Early early fall flowers
The fourth Hedychium I have has finally opened. It is H. ‘Elizabeth’ and is a pink to apricot color.
Along with the Amaryllis belladonna ‘Fred Meyer White’
The species Amaryllis belladonna is also opening:
They thrive on neglect. All I do is take a strimmer to where they are at the beginning of August. No extra water, and often I don’t remove the dead leaves.
In the area of the Amaryllis (they are planted in the ground) are some Miscanthus. In the upper left is a loquat tree that will be flowering soon.
In the early spring, I cleaned up this area and pruned the Acacias. Pruning was easy – I just took a chainsaw and whacked off the top. It resprouts quickly, and now looks like a standard:
Of course, the daylilies continue…
And a first year blooming seedling [(Crystal Blue Persuasion x Carpathian Cavalier) x Galaxy Explosion]. This is 4" across, so is classified as small.
Then there is this:
It looks pretty, but it is the dreaded Ipomoea indica. It is up the street from me where people have yanked it out of their yards and just tossed it away. Being very invasive, it is spreading and killing everything that gets in its way.
6 Sep, 2019
Previous post: End of August flowers, second try
Next post: 2 Amaryllidaceae
Great to see so many of your plants doing so well, Wylie!
I have a couple of Amaryllis that are repeat flowering this year! One is now open on our living room table & the other has a scape halfway up to its eventual height in the kitchen! Later I'll upload a couple of pictures.
6 Sep, 2019
Thanks - I have found that there are several trees and shrubs I have that enjoy the hard prune method. I cut the plumbago all the way to the ground, and it is full of flowers (not surprising since it flowers on new wood). At the same time I cut a Paulownia off at 4 feet, and it has 6 foot branches now.
Balcony: Remember my Amaryllis are the species and not Hippeastrums. I am about to have flowers open on a xAmarygia - a cross between Amaryllis and Brugsvigia. And there are 3 Nerines about to open, so I will be trying to cross those. I favor the Amaryllidaceae that produce seeds that look like marbles or pearls.
7 Sep, 2019
some beautiful flowers there Wylie. shame about the ipomoea being such a thug. is it perennial or self seeding annuals?
10 Sep, 2019
It is a perennial here. It was discarded there only 3 years ago.
10 Sep, 2019
Thanks for that, Wylie. I find it interesting, no, fascinating the hybridization you do! Reminds me of when I was a boy in London & I tried to cross a Tulip with a Daffodil!!!
All my Hippeastrums are from my own seeds which are black & extremely flat with a tiny bump that is the actual seed, as the surroundings are like black crepe paper. I suppose this would help with their dispersal in the wild.
I was once sent some pollen by a lady in the USA who had plants in flower at the same time as me. I tried the pollen on some of the plants I had that were in flower when it arrived but only a few set seed & of those few only one or two ended up producing viable seeds. Even so I ended up with more seed than I knew what to do with! I send some of them to the lady in America but she never got back to me so I don't know how they did for her.
I ended up sowing a couple of seedtrays with lots of the seeds because I wasn't sure if they would germinate. but they did & I was overwhelmed with so many seedlings! I eventually went on to grow about 20 of the little plants which flowered in their 4th year. I have documented them here on GoY in various blogs over the years.
12 Sep, 2019
I don't know if you have seen it on eBay.co.uk, but there is a seller in Poland with some very rare Hippeastrum bulbs for sale. His shop is exceptional_plants, or try this link:
and then look at his other items. I just bought 2 Brunsvigias from him. Before you faint at the sight of the prices, the two I bought are actually less than what I expected them to be.
I spend the summer hybridizing daylilies, and the fall trying to cross Amaryllis. I have 4 Nerines about to open, and I'm hoping they will do it soon before the Amaryllis fade.
13 Sep, 2019
Thanks for that info, Wylie! I looked at the page you linked to & found the Brunsvigias as well as the other hippeastrums. The cost of postage alone is as much as you would pay for a Christmas Amaryllis here in the UK!
They are certainly lovely plants! But I shall just have to continue with mine.
16 Sep, 2019
One of the reasons my daylilies look the way they do is because I bought some expensive named plants to use. The world is about to get hit by a problem of rising postage costs. If it wasn't discussed on the Pacific Bulb Forum, I wouldn't have known that Trump is claiming the US is hit by unfair postage costs and wants to take the US out of the Universal Postal Union, which will have a ripple effect. Amazon has recently raised its mailing costs on the .co.uk site.
16 Sep, 2019
Recent posts by wylieintheazores
- Hippeastrums
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- Neomarica northiana
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The flowers are beautiful and I like your idea of pruning! Not sure some of our shrubs would tolerate quite such a 'hard' prune, though I did mutilate a couple of my shrubs this year, they may or may not survive!
The Ipomoeas look lovely, but that's only because we are used to the hedge bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis), I expect this is just as much a pest where you are - but it's till a stunning sight.
6 Sep, 2019