*Late yesterday afternoon there was a knock at the front door, it was Marie my next door neighbour, sha handed me a gift bag saying it was a present for minding Max her cat while they went on holiday during the summer months, she had already bought me some lovely Busy Lizzies so I was completly susprised. I was very excited to see what was inside the lovely bag
The Gift Bag
Inside the bag was a box wrapped in lovely lilac tissue paper, The description on the box was intriguing
I coulnt wait to open the box and here she is!
And if that was not enough there was another little packet containg this Rainbow Fairy Suncatcher with a little poem by W.B Yeats
“Come Faries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the Wind and Dance upon the Mountains like a Flame!”
My Little Angel is admiring the colours in the Cyrstal.
I love this present Marie has put so much thought into choosing it, she has since told me that she knew how how much I was missing Polly [who died while Marie was on holiday and I was looking after Max her cat] and thought that this gift would bring me comfort it certainly brightened my day!
Last of all lets say a Big Thank You to Marie and Max*
2 Oct, 2009
That's a beautiful gift - so thoughtful. What a great neighbour you have and you've also proven to be a great neighbour too! I have one of these Willow Tree figures and I just love the simplicity of its design. The suncatcher is also gorgeous.
2 Oct, 2009
Lovely figures and what an apreciating and thoughtful neighbour you have and how sweet with the poems of thought. Lovely coloured cat Max is
2 Oct, 2009
Thats a lovely surprise for you, they are smashing little figures, I bought some for my youngest daughter`s last birthday, its always nice to receive gifts and especially unexpected ones..........
2 Oct, 2009
O PP what Gorgoeus Gifts uv recieved :) Its great your good neighbours :)
2 Oct, 2009
Curious how much angels and fairies resemble each other in our visions of these messengers from other realms, isn't it? How sweet of Marie to gift you with such treasures. Do you s'pose they're waterproof enough to tuck in your plants?!
2 Oct, 2009
How lovely....and what a beautiful gift. I haven't seen these before. What a lovely neighbour you have.:)))
2 Oct, 2009
How lovely to get a pressy that you will treasure! Very thoughtful. :-)
2 Oct, 2009
How lovely, what a brill supprise, its nice when you have good neighbours is'nt it.
2 Oct, 2009
That was a lovely present carole.you can't beat good neighbours they are a blessing.
2 Oct, 2009
Yes, I so agree with Tulsalady26....
wonderful to have good neighbours :o)
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks to everyone for all your lovely comments.
It is great to have good neighbours, I help Marie out with gardening advice and looking after Max and she is always there for me, we have started to go out for lunch once a month, we get on really well even though Im old enough to be her Mother!
Orgratis They are lovely little figures but I dont think they would be waterproof so I wouldnt chance putting Ngel in the garden, at the moment she is on my dressing table!
2 Oct, 2009
That was very kind of your neighbour Carole , they obviously think very highly of you , it is nice to have people you can trust next to you ...
I have a pair of these Willow Tree figures that a friend bought me one christmas , it's of two little girls holding hands .. she said it reminded her of us when we were little . whenever I look at it now it takes me back to those years .. :o)
2 Oct, 2009
They sound lovely Amy, nice to have something that reminds you of your childhood and friendships
2 Oct, 2009
What a lovely surprise gift, PP. It's a real blessing to have lovely neighbours and when they become friends too, it is even better. When you 'click' with someone, age doesn't matter.
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks Gee, she keeps me upto date with the modern world and I her suport and advice when its needed.
2 Oct, 2009
What a lovely gift,it's so nice having really nice neighbors.
Our neighbor has just recently brought a lap top,which she didn't know the first thing about so my husband has been helping her get it sorted and showing her how to do things. It's quite funny now , if she doesn't know how to do some thing, she now emails us to go round. When we went away she looked after our garden and did all the watering.
2 Oct, 2009
Great Stripes, one good turn deserves another!
2 Oct, 2009
What a lovely gift Carole - it's great having good neighbours, isn't it? That's one of the reason why we've never moved house!
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks Irene like the saying goes you can choose you home but you cant choose your Neighbours, lucky arent we!
2 Oct, 2009
Loved the angel....and the fairy...and the crystal....:) What a really nice pressie to receive...thanks for sharing it with us xx
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks CD, I love them too,
2 Oct, 2009
Such a pretty gift, PP.
2 Oct, 2009
Our neighbours are like that Pansy P...I love the angel's wings & her pose...really sweet & well...angelic! :O)
2 Oct, 2009
What effort they put into thanking you, its lovely to be so appreciated Pansypotter.
2 Oct, 2009
Lovely gift ..clearly reflecting how much your friendship means .
2 Oct, 2009
carole what a lovely gift, i do like them figures myself, so sweet, lovely crystal to, how kind, max is a sweetie to x
2 Oct, 2009
How lovely! You're obviously very well thought of! :~))
2 Oct, 2009
Thanks PG
Thanks Fluff Just had to call her Angel!
Thanks Drc Yes I do feel appreciated and thankful I have such good neighbours.
Thanks BB, Its to know that Marie as thought so carefully in selecting a gift that shows so much understanding and care.
BB Thanks it means so much that someone cares enough in choosing just right gift,
Sandra Angel looks like she has always belonged on my Dressing Table and I have put the Fairy Cyrstal in the Conservatory where she really catches the light.
Thanks MP Love Looking after Max as he is a great big softie and has helped to bond a great friendship.
2 Oct, 2009
He's beautiful!
2 Oct, 2009
Mp He is what you would call a tad laid back and a wee bit over weight, but what the Eck He's Gorgeous!
2 Oct, 2009
Best way to be, if you ask me!!
2 Oct, 2009
I agree! lol
2 Oct, 2009
what a lovely neighbour you have PP :))
3 Oct, 2009
What a wonderful neighbour and friend. A lovely blog and lovely gifts. They must bee so comforting for you.
3 Oct, 2009
What a lovely, thoughtful neighbour you have. You must deserve her friendship or it wouldn't be that way.
3 Oct, 2009
If only everybody was like that the world would be such a better place. You are so lucky to have such lovely neighbours who care for you and appreciate you so much. Beautiful gifts :-)
3 Oct, 2009
Is'nt it great to have such a lovely neighbour and friend. I'm sure you deserve each other.
Max is the best name for your puss, but's he's not overweight, just a little 'undertall" :-)
Chris xx
3 Oct, 2009
Thanks to Grindle, Hywel,Toto, Blah and Fen Yes I am lucky to have a good friend like Marie, appreciate all your kind comments, and Fen your observation on Max's size Under tall! I like it and so will Marie Lol
3 Oct, 2009
Is'nt it great to have such a lovely neighbour and friend. I'm sure you deserve each other.
Max is the best name for your puss, but's he's not overweight, just a little 'undertall" :-)
Chris xx
3 Oct, 2009
Oops I submitted that reply twice....... Sorry
3 Oct, 2009
To receive such lovely gifts from such nice neighbours, they obviously think you deserve it and appreciate you
3 Oct, 2009
Oh that is gorgeous such a special gift. What a lovely thought.
5 Oct, 2009
How lovely, what a very thoughtful neighbour you have, she obviously appreciates what you do for her, and age is no barrier when it comes to friendship, enjoy........
7 Oct, 2009
LOL Fen it happens to me regularly.
Thanks Pip, Sue and Dotty love my gift and Maries friendship!
7 Oct, 2009
How lovely! You're right, such a lot of thought went into this gift, what a very good neighbour, repaying the kind and much-needed services of another.
What an ENORMOUS pussy-cat!!! Hope you didn't overfeed him, PP?!!!!!
14 Oct, 2009
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What nice neighbours you have - its always nice to know you can trust people to look after pets/house while you are away. Lovely angel - she obviously knows you really well.
2 Oct, 2009