New tablet
By waddy
I’ve finally got my tablet and I must admit it’s great. I’m still getting used to some of it’s functions one of which is the photo gallery. It not only stores pictures I have taken, but ones sent to me via email,which is handy.
The first photo is one sent by my daughter in law of my Granddaughter, Freya after she couldn’t decide which has toy to take to bed with her.
The rest are just one or two I practiced with round the garden.
Thanks for looking ?
12 Jun, 2015
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my IPad is rubbish for taking photos....yours is great!
12 Jun, 2015
Thanks Karen, it's confession time I'm afraid, the lawn is faux grass. ;) I've also realised my three pics of the garden have repeated but I'm not sure why. Something else for me to read up on lol!
12 Jun, 2015 fessed up....tbh, the thought did cross my mind...I mean, that's really perfect turf you've got there! :))
12 Jun, 2015
Lol, I never could tell lies.
12 Jun, 2015
Me neither. :)
12 Jun, 2015
My tablets a Samsung like my phone and I love it.....and apps....such fun xxx
I've been watching the rain and storms head up country on the Netweather storm radar app ....its very accurate.
12 Jun, 2015
When I read the title of your blog I thought you had changed your medication lol It takes a while for new meanings to sink in with me :(
Your photos are good.
How could Freya chose between all those lovely toys !
12 Jun, 2015
Julia love your teacups and teapot in the garden.
12 Jun, 2015
The tea cups are good fun....O bet Freya likes those.
12 Jun, 2015
Nice to see the jar waterfall again - really do love it!
12 Jun, 2015
Waddy I love my Ipad you will wonder how you lived without it LOL ! Lovely photos of your garden and Freya looks an absolute treasure .
12 Jun, 2015
Julia, congratulations on the new tablet. I still use my old desktop. It's big as a T-rex but still runs great. I loved what little I've seen of you garden; more! more! more! please! The tea set and tipped urn are mint!
13 Jun, 2015
It's all looking great,Julia,and I'm glad you are now the boss,in control of your tablet! :o) did you get my last email,by the way ??
Love the photo of Freya,all snuggled up..same with Thomas when he comes to of his toys is almost as big as him ! Lol..The Faux grass looks so natural too,unlike some I've seen..
13 Jun, 2015
Pamg: Mine is also a Samsung and I'm already wondering why on earth I didn't get one before now.
Hywel: Don't be fooled, I'm no techie either, it's just that my trusty Laptop was on its last legs and I thought it was time I moved with the times.
Scotkat, and Paulspatch: Thank you...I love quirky things.
Steragram: Thank you, glad you like it.
Kidsgran: I love it already. :) Thank you for your kind comments too.
Bathgate: We have a saying here 'if it ain't broken, don't fix it' unfortunately my laptop is only hanging on by a thread, so I suppose you could say it was broken. So glad you like what you've seen of my little plot, I'll post more photos in the future.
Bloomer: Apologies, yes I did get your last email, I'm rather behind with my replies I'm afraid, been making the most of the lovely weather. I think all children are the same at bedtime, don't you? I can clearly remember Chris had so many toys in bed there was hardly room for him! I will email you later today :)
13 Jun, 2015
Snap - I've just been given a tablet for my birthday and took my first photos today. Great fun but I think I need a bit more practice as my hand appeared in a lot of the pictures :)
13 Jun, 2015
No problem Julia..just wondered if you got it ok..:o) too true,same here.making the most of the weather :o) x
13 Jun, 2015
All you tablet users - how do you get on with typing?I had a little play with one in Tesco yesterday. it looks like a long slow job writing anything longer than a few words when you are used to using several fingers rather than just a stylus? Suppose you want to write a full page of A4? I don't even want to change to a laptop but fear my trusty dinosaur might be on its last legs alas.
13 Jun, 2015
I'm loth to move on too,Sue,but I do love my laptop,and find it easier to type,as I need a bigger keyboard as my eyesight isn't good..I was bought a new phone 4 years ago,and the digits were far too small for me to use..It is still in it's box !They have moved on a lot since then with much more you can do on them,but I will stick with what I'm used to,and can see what I'm doing..I still use my first very old Phone,but only if I need to. ..
13 Jun, 2015
I'm very pleased with my tablet but I must admit for typing anything more than a few words I use my laptop - I was originally a shorthand typist so using both hands is more natural for me too. The tablet is great for games (I love logic puzzles, word games, etc) and I can take it to bed with me, along with my Kindle :) I can't get on with mobile phones, texting, I have to spell everything correctly or the ghost of my English teacher would haunt me! My phone is a Dora, big keys and simplicity :)
13 Jun, 2015
The garden is looking great Gee. Love the teacups, they look fab in that border.
Your granddaughter is a sweetie. It's no wonder she couldn't pick between all those lovely toys
I love my iPad, so much easier than trying to convince the laptop to work lol. I have used mine to type long emails etc, it's not too bad with two handed typing if you use it in a landscape orientation. But if you don't get on with it yourself you could always try one of the wireless keyboards. My colleague has one that is built into his iPad case, it's great, so easy to use.
13 Jun, 2015
Thanks for your comments everyone. With regards to typing on the tabelt. I find it quite easy to use both hands if the screen is set at 'landscape ' and due to its age, much faster than my old laptop. Incidentally Gee,did you realise you can use it instead of your Kindle? You just need to download the app.
14 Jun, 2015
Yes, Waddy, I did and I have the app. My grandchildren bought me a Kindle that I can read outside though so I am enjoying sitting in the garden reading and relaxing too. It is very small and I love it :)
14 Jun, 2015
Goodness - go on like this and you'll be half way to convincing me! But I don't play games, or Skype,a nd I still like books made of paper! What would happen to libraries if we all abandoned "proper" books?
Cheers, from dinsosaur.
14 Jun, 2015
Oops sorry waddy no idea how I got you and Gee mixed up there - must be the wine lol.
Stera I still love proper books, but my Nook is brilliant when I go away. Now I can take hundreds of books with me. Only downside is it runs out of power lol and most airlines won't let you use them for take off or landing.
14 Jun, 2015
I held out against the Kindle for a long time but have no regrets. I like hardback books, reference books etc but all my paperbacks have gone. It was a wrench but got easier :)
14 Jun, 2015
Something to be said for both books and kindles. I still have both, some books are quite expensive to download plus I also like a 'proper' book, which according to research are still selling well. However I still like my Kindle Paperwhite for holidays. Samip if you change your setting to 'flight mode' you should be fine on aeroplanes. Sorry to hear your battery doesn't last long though.
15 Jun, 2015
Waddy even in flight mode (although on my nook it's more a case of switching off the wifi - my old Sony didn't even have that) most airline staff tell me to switch it off during take off and landing. The only thing I can think is they don't know what it is. I've never had any issues during the flight though.
To be fair the nook battery usually lasts me a couple of weeks. This holiday I've had to charge it twice lol - just shows how much I'm reading really. I'm not convinced it's charging fully over here (Florida) though, which could also explain it. Plus the heat could be affecting it.
16 Jun, 2015
Sorry you're having problems, but good to know you're still enjoying reading :)
16 Jun, 2015
I thought it was time I came and checked you out , so to speak ! I must admit I'm a bit lazy on looking at everyones blogs and seem to stick to my "favourites" ! When they come up , I'm notified , so don't have to do anything else !
Perhaps I should put you all as favourites, then I can just click on the blogs...but when would I get my garden done !
I love what I have seen of your garden Waddy and love the tea set . How on earth did you do that ! I'm hoping to see pictures of your roses too !
22 Jun, 2015
Glad you like the tea cups etc, I explained how they came about in an earlier blog. My roses are just starting to bloom so keep watching, Rose ;)
22 Jun, 2015
I'll check out your blogs then Waddy ! And...definitely will be looking out for your roses !
25 Jun, 2015
Being non technical ....does the lower voltage in the States affect the charging time I wonder.......
the other thing I do if my Samsug is slow is to clear the history on the internet...I 'save pages' I want to keep.....
i said before Ilove my kindle....and apps..Paul hollywood baking book for colour on the tablet....
still love real books too ☺
25 Jun, 2015
I've wondered if that was the issue Pam. It probably didn't help that one of the plug converters was loose in the socket and kept falling out lol.
Wow 99p where did you find that?
27 Jun, 2015
Rose I sympathise - I only have one or two official favourites that I made when I first joined, because I soon decided I didn't want to miss anything and stopped adding any! So now I'm a sad person who looks at everything, and everybody (nearly) is an "unregistered" favourite. (If you only ever look at favourites how do you ever find any new ones?)
It does take a lot of time, but then we don't have a telly....
The drawback is I don't get notified of photos.
Interested in all your comments about tablets. I was wondering about the Hudle2 as I have some Tesco coupons and could get £80 off this month - what do you think?
28 Jun, 2015
You are right Steragram, I know you are, but with having an allotment and garden , plus hubby to look after and all the household jobs and I do like my soaps ! Well...Emerdale mainly , but we have got into a routine where we always watch something together at 9pm. If its a nice night , then I'm out in the garden ! If I wake up extra early, which isn't often, then I come on here then and catch up ! Come winter, then I have more time !
28 Jun, 2015
Has it a camera Stera?......I do rememberlooking at it before the samsung, amazon fire as well....I thnk you need to 'test drive'them thats how I decided I preferres samsung to lenovo and ipads...
kindle deal of the day on Amazon Samjp....I get a daily email usually 3 or more books that are cheaper just for the one day, tomorrow they back to the normal price....
can you still be a bookworm with ebooks ?
29 Jun, 2015
Ahh of course kindle deals. Only draw back is the books won't work on my e-reader. Ahh well have iPad as well lol.
I've not tried the huddle stera. Know several people with a kindle who love them - but my mom has struggled to convert her old Ebooks into kindle format so has lost them, whereas I've had no problems with the nook. One thing I would say is if your looking for an e-reader rather than a tablet make sure it has a "paperwhite" screen, those types are readable in pretty much any light, including bright sunlight, unlike the glossy surface of a tablet. One of the things I like about my nook is the backlight. My old Sony had a separate light you could buy, being built into the case made it pretty handy but the lighting effect it created could be a bit interesting. Having the option to backlight the screen is much kinder on the eyes I find.
30 Jun, 2015
Bother, I wrote a reply to Pam yesterday and must have neglected to press send. The Samsung does look good but I wasn't thinking of spending that much without knowing if it would get used much. I didn'tnotice whether the Hudl has a camera.
I'm not clear about what I'd use it for actually. I've seen the paperwhite screen and it does look much easier to read than the others.I'd never heard of a Nook.
It was the opportunity to use my Tesco coupons to get £50 off that g0t me dithering but I guess it must be one of those things where you don't know what you'd use it for until you had one, rather like a microwave used to be. Its all very confusing...
30 Jun, 2015
I had an e-reader long before I had a tablet, now I have both lol. Even though I can read books on my tablet I still prefer my e-reader for that, partly because of the papewhite screen (there's no way I can use my iPad in the sun) and partly because of the size. My book is far more comfortable to hold. I decided to get an iPad instead of replacing my laptop and I'm glad I did. I will still replace the laptop eventually as there are things which are easier on that, plus it's handy for storing photos. But I pick up my iPad ahead of the laptop for just surfing the Internet. I even took it on holiday with me, great for playing games on.
Nook is from Barnes and noble, I hadn't heard of it until I got it lol, but so far I've been quite pleased with it. It does have wifi, but it's only for downloading books from the nook store i think. Don't think I've used it yet though.
I dithered for ages about getting an e-reader, it felt wrong giving up paperbacks (although I still have loads which I read occasionally) and I wasn't sure if use it much. As it happens I use it pretty much every day. I like the convenience of having 200 books at my fingertips. I like that it's slim I can carry it in several of my handbags and it's fairly lightweight (far lighter than some of the bigger books). It's easy to read when I'm having tea (if im feeling antisocial - happens a lot lol) I can put it by my plate and not have to deal with pages constantly closing on you. The only downside is having it run out of power at key moments in a book lol, that and most airlines not letting you use it for take off or landing.
I think it's safe to say I'm an e-reader convert lol.
1 Jul, 2015
Everybody seems to like them! thank you all for interesting info.
1 Jul, 2015
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14 Apr, 2011 even got them all the right way up on my laptop! Brilliant.j Love the last picture...your lawn looks perfect!
12 Jun, 2015