Wind and rain doesn't stop me!
By Gee19
When the wind blows and rain falls I continue gardening – in miniature!
The front door has had a makeover with freshly filled pots of flowers
Like others I have been busy building a pond – just a little one. Still waiting for the water lily to grow but the newly installed fish seem happy anyway.
The last raised flower bed has been finished and planted. Oh dear, what is that cat doing?
I spent several hours building the bird table one wet morning.
The three tortoises are enjoying the freedom to roam now the fence is secure.
There’s lots of seeds, etc growing in the greenhouse – and lots of spare pots!
And there’s plenty of room for the children to play too.
If it’s a long hot summer, the hose is handy
And if the grass grows the lawn mower has been serviced and repainted and is noise and pollution free!
My only complaint is that prissy woman sitting in the arbour – she never lifts a finger to help!
Meet the rest of the family – they don’t do a lot either!
Oh well, that’s life – in miniature.
17 May, 2009
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Looks very inviting!
17 May, 2009
What a super blog, and such detail in your minature world
17 May, 2009
Wow! What an amazing miniature garden, Gee19! I love it, you really had me with the first few pics, I even thought, 'What is that woman doing just sitting in the garden, there's work to be done'! haha! Brilliant!
Mildred x
17 May, 2009
Wonderful work, Gee....
I'm impressed that everyone has left wellies outside...
Would not want boot marks on the carpets of such a wonderful house... :o)
17 May, 2009
That was a brill blog Gee really enjoyed it.
17 May, 2009
Wow... what a lovely dolls house and garden youve got....
17 May, 2009
Thats really amazing Gee and although I can work with seedlings I know I would not have the patience to make something like that,how long have you been working with miniatures ?.....
17 May, 2009
That's fantastic Gee...I really enjoyed your blog :) You are very talented and creative, as well as very very patient!
PS. I wish my garden looked as good as that... LOL
17 May, 2009
Excellent Gee I enjoyed your blog. You've done a wonderful job on your dolls house.
17 May, 2009
Fascinating, thanks for this.
17 May, 2009
Absolutely fabulous, Gee.
17 May, 2009
entertaining gee. steady hands then? :o)
17 May, 2009
Fabulous blog Gee,and entertaining as ever ! Was going to comment on the lady sitting in the arbor too !
17 May, 2009
Thank you for your kind comments. I have been doing the house for about 10 years now but started the garden during this last winter. It takes up quite a lot of room so the tortoise winter house is built underneath part of it! The room also doubles as my dining room and main computer room! Very multi purpose :)
17 May, 2009
I love looking at your miniature house Gee , in fact I can,t pass anywhere that is selling mini house furniture now without stopping to look, and wondering if you need anything , they have a craft place down on the coast that sells different things each month , last month it was the turn of the dolls house things , the lady makes every thing herself at a fraction of the cost , so she was telling me people come from all over when she is there , tiny bread rolls , pegs in baskets little cakes all sorts of things .....
17 May, 2009
I'm like a kid in a sweet shop at those places, Amy. Just don't know where to start! Ebay is a good source of bits and pieces too.
17 May, 2009
What a wonderful creation Gee. You are a clever and patient person!
Lovely blog, enjoyed it very much. :-)
18 May, 2009
That's a really good hobby - you are very creative. :-)
19 May, 2009
Wondeful Blog & Pics Gee :) I love Dolls Houses but it takes all my Time keeping on top of the Work Inside&Out of My Life Size Home 2 even find/Have Time for such a Super Hobby :)
20 May, 2009
Thanks for letting us see it.....absolutely wonderful. I make dolls house you make all the flowers and garden accessories? Is it 1/12 scale?
20 May, 2009
Hi Phil, thanks for your interest. I made some of the garden items, bird table, pond, cage, raised beds but buy the flowers, bricks, etc. I would love to make furniture but unfortunately don't have the skills! I have tried to make the dolls house and garden a modern one rather than a period piece and to include items, animals etc. that we have as a family. It's good fun!
20 May, 2009
Such a lovely idea Gee, a real heirloom. :)
22 May, 2009
Aw, you put me to shame Gee19! I made a 12th scale dh for my dd, but my illness has stopped me! I prefer to buy stuff I can't make, but my favourite is making textile stuff. Particularly quilts, blankets etc. I belong to the Miniature Needlework Society and the things members make is mind boggling, ie using 40 count canvas! (and higher, but can't remember the no. off the top of my head!) I have used size 24 piano wires for knitting myself! I love the challenge!
Great blog, many thanks!
4 Jun, 2009
Thanks CN. I am not into needlework (although i used to make clothes for the children when they were small). I bought an embroidery kit a couple of winters ago but just haven't got round to it. I think I will have trouble seeing it now anyway :)
4 Jun, 2009
What a lot of work Gee! It's lovely and not a weed in site. It must be the lady under the arbor... she helps out when you're not looking :) Is it a replica of your own garden?
20 Jun, 2009
No, TG, not a replica just my imagination! It amuses me during cold and chilly winters:)
20 Jun, 2009
We all need amusement :)
8 Jul, 2009
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Me too!!.
17 May, 2009