Pre Holiday Snaps..
By waddy
We’re due to go on holiday next week for a couple of weeks, so I thought I’d take a few pics around the garden just as a record.
The last blooms on the Camillia
Alliums. I love their flowers, but hate the untidy leaves. I might have to find something to underplant them next year, to hide the leaves…any suggestions?
Aquilegia. Name?
I don’t know the name of this one either..
This is Barlow Black. Not quite black but very deep all the same
Hosta rescued from a friends compost heap!
Bluebells…English I hope!
Euphorbia Fireglow
Aquilegia Candy Mix
Aquilegia ??
Aquilegia Spring Magic
Ceanothus Blue Mound. It’s just coming into bloom so no doubt will look it’s best while we are away.
Euphorbia Cyparissias, rescued from my son’s garden.
Choisya Ternata in full bloom and it smells wonderful.
Narcissus Sun Disc. They’ve almost finished now, but they’ve been super.
I’ve always understood this was Viburnum Snowball, but now I’m not so sure???
Thanks for looking. :)
7 May, 2017
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They all look great, I do love Euphorbias. My Snowball isn't out yet, but I'm hoping soon. Have no idea about the names of the Aquilegias, they seed so much, not sure if they seed true - others will know.
Have a great holiday, there's lots more to come in the garden and you'll get to spy on everyone else's garden while you are away.
7 May, 2017
You have some lovely colour, Waddy.....Funnily enough, I photographed that Euphorbia 'Fireglow' yesterday at RHS Hyde was stunning and very aptly named. Have a great holiday....hop ethe weather warms up if holidaying in this country.
7 May, 2017
Gosh, you've got some lovely aquilegias there, and I love that Viburnum. Have a great holiday! :)
7 May, 2017
Thanks everyone. I'm glad I was right about the Viburnum. We're off to Cyprus actually so that I can celebrate a...ahum...special birthday, in the sunshine and warmth :))
7 May, 2017
Oh how lovely. Make sure you get up to the Caledonian falls in the Troodos! Its like Scotland, but warm! Heaven ? We've been twice to Cyprus...I love it. Would go there again and again. Paphos is where we were. Aphrodite Hills resort. Very nice indeed!
7 May, 2017
Thanks for the tip Karen, we'll try to take a look. We're planning to visit the Botanical garden in the Troodos.
7 May, 2017
I love those blue Aquilegias! Sorry to quarrel with GG but I'm sure those bluebells are Spanish ones or possibly hybrids. The bells on the English ones all hang to the same side and the stems tend to nod over at the top. Also the leaves are less broad.. We have both round here, plus all the hybrids - removing the Spanish ones is a really put off-able job as they re so pretty but I will have to do it as they spread so fast and spoil the wild English ones.
7 May, 2017
Enjoy your vacation
7 May, 2017
"Sorry to quarrel with GG but I'm sure those bluebells are Spanish ones or possibly hybrids."
Dont be daft everyone knows ask a garden question and get several different replies , have to agree they do look suspect , pollen is the best way to check.
8 May, 2017
Lovely display,Julia,and I love both the Euphorbia too.Your Choisya Ternata is stunning,and my neighbour's is like yours,so I get to look at his from my kitchen :o) I have 'Sundance,'which isn't as spectacular in flower..Have a wonderful holiday,and see you when you get back..xx
8 May, 2017
Oh dear Stera and GG it looks like they'll have to go. I did plant some English ones last year in the hope they'd spread...looks like Spain won!
8 May, 2017
Waddy, I know what you mean about the dying foliage of Alliums, not a pretty sight! That Hosta looks far too good to have gone on the compost heap, well done on rescuing it. I love Aquilegias and yours are gorgeous, I've given up trying to remember all the names and just enjoy the flowers. Have a great holiday ... :o)
8 May, 2017
Thanks Sandra. I'll be in touch.
8 May, 2017
Thanks Shirley, I'll do my best. :)
8 May, 2017
Love the new avatar ... :o))
8 May, 2017
Me too...very cute!
8 May, 2017
Lovely plants and colour around your garden safe journey to your holidays.
8 May, 2017
I love your new Avatar too,Julia..I'm sure it was the other one,when I posted! I know my eyesight is bad,but I couldn't have missed this new one of Freya and Eliza..or could I ? it's a lovely photo..I think I'm due for a change of mine too..:o) xx
8 May, 2017
With regards to my new avatar. Their mum sent this latest pic to me yesterday and I couldn't resist using it straight away as a screen saver. They may look angelic, but don't you believe it!! Nevertheless, thanks for your kind words. ☺☺
8 May, 2017
Have a great birthday celebration in the sunshine, love the pictures and the avatar. Happy Birthday when it arrives. xxx B
11 May, 2017
Hi Julia ..Super selection of pics.
13 May, 2017
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Have a great time and no talking to strangers !!
Viburnum Snowball looks like mine and mine called the same.
Great photos , Your bluebells look like english but the easy way to tell it should have creamy white pollen if blue pollen they are Spanish.
7 May, 2017