Summer at Normanby Hall Country Park
By Janey
Just to catch up with the flowering plants etc in the walled garden at Normanby ……..I was surprised to see the perennials seemed to be past their best, but as the gardener said, the heat in June brought them into flower much quicker this year. One thing though, the butterflies love the seed heads and the garden there was alive with them and insects…..:o)
Comma Butterfly enjoying nectar from the Eryngiums.
More Echinops….this time a very attractive cerise colour planted with yellow Mullein. Looking at these again, I wonder if they are Alliums? Their stems look very similar……….
These beautiful blue ones were alive with butterflies and insects….I couldn’t remember the name of the plant and then saw Theoldgunners photo of a Painted Lady Butterfly on some where he works……:o)
Love these yellow flowers…..not sure if they are Inula Barbata, but they are glorious sun flowers….and another blue globe!
One of my all time favourites….the Japanese Anemone…..would love some of these sometime…..and another blue globe!
More blue globes…….aarrgh!!
Time to move on from the blue balls! Through a garden door and into the veg, fruit and well-tended rows of produce……ferns flowers and herbs!
Cabbage white having a rest from the cabbages.
Beautiful Globe Artichokes in full flower.
Asparagus left to leaf, Rhubarb pots and more Artichokes…all baking in the sun!
Through the wire arch which is covered in cordoned trained pears and they are nearly ready for eating…….now where’s that gardener, do you think she’d mind??!
Under planting with Day Lilies….such a gorgeous colour!
Golden Alchillea and Lavatera…..both insect attracters…..:o)
Nearby, the beehives,…… those bees have an amazing area to collect their pollen with such a selection of flowers close by….I wonder if they’ll be selling honey later……
Hot summer flowers……these beauties could be a type of Coreopsis?
Here we are now…..down to the glass-houses…..planted in front with Flowercrazy’s favourites…the beautiful Tithonias and Castor Bean plants. Time to have a look inside, but that will be another blog!!…..:o)
29 Jul, 2009
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Lovely blog. I really like the photo of the Achillea and Lavatera - so simple and so pretty. I don't think I could have resisted one of those pears :)
29 Jul, 2009
great blog janey, so pretty and colourfull, bet you really enjoyed it there :o)
29 Jul, 2009
Thanks Janey for sharing your visit ,I like visiting gardens and since joining GOY I get to see so many different ones in other peoples blogs.Your photo`s are lovely.........
29 Jul, 2009
You had some lovely weather there Janey.We haven't been to Normanby for quite a few years now.We used to take our boys there a lot.Is the duck pond still there ?
The purple globe goes nicely with the anemone. Mine are still in bud but are in a shadier border.
29 Jul, 2009
Pleased you enjoyed coming round with us.....:o) This was Monday afternoon......since then its been raining constantly!
Aster......yes the pond is still there with a few you remember the days when there were lots of geese etc.? We took our two geese to spend their retirement years on the pond.... we used to call them when we visited and they always honked back.........:o)
29 Jul, 2009
Ah that's lovely Janey,nice place for retirement ! The birds were always very friendly,lots of children in the holidays with bags of stale bread lol.
29 Jul, 2009
Lovely pictures Janey, thanks for showing us round.
29 Jul, 2009
Hi! Those flowers you thought were coreopsis look like cosmos sulphureus to me. I grew some from seed this year called Polidor.
Love the photos! I don't live too far from Normanby but I've never been - I should take a trip over the bridge, I think!
29 Jul, 2009
A lovely blog Janey...great and cheery photos.Just the tonic on this cold,windy and decidedly wet "summers" evening ! Thank you for posting !
29 Jul, 2009
I feel much better for having walked around with you, (its about the only exercise I get now Lol) that was brill. thanks very much :-))
29 Jul, 2009
Janey that was a lovely walk round the gardens , you are so lucky to live so close to this beautiful place , it,s nice to get an update every now and again from you .. :o)
29 Jul, 2009
Lovely blog
30 Jul, 2009
great blog Janey, lovely to see the season progressing in a garden
30 Jul, 2009
Really enjoyed this, Janey! I've just bought some echinops seeds and notice from reading the back of the packet that I shall have to nurse them as I would an old, crabby, ailing spinster aunt for the next 5 or 6 months! In the fridge until next February or therebouts? Crikey! Next time I'll just buy the plants! Unless, of course, I manage to get them to germinate!
I think the cerise echinops probably are alliums....lovely combination, though, with the mullein....though they must, if they are alliums, be quite late flowering because mullein's usually out in July ( well, in Scotland, anyway ) by which time the alliums are well past-it. it an echinops, or is it an allium? Do let me know when you find out! Congratulations on a lovely blog!
30 Jul, 2009
lovely blog and i love Normanby Hall. often take a trek over the bridge to have a wander. The butterfly is a cousin of the cabbage white, it being a green veined white. I often find them on my verbena bonariensis.
30 Jul, 2009
Hi...Hibrazilmac......thanks for that...a golden Cosmos..would like some for next ought to visit...its really worth it, these pics are from just a small area....:o)
Glad you liked it Ian, Amy, Donnah and Mageth, Bscott ~ pleased I'm not your old Aunt Lol! Go, on give them a go, what a challenge and achievement for next year......and just think of the butterflies you'll have....:o) Yes I thought it was a bit late for Alliums....but they do look more like them, shall check when we pop in again.
They're doing musical evenings there now Seaburngirl.....just need some warmer evenings......:o(
30 Jul, 2009
Nice pictures Janey, it's a lovely garden.The 'globes' Echinops are beautiful plants-bees love them, and I'm sure that is an Allium, A. sphaerocephalon growing with the mullien.
31 Jul, 2009
Thanks Robert.....and for naming the Alliums....a lovely colour these.............
31 Jul, 2009
That's a lovely place Janey. I always like to see your photos of it.
31 Jul, 2009
Pleased you enjoyed it Hywel.....:o)
31 Jul, 2009
I enjoyed that a lot Janey...thank you :))
1 Aug, 2009
1 Aug, 2009
It was great to "re-visit" these wonderful gardens through your blog and marvellous pics, janey. Many Thanks.
3 Aug, 2009
Glad you enjoyed the visit David.....:o)
4 Aug, 2009
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Wonderful blog, Janey, with stunning photos, and well-written captions. They all give a real flavour of the gardens.... I can almost taste those pears..Lol.
29 Jul, 2009