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Chop, chop, chop


By Gee19


Tuesday 14 October

Lovely son in law came first thing this morning and cut back a very tall pyracantha and a Robina Red Robin. They look terrible now but hopefully will grow back next Spring and then I will try and keep them in check. Famous last words – I said that last year… and the year before that!

Had a brain storm yesterday and cleaned all my windows (I hate housework especially when the weather is good) but at least I can see my garden more clearly now.

Started this blog and forgot all else. Ignored the smell permeating the house until I suddenly remembered that I had put a large pan of beetroots on to cook. Well, the cooker looked like the mad axe-man had paid a visit – large red spots and bright red spray everywhere! I will finish this blog and let it cool down before I attempt to clear up.

I don’t think I have mentioned before that we have a sort of allotment. A very kind friend of my daughter has a very large garden and offered us a piece to grow veggie there. Can’t say I do a lot of the work (son in law does that) but I did help plant potatoes earlier this year and I do start off some of the veg in the greenhouse. It is very satisfying. We have a really good crop of beetroots this year (we all love them; delicious served hot with a roast beef dinner!) Runner beans, potatoes and tomatoes were also very successful. This is our second season of growing veg so we are still learning. I have also grown some peppers in the greenhouse but with only limited success – only 1 red pepper (eaten last night chopped up in the salad), probably 4 each of the green and yellow but they are still very small. Not sure if I should have brought them out of the greenhouse during the summer?

Can’t put it off any longer – messy cooker, here I come!

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Are you back from the cooker disaster area?

Nice to have the veggie garden.
Does this mean you can grow special meals for your tortoise trio?

It seems we are about to have the first rain since I put gutter around the shed, so I'll soon be hopping outside to check if the water is going anywhere near the desired direction.
Wish me luck.... :o)

14 Oct, 2008


Yes - cooker now returned to its white state! We did grow some lettuce this year and also the carrot tops are liked by the tortoises, but I mostly grow trays of mixed leafs for the them in the greenhouse. I will continue to do that indoors for Little 'Un throughout the winter. My greenhouse is not heated unfortunately.

Good luck with the water works!

14 Oct, 2008


lol many a dinner i have burnt Gee because once i log onto GOY all else is forgotten about

15 Oct, 2008

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