When I go to bed
By wagger
When I go to bed I usually read for a while, it relaxes me before I sleep. The last few nights I’ve been dipping in and out of ‘Dear Friend and Gardener’, letters between Beth Chatto and Christopher Lloyd. Beth had rung Christo feeling sorrow and dismay at the death of Geoff Hamilton and Christo writes that he meant nothing to him, he thought him egocentric and nervous of competition, didn’t show a shred of humour on any programme and “joie de vivre” was not for him.
I am a great fan of both Geoff Hamilton and Christopher Lloyd and found it interesting that one should have such a low opinion of the other (the above is only part of what was written). Apparently the only time he was invited onto Gardeners World was when Geoff was ill and Steven Lacey was standing in for him. Now I would have thought that the content of the programme was planned months in advance but maybe I’m being unfair and it was arranged at really short notice – we’ll never know.
I will continue to be a fan of both.
11 Oct, 2009
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Never realised this Wagger esp upon receiving news of his death whilst admire his honesty would have thought some more charitable views may have been expressed about someone who meant a great deal to many.
Gardeners eh ..surprised anything manages to grow when we all differ in our opinions lol
Talking of gardeners can anyone explain what has happened to Alan Titchmarsh ..fortunately I m out when his daytime show is on but what exactly is he doing ? get a grip man you re from Yorkshire ..
11 Oct, 2009
Lol Bonkersbon about Alan Titchmarsh.
11 Oct, 2009
Aye Morgana surely far too knowledgable about gardening to be sat on a sofa sipping tea with minor celebrities ... he could be on here with us if at a loose end ..lol
11 Oct, 2009
He certainly could, giving us sound advice aswering our questions , he even has fake not live torpery sitting by him too , I could nt believe it.
11 Oct, 2009
Yep, I think I commented somewhere else that I thought Christopher Lloyd was an old snob, and this was exactly the comment in this book you mention that gave me the impression. I didn't particularly care for him then, and I don't much like him now! Geoff Hamilton, on the other hand, did more than Lloyd ever could to bring gardening within the reach and pocket of many, many people, and he had what's called, I believe, 'the common touch'. Something Lloyd wouldn't want to be associated with, I imagine. I somehow doubt that the 'commonalty' was for him!
Lloyd was a great exponent of clashing colours, though, and a fine gardener ( well, gardening writer...the two ain't necessarily the same and I daresay he had 'men' in to do the heavy, dirty work ) in his own right.
We can't expect everyone to get on, though, can we? Wouldn't it be a nice world if they did?
I gave my copy of the Chatto/Lloyd book to a charity shop. I still have all the ones written by Geoff Hamilton!
11 Oct, 2009
I agree wholeheartedly with Bscott regarding their personalities I appreciated Chrisotpher Lloyds plantings and read his column but learnt so much more from Geoff Hamilton. Didn't shed a tear when Christopher Lloyd died but wept buckets when Geoff Hamilton did.
As for books I still have GH's books, love Margery Fish's book Carefree Gardening and one written by the actor Richard Briers, A Little Light Weeding which is great for just dipping into. I miss my copy of For the Love of a Rose which I have lost. All my others are reference books..
11 Oct, 2009
I've got this book, too. I shall have to read it again! I admired his work at Great Dixter, and I went there several times when we lived in Kent. A real 'wow' place! Yes, he did get his hands dirty when he was younger and in full health.
Beth Chatto - well, her books are just fascinating! Her garden is amazing as well.
Geoff? What can you say - he was a gardener's gardener. Sorely missed, with no 'heir apparent', really.
WHAT does our Alan think he's doing?? :-((
11 Oct, 2009
I'm not of the same general opinion everywhere that Geoff Hamilton could do no wrong but I did enjoy his time on Gardeners World although I enjoyed the Alan Titchmarsh era even more (much to my surprise). Have only seen bits of his daytime show but do wish he'd come out and get 'dirty' again, don't like the scrubbed look. I find Christopher Lloyd's writing witty and like his disregard for conventions especially as regards colour. An individualist in all things it seems and snob definitely!
11 Oct, 2009
I thought the quote 'nervous of competition' explained it Wagger (a poor boss does not like to give a bright youngster a chance) What a shame.
11 Oct, 2009
I suppose we're all entitled to our opinions. I think you'd be surprised at what I think of some GoY members... lol ( or maybe you wouldn't )
I liked Geoff though. I think I could talk to him.
Christopher Lloyd on the other hand seemed rather aloof to me. I think I'd have difficulty and feel awkward in his company.
That doesn't mean I don't respect him and his gardening. From the photos I've seen he had a wonderful place and he seemed to take an active interest in it right up to the end.
11 Oct, 2009
My Mum adored Geoff Hamilton...she found him so informative. down to earth & keen to get everyone interested in what he loved.
11 Oct, 2009
Jury's 'out' folks! I just thought Lloyd's attitude towards Hamilton was a bit 'peevish' and ungracious for one of his 'breeding'....and I can afford to say that, as I don't have any. If one had inherited a place like Great Dixter, surely one would be interested in it!
I'm very 'iffy' about Alan Titchmarsh, bit too much of the 'professional Yorkshireman' and media 'star' about him for my liking, and I neither like nor much appreciate his 'saucy' manner, full of 'cheeky' innuendoes, rather cheap. I gather some women find him attractive. Some of his books are excellent, though, and he does write well, and is a very practiced self-publicist, so I'm on the fence, really!
Geoff was and always will be my favourite, there's nobody out there now to match him, in my opinion. Having said that, the entire television genre has become so celeb-centred ( Monty Don used to be a jewellery designer! ) that it's difficult to fathom where the urge for fame stops and the gardening begins.
11 Oct, 2009
I visited Great Dixter and loved both the gardens and the house. I also enjoyed listening to Christopher Lloyd talking about planting and colour. I loved the Geoff Hamilton programmes and also learnt a lot from them. I would like to visit his garden too sometime. It would be interesting to know what Geoff Hamilton thought of Christopher Lloyd?
11 Oct, 2009
Great Dixter for me is a testament to a talented gardener no matter the personality. What Alan Titchmarsh does now is what he did on Pebble mill before he became a TV gardener.
11 Oct, 2009
Woouldn't it just, Gee? I also wondered if somebody else edited the letters for this book and whether this was left in deliberately or just not noticed.
11 Oct, 2009
Perhaps the main difference is that Geoff Hamilton was a kind man you could admire and be fond of and Christopher Lloyd a man who's ideas you could admire. In his book 'Cuttings' his 'catty' side comes out when talking about visiting a garden of someone you dislike "don't be ashamed to let it confirm you in an inclusive repulsion" and "going around someones garden with a friend can be great fun, but keep your voices low" at least he was honest but possibly not a man you would want a visit from! I think the best thing about this site is there are no catty or snide remarks everyone is kind:-)
31 Oct, 2009
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This happens a lot in different area s of life, a man will see through another. Or if its class, I use to work for top men who owend large business s I heard one tell the other, about what to say to get one of his workers to do a job, you demorolise them and then they will do it, he replied. They tried this on me in order to get extra work out of me, but they met their match, and I told them to go forth and multipy, and left.
11 Oct, 2009