By Gee19
Yesterday I proudly showed my visiting daughters my newly tidied, well pruned, replanted back garden; neat paved pathways, newly levelled – days of hard work.
When I looked out of my back window this morning I discovered that during the night I had been visited, silently and steathly. After several days of tidying, replanting, pruning, etc etc. someone had done their very best to undo all my hard work!
As I stared out of the window in dismay the earth moved! And continued to move for several minutes until a neat little stone-free mound of earth was deposited on top of one of my newly levelled paving slabs. When all movement stopped I ventured out and wandered carefully round the garden. Similar mounds were found all along one fence, under the rose arch where the mounds suddenly switched sides, continued across the garden, tilting a little bunch of cyclamens, right outside the back door and then back up the other path, about 12 neat little hillocks in all.
After about three years of peace THE MOLE WAS BACK!
I have now scooped up the mounds and placed the soil in a tub to use for potting up (trying to look on the positive side!) but I am now hoping that he will not start popping up again all over the lawn. Previously I tried windmills, mothballs, music etc etc to discourage him to move on but nothing worked. Eventually he just disappeared. What have I done to bring him back?
17 Oct, 2008
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Next post: Operation Mole-Stack
Chloe is a cross between a rough coated dachshund (mother) and a jack russell (father) so both she and Mungo would chase anything small and furry. Chloe caught a mole when I first moved here and Mungo used to dig up the mole hills and spread the soil everywhere in a effort to get to the moles. Now Chloe is really too old to bother. She does run around and sniff a lot but that's about it!
I had never heard of a bandicoot but have looked them up on the internet so now I know! Very cute looking - like little kangaroos. Thanks Marguerite.
17 Oct, 2008
The moles kept their distance when tortoises Josie, Jubilee and Junior were around.
But now, the Terrible Tortoise Trio is no longer a threat:
Two big 'uns are hibernating and Little 'Un is indoors.
All neighbourhood moles were sent a message by emole:
Some messages were sent by snailmole, so there's probably a second mole invasion on its way....backup troops from the other side of the trellis. A few of the moles could even afford to arrive by helicopter, having saved up enough air moles.
Best plan : put a spy camera in lady bowler. Hide the minicam inside a beetroot. Nobody will notice if she has extra lumps and bumps.
What a stroke of luck you cleaned your windows for better night time vision. Please upload photos from Beetroot Cam for further analysis.
Meanwhile it's advisable to be more careful in your choice of TV shows which attract the moles. Especially stop watching : Who Wants to be a Mole on Air :o)
17 Oct, 2008
lol tt
17 Oct, 2008
Sorry to hear about your mole invasion.
Hope you can get rid of them.
17 Oct, 2008
What a pain for you! You must be so disappointed at the mess in your tidy garden. I believe there are devices to deter moles - maybe if you look in gardening magazines, Garden Centres (or try googling them) you might find them. Good luck.
17 Oct, 2008
We had a mole in our last garden , I was told that one of you should hit the ground very hard with the back of a spade while your partner shouted at the mole to go some where else , we felt a bit silly doing it but we didn,t see it again ~~~
18 Oct, 2008
lol Amy i would love to know what your neighbours though of you and hubby doing that .
ive seen gardens full of mole hills when im in scotland, but thank goodness its one thing i dont have to deal with over here, they never made it across the irish sea.
18 Oct, 2008
TT - PML - Air Moles indeed......
Reminds me of that Jasper Carrot sketch 'There's Only One Way to Kill a Mole', where he describes cellotaping a torch to the barrel of a 10-bore shotgun and sitting on a swivelling stool in the middle of his lawn at night. When he sees a mole, he fires the gun, falls backwards off the stool and shoots all the apples out of his tree. 'At the end the garden looked like the Somme'. Classic :-)
18 Oct, 2008
18 Oct, 2008
He heeee - I've just found the sketch on You Tube:-
18 Oct, 2008
Sid - brilliant.
Jasper even mentions Gee's beetroots. :o)
18 Oct, 2008
What's up with Gee's beetroots?
18 Oct, 2008
Hi Sid - my beetroots rebelled while being cooked and spat all over the top of my cooker - but they did taste good!
19 Oct, 2008
Oh dear! Sorry to hear that! x-D
20 Oct, 2008
~we had them for a while but either the smoke canister or the sonic noise worked-unfortunately don't know which!~
21 Oct, 2008
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If you find any answers pleas post them. We ahve a whole family tunneling under our garden. They must spend all their time looking for each other.
17 Oct, 2008