Feeling a bit down.
By Gee19
I have just gone through Marguerite’s photos which have cheered me up enormously – beautiful scenery. I have felt a bit down today because my lovely old neighbour over the road died early on Friday morning.
He was nearly 93 years old, and only stopped driving about 6-8 weeks ago. He then bought a small motorised four-wheeler to get about the village but was concerned that he couldn’t give his friends a lift anymore! He played bowls right to the end of his life and last Saturday was out mowing his front lawn! He was very much into his garden, growing both plants and veg which he shared around the neighbours. I first met him about 15 years ago when I started outdoor bowls before I moved into the village. Then I ended up living opposite him – he could talk the hind-leg off a donkey, bless him, but communicated with all ages on all levels. He went to the local youth drop-in and chatted to the youngsters, ran the Over 60’s club for years, bought, prepared and cooked the meat for the Luncheon Club (he used to be a butcher), did the annual Poppy collection, helped with the upkeep of the bowls green, etc etc etc. He was the chap who appeared at my side as I was struggling with the heavy clay, digging my flowers beds in the front garden. He helped dig them and carried on with them while I was at work.
Dear old Sid was a neighbour in a million and I will miss his cheerfulness, his cheekiness and his ‘just being there’. I shall be keeping an eye on his garden and if anyone moves in and starts digging up his roses and peonies, I will make sure I rescue them!! God bless him.
8 Feb, 2009
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The photos on here really are uplifting aren't they? Sid sounds like a neighbour in a million to a lot of people - I hope his funeral is a real celebration of a long, fulfilled and happy life. I remember my mum doing meals for the 'oldies' lunch club right up until she died aged 77 - untimely unfortunately in a car accident. I miss her so but memories keep the glass half full instead of half empty.
8 Feb, 2009
Oh Gee , What a wonderful neighbour he was , yes you are sure to miss him .. he was a part of everything in the village he will live on in the memories of everybody that he helped , you know they say if you want a job doing ask a busy person , it,s true ... He was that busy person that got the job done ... be happy for him , he enjoyed his life and you helped to make it more enjoyable for him :o)
8 Feb, 2009
Sorry Gee...we had an elderly friend who died last Christmas at the ripe young age of 93..going on 23 ! Even now a year on,cant really believe shes not on the end of the phone,or sitting in her armchair talking about anything and everything. Really,dont think they ever do leave us,because the memories are so vivid,and to be treasured.Take care.......
8 Feb, 2009
Sorry to hear that, Gee. He sounds as if he was a real friend to you. Of course you will miss him - that's natural. But be grateful that he lived life to the full. What a blessing for him, and for you to remember.
8 Feb, 2009
He was obviously a healthy old gent to the end which in itself was a godsend,Bb is right he will always be there.........
8 Feb, 2009
Do as he did and he will never be gone really...bless you Gee...sorry you are down...
8 Feb, 2009
Oh Gee. I'm sorry to hear of your friend. He sounds like a wonderful man and certainly made the most of his life. You will miss him to be sure but he will never be gone as long as you remember him. Take care.
9 Feb, 2009
He sounds a lovely old character. It's sad to lose a friend. I hope your new neighbours whoever they are will be good gardeners.
9 Feb, 2009
Thank you all for your encouraging words. I feel more like myself today (it's not like me to be glum!) in spite of the heavy rain we have today. I do hope the new neighbours will be gardeners, Hywel - so many people here have turned their front gardens into car parks and the little bungalows have been extended upwards!
9 Feb, 2009
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Sounds like a real character, Gee, the world could do with more of him. But don't feel down, remember every time you see those roses and peonies bloom you'll think of him with a smile and a warm memory - that's worth something.
8 Feb, 2009