The Bug bites.
By waddy
I’ve just had a lovely time reading some your Blogs and looking back so many garden pictures.
At the moment, I’m laid up with a rather nasty bug, which has well and truly bitten me.
I’m suffering aches and pains. a horrid sore throat and swollen glands. To be honest, even if I went out into the garden, I haven’t the energy to do anything.
So thanks everyone for helping to cheer me up. :)
13 Jan, 2014
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Hello Waddy get well from me too .
And keep drinking plenty fluids.
13 Jan, 2014
Hi Waddy I second that , get well soon spring is just around the corner :0)
13 Jan, 2014
Oh dear, yet another has fallen to the evil of the virus.
I am so sorry and hope that you will feel a lot better soon.
As Scotkat said, drink plenty and have the Paracetomols handy every few hours.
Get well soon.
13 Jan, 2014
Get well soon :)
13 Jan, 2014
Hope you are soon feeling better Waddy.
13 Jan, 2014
Thanks everyone. I'm sat with my feet up at present, glass in hand ( no not alcoholic!) watching 'The Great Garden Revival' BBC2. Now I want a fruit tree in my garden...but which one?
13 Jan, 2014
Oh dear,Waddy..that sounds nasty..I hope you feel better soon..lots of drinks etc...Honey to sooth your throat,is good,in hot milk..I have just got over mine ,I think,but it wasn't the same symptoms as your virus...stay home and keep warm xxxx
13 Jan, 2014
get well soon.
13 Jan, 2014
Sorry to hear you're not well. Your symptoms sound nasty. I hope you'll be better soon. Take care ...
13 Jan, 2014
Poor you Waddy. Best not to try going outside anyway - armchair gardening only for a little while please! Hope you feel better soon.
13 Jan, 2014
Sorry to hear that Waddy, hope you are feeling better soon...
13 Jan, 2014
Oh dear Waddy! Sorry you are feeling so unwell. Hope feel better soon...whiskey helps with the sore throat I find! :)
14 Jan, 2014
I too have suffered and know now I am like you, vunerable to viral infections. Best to keep away from people Waddy, and always wipe around your mouth, nose, and ears before you go into shops for the essentials, on buses, or planes with Boots antiseptic wipes.
Years ago the medics used to say we caught infections only by personal contact. Now we know they were wrong.
14 Jan, 2014
Get well soon Waddy, it can take its time at this time of the year. Hope you feel better soon.
14 Jan, 2014
Thanks again everyone. I'm doing my best to be positive, but it's not always easy, especially when you're married to a man who throws germs off like a discarded jumper. :(
Ah, well, it's our turn to look after our little ray of sunshine tomorrow. No doubt that will cheer me up, even if I will be shattered afterwards!
14 Jan, 2014
wishing you a speedy recovery from me too Waddy.
14 Jan, 2014
Hope you are better soon, Waddy. Roll on spring! Here we have everlasting rain, but snowdrops are blooming.
15 Jan, 2014
Rub that man all over with Antiseptic Wipes. Cant do any harm.
16 Jan, 2014
My goodness Diane, which man would that be??
Thanks everyone, your kind wishes are really appreciated.
Finally gave in yesterday and went to see the Doctor. Turns out it's not a Virus after all, but a nasty infection of my throat and glands. Probably courtesy of my little granddaughter, bless her. Ah well, she's worth it. Now on a massive dose of Antibiotics, so I should be fighting fit really soon, fingers crossed!
17 Jan, 2014
hope the antibiotics sort you out soon. my Oh has 2 weeks off work and has been struck down by similar illness ..just hope he keeps it to himself...
17 Jan, 2014
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Hi Waddy ..
get well soon !!! xxx
13 Jan, 2014