By Dottydaisy2
translated it means ‘Hello everybody.’ (you only have my word for this!!)
You remember my blog in the summer regarding the filming of our garden by the Japanese film company, NHK….. well we had an email this week to say there was to be a 45 min version of the NGS program, studio based, entertainment format, on Sat 25th Sept at 8 pm.and we were sent a link which eventually led us to a trailer…………and GUESS WHAT……Yes we were on the trailer , which was hilarious, I did not know I could speak Japanese!!!!
The 90 min documentary will be aired later next month, and we will be sent a DVD after the program has been show.
Now isn’t that a laugh?
24 Sep, 2010
Next post: IT"S JUST A PERFECT DAY.......
The other side of the world yet much the same yet much different, it would be interesting to know what Japanese viewers think of your garden. They probably think the things we find insignificant the most interesting.
24 Sep, 2010
How exciting.....I really hope the DVD meets all your expectations. It will be a different kind of gardening than the Japanese are familiar with I would think so they will likely enjoy it immensely. :)
24 Sep, 2010
Dotty you must be able to do a You Tube clip or something from it...I would love to watch :-)))))))))
24 Sep, 2010
You Tubeでそれを見ていいだろう。
25 Sep, 2010
Sorry Dotty,I got carried away there. LOL. I can't speak or write Japanese either, but I just found out how to use the translator bar on laptop. :o))))
25 Sep, 2010
Oh....do tell, LL....do all laptops perform the function of translation? It sounds intriguing. You're pretty good to get the Japanese up...and even with not being able to read the Japanese figures (they look so clear and crisp) they have an appeal all their own :)
25 Sep, 2010
Whistonlass, if you have'nt got it on your top toolbar, you can google translator and download free. Hope you have fun using it. LOL. :o)))
25 Sep, 2010
Ooo you might become really famous Dottydaisy!!! There will be Japanese tourists queuing up to come in the garden laden down with their cameras.
25 Sep, 2010
What do you think that says????????
I tried the translator on the toolbar - and I'm laughing my socks off here - it changed the WHOLE page into Japanese! LOL, LOL.
(I did copy and paste that first comment, in case you're wondering!)
25 Sep, 2010
Sixpence, the clip they used was me going weeeee heee and waving my arms around like a mad thing.
Heron apparently we were told that the Japanese love our gardens and are thinking of turning their beautiful gardens over to typically english ones!!
Annella I wonder if that would be possible?
Whistonlass I am not expecting much as there were many gardens photographed to make this program, if we get two mins shall be chuffed, it was the whole experience that we enjoyed, not very often you can say "as seen on Japanese TV"
Sewingkilla...our friends have been taking the mickey saying exactly the same thing lol.
And I used Google Translator, so useful, bought a very nice pud in France a mousse type\blancmange so will have to use it as all the instructions are in French....of course.
Spritz, I give in.....what does it say? Littlelegs......go on tell me then.
25 Sep, 2010
It says 'Well done'!!!! :-))))) (I think!)
25 Sep, 2010
Ha ha......thanks, I should have put that in Japanese shouldn't I? ahhhh so!!
25 Sep, 2010
(Bow) (Bow)...lol.
25 Sep, 2010
Lol Dottydaisy wonder how they would translate that in Japanese laughing thing about it.
25 Sep, 2010
Sixpence I will never know, the film crew wanted my reaction to the CO when she told me we had got into the Yellow Book.......... so I said I wanted to run around the lawn shouting weee heee, but of course I didn't, OH said very seriously that he was extremely pleased and honoured to have been accepted, he has more decorum lol
25 Sep, 2010
Lol next time give him a drink before they come losen him up hehe.
25 Sep, 2010
Wheeeeeeeee Heeeeeeeeee Dotty :-)))))))
25 Sep, 2010
Lol Annella :o)))
25 Sep, 2010
Would like to see it on you tube.
( as translated above )
I hope !
Spritz- I was also falling about, shouldn't take the mick really, but if you try it in other languages it can get even funnier. No doubt they do the same to us. LOL :0)))
26 Sep, 2010
I bet they do, too! LOL.
26 Sep, 2010
Sixpence I dont want him horizontal!!!!
26 Sep, 2010
He he you could pass him off a new speices to your garden next time they call around to film lol haha.
26 Sep, 2010
Lol Sixpence....... HB thanks, and the translator is wonderful.
27 Sep, 2010
I agree! Or - alternatively, 私も同感!LOL.
27 Sep, 2010
27 Sep, 2010
HELP!! My translator won't tell me what Littlelegs said! :-(((
27 Sep, 2010
Spritz - It should say " You have really got the hang of this now Spritz." But I've just translated it back and it came out as - " You really have to hang this now Spritz. " ---- LOL , the funny thing is, your name is there somewhere, in Japanese.
28 Sep, 2010
Haha - in view of the fact that i couldn't get it to translate at all that time, that's really funny! LOL I wonder what 'Spritz' looks like in Japanese?
28 Sep, 2010
I've only just seen this Dd , I'm so pleased for you , I hope you get a lot of pleasure from your DVD .. :o)
I've spent ages converting everything to Japanese ....LOL....... I don't know how to convert individual letters to English though , I will keep trying !
4 Oct, 2010
brilliant news dotty and sorry im late ;o((
hope you get to put a clip on youtube or something, maybe a link for us to see, would love to watch it if we can, im made up for you dotty, well done, you deserve it for all your hard work ;o)) x
6 Oct, 2010
Haha! Did it! LOL.
6 Oct, 2010
Clever you Barbara , this is so annoying , I can change the whole page into Japanese but not just mine as you have done .... i'm still working on it !
6 Oct, 2010
Shall I tell you my secret - or let you carry on trying, Amy? ;-)
7 Oct, 2010
I would love you to tell me Barbara , it would save me so much time .....Thanks :o))
7 Oct, 2010
OK. I type out my comment, then I 'tell' the translator to translate into Japanese, and it does the whole page. I copy the now Japanese comment, translate the page back, delete my English comment and paste my (still) Japanese one! Easy-peasy! :-))))
7 Oct, 2010
Wow !! I've done it ,, you are clever , thanks Barbara ..... :o)) I will sleep happy tonight ..... LOL......
7 Oct, 2010
San...just found your comments, you are so kind. I had never thought about putting it on You Tube, I am signed up to it so could try it, if I can find my password.!!!
7 Oct, 2010
You're welcome Amy! I can't get it to translate back - so I haven't a clue what you said, but never mind.
Sorry, Dd. We seem to have taken over your blog. Please let us know if you do get it onto Youtube! I'd love to see it. :-)))
8 Oct, 2010
let us know if you manage it dotty ;o))
8 Oct, 2010
Will do.......though I am not sure I want the world and his mother watching me make a right fool of myself lol
8 Oct, 2010
Tee hee heee I have been reading this blog and cacking myself at work, I think the boss wonders what I'm up to, better not let on, LOL love all that crazy Japanese - this has brightened up my day to no end!!!!!
9 Oct, 2010
I can't remember what I said Barbara .... and I don't know how to translate it back either ..LOL......
I hope you manage to do it Dd , we will look forward to seeing it , don't worry about the world and his mother we will lock them in the closet :o))
9 Oct, 2010
Oh well. At least you can write things in Japanese (or other languages!)
No, Dd. Just think of us - 'we' want to see it! :-))
9 Oct, 2010
I will do my best folks........just dont blink otherwise you will miss me...lol
9 Oct, 2010
We can always pause it, or watch it over and over again! %:+]
10 Oct, 2010
http://www.nhk.or.jp/wonder/schedule/index.html After spending ages looking for my You Tube password, I was not allowed to put the film on as it does not belong to me, it is the property of NHK. You will see I have put the link on, but I have no idea if it will work, have a try, and see how you go.Perhaps when we get the DVD I can put that on as it will be ours, that is if we are on it lol (This is a trailer)
10 Oct, 2010
The link will work for me....but of course it's all in Japanese. It's all printed, no film and there doesn't seem a way to click on any of the featured programmes to know more...as you say, DD, it's a trailer.
Hope you get the ok to YTube the DVD eventually.
11 Oct, 2010
Oh - what a disappointment! I really hope you can put it on, Dd.
11 Oct, 2010
Thanks Spritz at least I tried......;+(
11 Oct, 2010
Well - we'll wait for the DVD and hope.
11 Oct, 2010
Me too lol
12 Oct, 2010
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I remember well them comming how wonderful it was, lol about you talking Japanese, they must of dubbed your voice over, just think you could start a world war not knowing what they ve got you saying lol. I thought you should have the video prior to filming but glad its all gone well for you the trailer sounds lovely for you Dottydiasy good luck hope you enjoy the dvd of your garden tv documentary.
24 Sep, 2010