☆☆We made it twice.. ?!! Yellow book too☆☆
By Dottydaisy2
Last August we were approached by Amateur Gardening magazine, they wanted to do a feature on our garden, I must admit I thought it was one of the family winding us up! so I didn’t bother to reply……..then a bit later on we had another email from them, this time we realised it was genuine…..
They arrived, took a couple of hundred photographs and left, saying a article would appear in the magazine in November, well nothing happened Christmas came and went …..perhaps they were not going to feature it after all!
Yesterday I emailed the magazine and they said your garden is appearing tomorrow!! so this morning we hot footed it to the village and bought three magazines !! which was all they had!! two to send to the family and one to keep!
And what a surprise, some wonderful photographs,couldn’t believe it was our garden! so you can imagine how happy we are, and the family are delighted, now fancy that!
Just picked up our Hampshire NGS book only to find a photo of our garden in there as well! how lovely……we are so pleased
6 Feb, 2018
Previous post: **WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT**
Oh wow, congratulations, that is such a great achievement. You certainly deserve the accolade, all the hard work you put into your lovely garden.
6 Feb, 2018
Gosh that was quick you two!! thank you both for your kind comments, we do enjoy the challenge....
6 Feb, 2018
Congratulations ! :)
6 Feb, 2018
Many thanks Hywel.......
6 Feb, 2018
Oh! How womderful! I shall get it tomorrow! Congratulations...lovely photo of you both too!
6 Feb, 2018
Thank you Karen, very happy with the article, a very flattering photograph lol!!
6 Feb, 2018
Wow,Angela,I am so happy for you both,and a lovely photo too..what an achievement,and well deserved..fantastic news,and I shall make sure I get a copy .I shall casually inform friends and family,that "Angela is a friend of mine ",whilst waving the appropriate pages at them.. ha ha..well,that is what I feel like doing...:o) Definitely added to my Favourites..xx
6 Feb, 2018
well deserved too if I may say so. :o)
6 Feb, 2018
Congratulations Angela, and to your husband - it’s wonderful! I shall buy a copy tomorrow :))
6 Feb, 2018
Congratulations Dd and OH! That's fantastic....I'll be buying the mag too tomorrow and like Sandra, just 'happen' to show it to my friends..and only 3 minutes from the sea...do you do B&B Dd?? Well done...Xx
6 Feb, 2018
Well done and much deserved too. Others will enjoy see your garden in the magazine and it may give them some ideas of planting. Congratulations DD.
7 Feb, 2018
Lindak I hope it will inspire those with smaller gardens.....thank you.
Janey sorry no b&b!! the magazine is well worth buying, I have just read it from cover to cover, such good value!
Sheila it's a great little magazine, and free seeds too!
Sandra you do make me smile!! and of course you're a friend of mine, we have been together since 2009!? lol!! you won't regret buying the magazine it's worth every penny!, truthfully!
Thanks Seaburn, very kind of you....
7 Feb, 2018
Wow Dd, congratulations to both of you, very well deserved though as we all know, I don't usually buy magazines now but rest assured I will be getting that copy, I too will be sharing with my family and friends....
7 Feb, 2018
It looks stunning and what a keepsake to have of your beautiful garden. How nice to share it with so many readers as well. I've not heard of the magazine before, so I'm going straight out to buy it!
7 Feb, 2018
I had to go to four shops before I managed to get it, but isn’t it great? I love the ‘get the look’ photos, especially the one of your shady area under the pergola. I can’r remember ever seeing that view before. Its a brilliant place for just sitting and relaxing. They did you proud!
7 Feb, 2018
Congratulations Daisy! That's a very exclusive honor.
7 Feb, 2018
Thank you all, I very flattered that you have been out to buy, or will buy the magazine.....
My goodness Karen four shops!! I am indeed honoured, so pleased you liked the article, I have to admit we were both surprised and delighted, at the time we thought the garden was past its best!! just goes to show!
Lisam and Lincs that is so sweet of you , I hope you have better luck than Karen, or you will bless me!
Bathgate is is for sure.....
7 Feb, 2018
Congratulation DD,I will buy a copy tomorrow.
7 Feb, 2018
I hadn't realised that this is a weekly magazine, but luckily the one I bought is the right one! (issue 10 February). It was great to see their photos . . . I feel so chuffed for you, a terrific achievement :))
7 Feb, 2018
Such a wonderful achievement. You must be thrilled to bits and very proud.
I hope to be able to get a copy in the next day or two as I want to be able to see the lovely photos in more detail as well as read every word!
Well done!
7 Feb, 2018
Well I'm off to consult Readly and see the magazine without having to go out in the cold, or visit four shops!
"Amateur Gardening" has been around for many, many years and is well-respected, so I reckon to be interviewed by them is an honour, and means your garden is STUNNING!
Just think, DD I shall be able to boast to my OH that I "know" you! :-)
Seriously, congratulations!
8 Feb, 2018
Well done to the pair of you! I have just looked at my blog of our visit to you in May 2011 and, having glanced at the photos in the article, honestly think the garden is unrecognisable now ... so many changes have been made ... it's fabulous.
Off to read the article in full now ... :o))
8 Feb, 2018
Wow, fantastic Dd. I'm off to get a copy this afternoon. Well done you.
8 Feb, 2018
Congratulations. What an achievement! You must be so proud. All your hard work has come to fruition. Very well done.
I'm now going to see if I can get a copy of AG
8 Feb, 2018
Couldn`t have happened to nicer people, hope I can get the magazine tomorrow
8 Feb, 2018
That's another magazine sold. You should get commission!
8 Feb, 2018
Great review of a great garden!
8 Feb, 2018
I have been overwhelmed by your comments, my thanks to Eirlys, Stroller, Arbuthnot, Thorney, Meadow, Wildrose, Sheila, Callie....
Shirley it is hard to believe it was 2011 that you and OH and Cinders and Florrie visited, where did those years go? so much water under the bridge!!
For all those who managed to get the magazine, there is a plus side, a free packet of seeds, there could be a lot of Black eyed Susan photographs on this summer lol!!
9 Feb, 2018
Well done to both of you,your garden looks beautiful.
I hope that they haven't sold out of the magazine.
I will be going out tomorrow to buy a copy
9 Feb, 2018
Marjorie thank you very much, hope you manage to get one...
9 Feb, 2018
That's fab, congrats, I hope I can get one too :-))
9 Feb, 2018
Congratulations, Angela! You well deserve to have been shown in the magazine!
I used to buy this mag every week until I was made redundant some years ago but I rarely buy it any longer. I have bought a few copies over the years & I will try to remember to look out for it the next time I'm in town.
9 Feb, 2018
I got the last copy of AM in our newsagents and I can see exactly why they featured your garden, Dotty, because it's beautiful. It looks much larger than the size quoted, too. Very, very well done, you deserve the accolades.
10 Feb, 2018
Oh,Angela..you are going to think I'm a real dozy,so and so ! ha ha. We went out yesterday,and I looked through the magazine in one supermarket,but couldn't find your pages...so we drove to a different one..the same result ! By now, I was puzzled,as the date was the 10th, so OH had a look too..what was going on ? we made a detour out of our way,to another branch ,and the same result again ..I was even more determined today, .and yippee !, I finally got one .....erm,hang on,whilst I explain ...all along they had been the correct Magazines..but as I flicked through them,I hadn't gone right to the back...I somehow,expected the pictures to be nearer to the front,or the middle... Shall I get myself checked out now,,or buy a white coat ?? and yes,you have my permission to laugh out loud..all of you,who read this.. on the other hand,the grand circular tour of approx 6 or 7 miles to achieve my goal,was so worth it..it's a wonderful feature,and loved reading it..plus the free packet of seeds too..I saw those on every copy I flicked through grrrr :o) x
10 Feb, 2018
Oh my goodness me Sandra what are you like? lol! I hope you thought it was worth the extra petrol! I bet your OH wasn't too impressed traveling around the country... quite often the garden features are at the back of the magazine..lol? still I am pleased you preserved, and you enjoyed it.......
Arbuthnot, thanks so much, happy to hear you enjoyed the article.
Thank you Balcony, and Daylily.....
10 Feb, 2018
Angela,this magazine was the first I ever bought,when we moved into our first house,over 40 years ago,and I was a complete novice with a large back garden,and a front one ..I hadn't a clue,as I was never interested in ours at home..It was so easy to understand,even for a beginner..which started my love affair for gardening,and an avid weekly reader for many years...so,the extra mileage was a small price to pay,for all the years of pleasure and help it has given me..I hadn't realised the garden features were at the back...now you tell me ! Lol.I assume you meant to say persevere in your comment..but I need preserving as well,being of a certain age ! ha ha..that made me laugh :o) xx
10 Feb, 2018
That's funny Bloomer, my hubby got the mag for me, I skimmed through thinking it wasn't the one until I got to the end and found you lol brilliant article, I actually had a browse through all your blogs on here aswell Dd it's that time of year looking for inspiration, your garden is stunning and beautiful love all your designs ?
11 Feb, 2018
Ps your garden is a bit like a tardis I can't work out where all the different areas are !!!! ;-))
11 Feb, 2018
I also enjoyed your article on your beautiful garden dd,and like daylily I have been having a browse through your old blogs for inspiration,they are brilliant.
11 Feb, 2018
Callie that is really very kind of you, we all need something to brighten up this wet cold winter, so happy you like the blogs!
Daylily have you really gone through all those blogs, you are a devil for punishment.... thank you very much for all your kind comments.......regarding the garden being a bit of a tardis, it has areas which you come across as you wind through, and travel the path under the arches, if you see what I mean......you don't see all the garden at once......
Sandra I agree with you regarding the magazine, it is certainly good value for money, and easy to relate to.... I can understand how you came to love gardening the magazine does inspire you, and yes I did mean persevere...blooming phone!
12 Feb, 2018
Ha ha,Angela,and many congratulations on your latest achievement,in getting another lovely write up in your local NGS yellow book too..Isn't that wonderful ? it is definitely your year ! I am so happy for you both :o) xx
12 Feb, 2018
Amazing isn't it Sandra, we were so surprised when we looked through it this morning,it is good publicity though, the more people who see it hopefully the more people will visit, which means more money for the cause....
12 Feb, 2018
Well done Dotty xxx
12 Feb, 2018
Blimey, can I have your autograph? - lol
12 Feb, 2018
That's lovely Angela - great news!
Sandra - I sympathise. When I started reading the magazine I began to think I'd got the wrong issue . . . what a relief when there it was, right at the end. We're so proud of Dotty, we obviously thought she'd get pride of place, lol :)
13 Feb, 2018
Sheila,I had noted in your comment to Angela,it was "Issue 10",and it still didn't 'click' that it must be the correct one..no fool ,like an old fool ,as they say...meaning me of course ..Lol At least you had the sense to buy it straight away ! :o) x
13 Feb, 2018
Annella thank you........ha ha Andrew...no pressure then!!lot to live up to now!!
Sheila it is excellent news, a first for us in all the years we have been opening for the NGS.....
13 Feb, 2018
I know just how you feel! When I saw the photos of my garden on our scotlands gardens website I was thrilled to bits! Here’s the link...
14 Feb, 2018
Thanks Karen, will check it out now.....
14 Feb, 2018
Wow what fabulous photographs, the garden looks wonderful,so established, at least gardeners will be able to relate to it, not too large or imposing, I think it will be a huge success, not everyone lives in a castle!! lol I think it is important to provide gardens of all sizes, especially for younger people just starting out.....well done Karen, you have worked miracles on this garden....
14 Feb, 2018
Thank you very much Angela! If it werent for you I wouldn’t have gone for it. But I so agree. Most of the scottish open gardens are huge, and that isn’t helpful for most of us. They are lovely to see, but not very relatable. Its important to see something that you can copy or be inspired bythat wouldnt cost tens of thousands to achieve.
14 Feb, 2018
Sometimes you just have to admire gardens for what they are, knowing that you can't have anything on their scale. But sometimes there is a detail - two plants growing together, or a combination of colours - that provide inspiration. And if I visit a garden I don't like, what is it that annoys me about it?
I remember visiting a garden on my trip to Ireland a few years ago. It was described as a plantman's garden, but I hated it. I went round it in the opposite direction, but it still didn't do anything for me. Why? Because it was a collection of plants, just plonked where there was a bit of space, with no thought to what was growing nearby. Colours clashed, plants fought for space - the whole thing was a mish-mash.
14 Feb, 2018
I agree Andrew...you need variety, and yes, there's always something for you...even if its just a plant for sale.
14 Feb, 2018
I'm really pleased for you, that's the best news ever Angela , Congrats to both you & Peter ,well done all your hard work has paid off yet again x
15 Feb, 2018
How did I miss your blog, how amazing thrilled for you, I'm going to try and get a copy. :-))))))
16 Feb, 2018
Good to see you Amy......and thank you kindly......Dawn thanks, we are well chuffed!! to say the least...
17 Feb, 2018
Sorry I'm so late with my congratulations on your appearance in Amateur Gardening magazine. The photos are so good. Your garden is very deceiving about size! Just 30ft wide. So cleverly arranged and inspiring too. Best wishes for your good health. Keep up the good work.
16 Apr, 2018
Thanks to both of you HB and Dorjac! it seems ages ago since we had the photos taken, and as usual we have changed the design which seems to be working well!
16 Apr, 2018
All this lovely sunshine will make it even more lovely too. I would love to see your garden but unfortunately too many carer duties at home to be able to travel to places.
19 Apr, 2018
Dorjac thats so kind of you, would love to meet you for a cuppa in the garden......
20 Apr, 2018
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12 Feb, 2018
That is absolutely wonderful. Well done DD.
6 Feb, 2018