FED UP! Who's fed up?
By wagger
Me, all this week. Nothing specific or huge but loads of niggles starting with being stung on the neck by a bee whilst patiently waiting at a cash machine. This was followed by a horsefly bite about a centimetre away. Result one very sore neck and one very irritated old whinger. Then I found ANOTHER pot seething with ants – where do they all come from? Couple that with warm, humid nights making sleep very difficult – nigh on impossible for more than an hour at a stretch and I had a very bad week!!!!!!
Solution? Retail therapy of course!
I feel much better now!
9 Aug, 2009
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I thought I might not be alone in this.
9 Aug, 2009
I'm glad you're feeling better and I totally approve of the method you used :o) I hope your stung neck is better too. Sleep well !
9 Aug, 2009
Goodness, I hope you've room for all those :)
9 Aug, 2009
Hope your neck dos'nt keep you awake too.
I'm going to try that retail therapy tomorrow, I got stung with a nettle that had grown from nowhere whilst we away on holiday, damn thing bit me back as I was pulling it, just above the glove line too .... ouch!
9 Aug, 2009
What a lovely trolley load, if that doesn't cheer you up, nothing will! Sun shining too (here anyway)
10 Aug, 2009
bless your heart
these look fab
x x x
10 Aug, 2009
Ooooh! What can I spot in there? Achillea, Rudbeckia, Leucanthemum, Helenium...a Salvia? Gaillardias? And what's that lovely magenta one? Is that a dark-leaved Geranium on the bottom?
What a great mixture - well chosen, Wagger... :-)))
That will definitely make you feel better. xxxxx
10 Aug, 2009
See every bee sting has a retail outing...
Always look on the bright side of life
de dum, de dum, de dum, de de de ,dee!
10 Aug, 2009
Much better, thanks Hywel. Still not sleeping though - thinking over my planting plan, lol.
Nursery bed to start with, Gee - new bed looming later.
I think nettles are getting more vicious, Bob - each sting tingles for days after. Hope your enjoyed your spot of RT,
Yes, it cheered me up no end, Lily. No sun but still so humid the dew was dripping off my nose!
Many thanks Mookins - I feel blessed.
Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes, Spritz. The salvia is Mystic Spires, a really vivid true blue. There's a Heuchera 'Georgia Peach', another crocosmea, a white japanese anemone, the magenta is Astrantia Venice and yes, it's a geranium - Black Beauty.
My first bee sting wasn't followed by a retail outing, Indy - I was about eight at the time, lol.
10 Aug, 2009
Ooooh! I got sent some 'Black Beauty' seeds today - I do hope one at least looks like that! :-)
10 Aug, 2009
bet your parents got you an ice cream or some such treat though eh!
10 Aug, 2009
Huh! The treat was a treatment called 'blue bag' which was supposed to take the sting away - it was really sold as a washing aid to whiten your white sheets.
"and you can stop that grizzling!"
11 Aug, 2009
I always think of 'Bicarb for bees, and Winegar for wasps'!
Actually, they do work - but what would help ease a horsefly sting, I haven't a clue!
Dock leaves are great for soothing nettle stings, too. I'm always getting them when I walk Henry.
11 Aug, 2009
See they bagged you up straight away, and thereby conditioned your as yet undeveloped childs brain into associating bags with bees, ( I honestly dont know just how much further i can legitimately push this one) thus your shopping impulse to"stop the grizzling!
I think we were born too early wagger i got the same treatment cept my mum always got it wrong and put vinegar on bee stings and bluebag on wasps, gave up tellin her in the ensd as it only mad e it worse!!!LOL!
11 Aug, 2009
What was in those 'blue bags'??
11 Aug, 2009
Soda crystals
11 Aug, 2009
AND you can still buy it at the Carbolic Soap Company for 99p per cube. It's a combination of a synthetic ultramarine (made by combining china clay, soda ash, and trace sulfur) and sodium bicarbonate. That's the end of the chemistry lesson.
11 Aug, 2009
Ah yes! The 'Dolly Blue' bag....meant for adding to the final rinse of the 'whites' wash to remove the yellow tinge from white cotton and linen ( doesn't work for synthetics, which didn't exist in the days when Dolly Blue was invented ). I still buy 'Dolly Blue' because it does work. And yes, it IS good for most insect bites, dampened and dabbed on.
Why 'Dolly'? Nothing to do with toys, the 'Dolly' was the posser type thing they used ( three legged, wooden, long handled ) in the wash tub.
Why posser????
Oh Gawd, I dunno!
11 Aug, 2009
WAOOOUUUW!!! you folks know your stuff, I remember my gran used to give me her gt go faster dolly and stick me in the bath with the whites and sheets, hers was a copper half football shape with a closed ens and holes in it that you plunged up and down with all sorts of slurpy f**ty noises hilarious for the first 2 mins then damn hard work for the next 1'2 hour, lol
11 Aug, 2009
I've still got a copper 'half football' posser, Indy, but as I also have a perfectly good washing machine, I use my posser for storing the kitchen roll on! Perfect...and a lot less work!
11 Aug, 2009
Youve STILL got one (says he unbelievingly) show them a pic and write a blog about it, so us oldies can witter on into the twiglet!!!
11 Aug, 2009
Oh h-ll. Indy...it'd bore them to death!
Hang on while I find my camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And less of the old, young man.
11 Aug, 2009
Thats the style hit em with a bit of nostrilsalgia,Turn it upside down stick a few leaves on the bottom and tell em its an oriental plant newly discovered, they'll never know, gi' it a polish up first though
11 Aug, 2009
I remember my nan's "dolly" thingie, a sort of wooden tub with a stick and arms to push up and down - and a wash board, and a mangle, and 2 irons she'd heat on the cooker - dear god, I'm older than I thought I was...
13 Aug, 2009
We're probably all older than we thought we were, Bamboo!
14 Aug, 2009
Shh - we mustn't let the younger members know how old we really are - keep kidding them we're all young whippersnappers (they won't know what that means).
14 Aug, 2009
I AM young it was only a week or so ago I was eighteen as i remember...
15 Aug, 2009
There's a story in the news today about a young policewoman of 22 who not only didn't recognise Bob Dylan to look at, but didn't know his name when he told her who he was - she had to phone the station to confirm his identity. He'd been reported to the police as a "scruffy looking old man wandering around"... how things do change - reckon the "Hard Rain" is falling ...;-)
15 Aug, 2009
I saw it, Bamboo - it did make me laugh.
15 Aug, 2009
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Works every time!
9 Aug, 2009