Not guilty.
By waddy
I have always fed the birds in my garden, especially during the cold winter months. I have a bird table with various ‘hangers’ and also a tray underneath for the ‘ground feeders.’ Some of you may also remember my posting of a ‘squirrel feeder’ my OH made, which is filled with peanuts. I therefore considered I was doing my bit for the local wildlife. So I was a bit miffed the other day, to find some of my low, small tubs had obviously had little paws digging away, I assumed to get at the bulbs.
I blamed the squirrel, and as I swept up, muttering under my breath of ungrateful critters. This morning however, as I drew back the bedroom curtains I caught a completely different visitor to the ‘ground feeder’ tray, a tiny little mouse. He soon saw my movement and scampered underneath a group of nearby planters.
Was I unfairly blaming the squirrel for digging in my pots? Could this be the guilty party I wonder?
26 Jan, 2014
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It's always a love/hate thing with most gardeners. I remember my Dad saying that the old farmers always planted veggies thinking about the share of crops and to whom "goes the spoils"... planting enough that each got a share. But with flowers it really does take on an adversarial character, doesn't it? In the cold deprivation of winter the laws of nature take over in what seems to us a cruel way. Yesterday I watched, horrified, as a Shrike killed and ate a little downy woodpecker not ten feet from my carefully tended feeder. It was an aspect of assistance that I had only seen once before when a hawk swooped in and made off with one of the little squirrels, and though I never want to see again...I will continue to feed. I am constantly trying to keep the mice out of the house...and Rufus?...welllll. fingers crossed for your bulbs, Waddy!
26 Jan, 2014
we have mice here they always every year burrow in and under autumn crocus and manage to bring them to the surface, and that starts another cycle ,basil is a very good mouser so you can imagine what that area looks like,and it carries on until he gets em or they leave every year but i suppose it,s nature ,
26 Jan, 2014
I thought so too Feverfew, now I'm not so sure...
Oh my goodness,Lorilyn, I've just looked up Shrike and I don't think we have any near here, but they are a lovely looking bird aren't they? I'm with you on keeping feeding and so long as Micky (or Minnie) stay outside, I've no real problem, so long as he doesn't do too much damage to my bulbs, but if he comes indoors, that will be a whole different matter!
Snoopy, you're so right, that is nature and I believe in working with her, whenever may I borrow Basil?
26 Jan, 2014
I guess I maligned my poor Rufus just a tad...He is great outdoors...even rousts the squirrels and chipmunks but indoors he is a little confused as to what is game and what is I have a Degu (Rupert) and Rufus likes to watch him run on his wheel...but yesterday I caught him up to his elbows (thro the bars) trying to get at Rupert! He doesn't seem as motivated to chase the mice who've been seen in the porch and kitchen... oh dear.
Interesting point you made Snoopy ..about the role the mice inadvertently play with your crocus. paying closer attention now, thanks.
26 Jan, 2014
It could certainly be mice, they played havoc in the greenhouse a couple of winters ago.
26 Jan, 2014
The mice dig in my garden and make holes and disappear into them. lol. it is quite fascinating watching them as they scurry around, the dog gets awfully confused as to where they go to. lol.
27 Jan, 2014
We get rats too, sorry folks but it is always the case if you feed the birds you will get rats that help themselves, part of the living world, but they do not live long if the oh has anything to do with it, his little bucket of poison is soon out and his rat feeders under the sheds are filled. Hate rats but can tolerate mice. lol. silly isn't it!
27 Jan, 2014
Squirrels dug up my little daff bulbs several years ago and they are now growing very nicely the other side of the fence by the village pond! A kind Goyer (Amy) sent me some replacements which are growing safely in pots now and the miniature iris bulbs I grew this year I protected until the shoots showed through :)
27 Jan, 2014
Hello Waddy ...
fascinating thoughts ... :o)
27 Jan, 2014
Oh Lorilyn I had quite a laugh as I pictured Rufus with his elbows through Rupert's cage!
SG, I'm now going to be keeping an eye open in the greenhouse.
Olive.. Rats!!! Noooooo! I can't even bear thinking about that. Mice I can cope with but definitely not Rats.
27 Jan, 2014
Unfortunately even though I have 3cats and 2dogs I also have visitors in my bottom g'house, I haven't seen them just the evidence left behind as they've been in eating my apples, I think whatever it is, that its living under my shed which is next to the g'house....
27 Jan, 2014
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I don't think so, it's usually the squirrels who do the digging in pots. In one place where I lived I planted a lot of crocuses & was looking forward to the blooms. Never got a one as the many squirrels there ate the shoots off when they grew. Not a favourite form of wildlife with me!
26 Jan, 2014