........but at 5'2" its not hard.......
26 Oct, 2012
I'm going to have to learn to "bend ze knees!"
26 Oct, 2012
Not always useful....times I stand in the supermarket aisles waiting for someone to reach things for me......
26 Oct, 2012
Just as footnote to all this..for those of you who don't know Gattina...she told me that if I looked out for an elegant Italian lady,..I would walk straight past her...she tells fibs! She is very elegant! as those of you who may know are already aware!
Pamg; don't forget..expensive perfume comes in little bottles :)
Bloomer, we did, didn't we? Looking forward to a meet up when you get back...with lots of photos (if I know you!)
26 Oct, 2012
Indeed,Waddy..:o) and maybe lunch this time? :o)
Certainly lots of photo's..but I will have to pick and choose..wouldn't want to bore everyone ! .
26 Oct, 2012
I love puddings......but would really have liked to see you all enjoying your day ....although, come to think of it, that third photo down was almost worthy of 'Calender Girls' lol:-))
26 Oct, 2012
I'm not sure what was causing the problem with the 3rd pic, but I've deleted it just so no one is offended.
26 Oct, 2012
Oh Waddy, you spoilsport - there was absolutely NOTHING wrong with picture 3 - it was a beauty - put it back!
26 Oct, 2012
I think that's a great idea Bloomer, and I'm sure I won't be bored with the photos...just jealous!
Sorry Gattina, no can do. I value my friends. :)
Don't forget to send me a PM on your progress.
27 Oct, 2012
I know the very place,Waddy:o)..across the road from where we had coffee? They do lovely food in the Crypt..and you don't need to pray.! Lol.
27 Oct, 2012
I know it well..that's a great idea. :)
27 Oct, 2012
You're on ! :o))
27 Oct, 2012
Oh no!!! have I put my big foot in it again? I was only making a silly joke:-( No-one could possibly take offence at any of your pics Waddy:-)
27 Oct, 2012
Hey whats this another meeting wheres my invite lol
28 Oct, 2012
Me too:-)
28 Oct, 2012
Oh heck look what we've started. Carole, of course you're invited.
Bornagain; Sorry..if you can make it to Huddersfield, you're welcome....anyone else for a lunch date in just over 3 weeks time? Then we can all hear about the cruise and see the pics lol.
28 Oct, 2012
I'm hoping that when you're back we'll all see some lovely warm and sunny pics....while we left at home in the cold, dark freezing fog can only dream..........
Not that you should feel guilty or anything..... :0)))
28 Oct, 2012
I'm feeling very deprived. Can I send my OH to represent me, please? No, relax, girls, I'm only joking. I shall need a stereo recording of the entire lunch, e-mailed piccies and every last detail of that cruise, then I can feel properly sorry for myself for once (our weather forecast is every bit as bad, and maybe a little bit worse than the UK's one for the next 10 days). ;o)
28 Oct, 2012
I'll start hitch hiking right away Waddy:-)
28 Oct, 2012
Its raining here Gattina, and cold, and grey, and....worst of all......"they" made us put the clocks back and now its going to get dark any time soon.....:0(((
still could be worse the poor souls further north have had snow flurries already......
28 Oct, 2012
Oh dear Jan, hope things don't turn out too bad :(
I'll ensure you get as much detail as possible regarding our lunch date..unless you can make it yourself??? Seriously, I'll send you pics (did you get the last ones?)
Bornagain; I'll look out for you...:)
28 Oct, 2012
Pam, my dear, it is (if it weren't already dark) very, very grey and miserable here - already sleeting and proper, settling snow forecast overnight. Stoves lit, curtains drawn and shutters closed, electric blankets and extra duvets on the beds and cats piled all over us and the sofas.
I did indeed get the pictures, thank you, Waddy. There's no way I could make it. The likelihood of snow is semi-permanent by then, and once we get that, travelling can be a dodgy affair - the airport is 60 kilometres down the mountain, and quite often, after the middle of November, we daren't make plans that involve planes, although we have bursts of lovely sunshine for days on end, and have been known to go for January walks wearing short-sleeved t-shirts. You just can't rely on that, though.
I'm hoping you'll take pity on me and organise another mega-meeting round about the end of April when I next plan to be "home".
28 Oct, 2012
You can consider that a date!
28 Oct, 2012
You just sound like one of the jet set,Gattina..that should improve your street cred,when you tell everyone you are just flying over for lunch with friends ! Lol..especially if you tell your "special friend" the fire starter ! haha....right ,let me many sleeps till April..not including the cat naps..given up already..zzzzzzzz...and Waddy,Ba has no excuse..surely it will be Manchester again,not Huddersfield? ..are you reading this Ba,and Pam? any coach trips from your area? If not,start hitching or walking about 30th March :o)) ..and Carole,you don't need an''s a standing order :o) x
28 Oct, 2012
The locals aren't that easily impressed, Bloomer - they'd think I was mad and had far too much money and no sense...... My fire-bug "friend" hasn't been anywhere near us since that fateful day. Could she be a tiny bit scared of me??? Nah! I'm a pussycat! (you can stand witness to that, can't you?)
28 Oct, 2012
We know you're a pussycat,Gattina..but found it a bit odd,when you ordered a saucer of milk ! and let live,I say :o) and on that note I will say goodnight,my friend..that extra hour today,hasn't helped at all...I blame all my senility on that..any excuse eh ? xx
28 Oct, 2012
I didn't realise Gattina that you have awful weather least here its usually........fingers tightly crossed........not too extreme.......
As to extreme have you seen the news about the frankenstorm on its way to east coast america...?.
29 Oct, 2012
My goodness, yes, isn't that scary? And on such a huge scale, too. Those poor people. I'd be very frightened indeed. Yes, we get extremes of temperature and the dangers they bring, but on the whole, our valley is pretty sheltered from strong winds.
I suppose I should hesitate to tempt Providence like that - Daughter remarked to friend on Friday morning - "I've been driving for twenty years, 12 of those in Italy, and I've never been in an accident." Friday afternoon she was involved in a 6 car pile up on the Bologna ring-road and spent a lot of time in A & E feeling sore and sorry for herself. Luckily there was nothing worse than torn ligaments, bad bruising (seatbelt) to upper body and quite bad whiplash, but she's OK. Sod's law, isn't it? I wouldn't call myself particularly superstitious, but maybe I should edit that comment about not getting high winds here.
29 Oct, 2012
oh my dear... if its not one thing...its another as my mum used to say, what a relief that your daughter is ok....
I think that now you've spoken about it.....its not tempting fate any more!
I have a very superstitious friend ......drop a knife at your peril, someone else must pick it up......she worked as a kitchen assistant you can imagine the problems....:0))
don't split a newspaper......or put 2 spoon in a saucer.... this was before we all used mugs....the list was endless :0)
29 Oct, 2012
Oh no, Gattina, that's awful. I do hope she's feeling much better really soon.I'm also sending good thoughts to you too,as it must have been an terrible shock.
I don't really consider myself as superstitious, but..I hate to tempt have been known to 'touch wood' or throw salt over my left know about that don't you?
I think most of us have something which could be classed as superstitious by others. That's human nature.
29 Oct, 2012
Oh I used to do the "touching wood" bit too, but here, one touches iron instead (don't ask me why, it doesn't work any better) so we have to do both: you'd be surprised how little iron there is generally around one these days, so you are hastily saying "Tocca ferro!" and casting around for something that isn't metallic spray painted plastic.
It's strange how we say "I'm not really superstitious" and then list all the daft things we do. My Mum used to forbid the washing of anything on New Year's Day in our house ("Wash a clout on New Year's Day, wash a loved one's life away."), and we'd laugh at her but comply so as not to upset her, but I still find myself avoiding the washing machine each January 1st.
Is the throwing of salt over one's shoulder a peculiarly northern thing? My Dad's family always did it (as do I, still) but my Mum didn't. (she was a filthy southerner!)
29 Oct, 2012
I hope your daughter is recovering well too,Gattina.She was very lucky to get out of it intact,and no broken bones..
I guess she will be off work,or unable to drive for a while? .I hope her car wasn't badly damaged as well..
I won't walk under a ladder,only because the only time I did,I got clobbered under my nose with the wrong end of a seesaw,an hour later..:o) Not that I should have been there,in my best cream wool coat,on my way home from Sunday School..It was more polka dot,when I got home..only bigger dots ! Lol.
30 Oct, 2012
Oh Bloomer.....:0))
You throw salt over your left shoulder as thats where the devil sits.....and it hits him in the eye....
Told you, I worked with her for many years.......lovely lady though. :0)
30 Oct, 2012
Well, I suppose someone had to........
30 Oct, 2012
What,..the devil,Pam ? Lol.:o))..
30 Oct, 2012
Fascinating.....just googled it.....
At the last supper.....see the painting....Judas is shown spilling salt and, like sitting 13 at the table said to be bad luck, treachery and lies.....
The Devil is supposed to creep up on your left( it says? ) side and so you are throwing salt in the devils eyes......
30 Oct, 2012
Your poor daughter Gattina, lucky she wasn't badly injured .... or unlucky to be involved in an accident? Hope she's feeling better now?
Shoes on the table very unlucky (mum) and spill salt and it summons the devil and, like you say Pam, you must throw some over your left shoulder. Problem is I always forget which shoulder, and although I'm not superstitious in the least ...... I have to throw it over both my shoulders because I forget which one and want to make sure lol:-)
30 Oct, 2012
If you don't get him the first time Ba...You'll get him on the way back!
30 Oct, 2012
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That's great to know that you were all able to meet up and enjoy lunch together :o)
25 Oct, 2012