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Thanks Bernie!
Rose, so far, so good. They are very heavy. Even the plastic ones are doing well. So far….
On blog - Beautiful January Morning
This is only one of many. This one will have to be cut back soon.
I used to grow several Acalypha in Fremont. They grew very well. In winter they would loose about 40 percent of their leaves and come back fast and strong in spring.
On photo - African Tulip Tree, Acalypha
There are quite a number of Canada Geese in Kew Gardens, you have to be careful where you walk!
On photo - P1140481
There’s several Ficus species that produce copious amounts of aerial roots here. F. craterastoma, rubiginosa and thonningii are some that produce many aerial roots here.
On photo - Ficus benghalensis - Indian Bany...
Thank you Klahanie..I try to avoid people sitting against it..pompoms are rather sensitive!!
On photo - One of Susie Watson pretty '...
On photo - One of Susie Watson pretty '...
Yes,I agree Klahanie..
I don't have many.
On photo - Snowdrops have just emerged amid...
Mine are just pushing through in several places too. Nice to see them is not it?
On photo - Snowdrops have just emerged amid...
Welcome back Penn. I don’t remember you either but look forward to hearing & seeing your developing garden😏👍
On blog - Back again after a long break
Thank you Rose and Lindak...fleeting shots!
On photo - Another red delight at 7.0am!
Good luck with sorting out your garden. I am sure in time (maybe a lot of time) it will be just as you want it.
I am on the N E Coast and when it is an easterly wind, it is very cold but on the plus side don't get worst of the weather like the west of the country does.
It would be nice to see pictures!
On blog - Back again after a long break
Good photo Meadowland. We've had some beautiful sunrises and sunsets. (When the sky is clear!)
On photo - Another red delight at 7.0am!
I would give my left pinkie for that. Looks super exotic and from what I've read they don't need misters or sprinklers wetting the whole lower part of the tree to grow those awesome roots
On photo - Ficus benghalensis - Indian Bany...
The Acalypha looks great. Just not see in local nurseries.
On photo - African Tulip Tree, Acalypha
Mine in the backyard is now just about seeable from the street over the house. I planted it in 1993. It makes seeds. But its fronds are sort of gray color I think the heat of roof causes that but not sure.
Are those ten from your garden?
On photo - Kentia Palms - Howea fosteriana
nice to see how your garden has developed. you've been away a long time. Nice to 'see' you again.
On photo - Garden By Night
I found my first one of these today too.
such a cheerful sight.
On photo - Winter aconite (Eranthis hyemalis)
That's what Toria's cats do too. They also flick the odd pieces on the floor too.
On photo - Jessie
as long as the ground isn't water logged or frozen they will be fine.
On question - My Grandaughter bought me this b...
hi Pammie, you need to chit them first [ideally anyway]. stand them in a tray/egg boxes and leave in a well lit but cool room until they have sprouted.
it depends on which sort you have. earlies or main crop.
this is the RHS pages on growing spuds. I have second earlies to start chitting this week. its quite extensive but the info is usually very good.
On question - I’ve got some seed potatoes to p...
That's a magnificent looking plant, Andy!
I have one I grew from seed in the kitchen. Last year it flowered for the first time which gave me hope that it would flower even better this year - but, no, not a single flower this year! :(
On photo - Double Bird-of-Paradise Flower
Thanks for all you comments About my Hyacinths , I was going to plant in the garden after they’d flowered as have done previous bulbs . I know they’ll flower better in the garden & place them in a good place with others
On question - My Grandaughter bought me this b...
That's what i have to do as the outer leaves and stems bend looking roughed up. I use the branch cutter like a hedge shears to make it fast work. I do the same thing with Aechmea caudata .That's one of the largest in height bromeliads and is sharp edged as it blocks a pathway after 20+ years. Delonix ,have you ever been to Dunsmuir house and gardens? I was a volunteer gardener and got one pup way back when. That place had a great Cactus and succulent garden that didn't really go with English cottage look of the rest of the acreage. A few years ago they donated the huge Golden barrel cactus,and the other c&s to the Ruth Bancroft Garden and I think UC Berkeley also.
Some kind of new age church had planted that hillside in the 70's.
On photo - Double Bird-of-Paradise Flower
Sort of thing my Levi would do x
On photo - Jessie
welcome back Penn.
where abouts in the N/E are you. I grew up in Sunderland 500yds from the beach at Seaburn. I am envious that you are so near the sea. I miss it terribly.
Glad you like some of your British natives, I am the same.
I wonder if your shed/tree house was a child's Wendy house/cum treehouse. that would explain the low ceiling.
Hope you are able to post pictures.
On blog - Back again after a long break
as said, 'forced' hyacinths rarely last long and I find unless in a very cool room never open fully. And if they do they flop as the heads are just too heavy for the shallow bowls they are planted in.
plant them out in Feb and if there is still green foliage give them a feed . They will probably flower next year but with fewer flowers [though you may just get leaves]. The following year there will be more flowers per stem.
I actually prefer them less congested.
On question - My Grandaughter bought me this b...
As Hywel says, hyacinths only have short flowering time and that is now over for this year.
Plant them out in the garden where they will build the flowers for next year, and you will get to remember your Granddaughters present come 2026
They will flower later in 2026 than this year, more into Springtime, not for Christmas
On question - My Grandaughter bought me this b...
A living room or lounge is not a good place for spring bulbs, even if there's no heat near the bulbs the surrounding air would be too warm and dry.
Hyacinths don't last long anyway in my experience so it may be their natural growth cycle. The leaves look all right so you could plant them in the garden and look forward to seeing them again next spring.
On question - My Grandaughter bought me this b...
Thanks for all your supportive comments :)
On blog - Bella
Nice find Karen, the design looks like a spiders web.
On photo - Birdbath
Sounds like you're having such an adventure creating something new out of the old garden. I can't wait to see how it all progresses over time.
On blog - Back again after a long break
Love the look of Kentia Palms and the fact that they're relatively low maintenance compared to many other palms.
On photo - Kentia Palms - Howea fosteriana
Welcome back to GoY, and good luck with your new garden.
I don't remember you ... what was your previous user name ?
I'm still here on and off.
On blog - Back again after a long break
I feel sorry for Bela and hope that medication will help her.
On blog - Bella
Highly likely Bb. Thats’s usually why they do this.
On photo - Jessie
Oh poor Bella! I hope she gets used to her medication.
Years ago in Willow Cottage we had twin cats and it was such a game getting a tablet down them.
I hope she gets better soon Hywel.
On blog - Bella
It's looking great Karen! I didn't get so much wind here too, but do your pots stand up to any strong winds?
On blog - Beautiful January Morning
On photo - Jessie
On photo - Another red delight at 7.0am!
Yes, it’s a very long-lived plant. This one is still a baby. I think their life span is at least 200 years.
Every fall I cut 100 to 150 leaves off this plant. Since it’s an old and established plant it grows back very fast.
On photo - Double Bird-of-Paradise Flower
Looking fabulous! Love your little solar fountain.
On blog - Beautiful January Morning
Sorry to hear Bella is suffering with this condition. That's an expensive blood test!
It does sound as if she will improve significantly if she just takes her medicine. Best of luck with that. I know how tricky it can be to get any animal to take medication.
On blog - Bella
That's an old lady! I know how they can take over a space when they're mature and she's definitely mature!
On photo - Double Bird-of-Paradise Flower
Oh dear! Have you been paying far too much attention to that puzzle and not enough to Jessie?
On photo - Jessie
Here in Townsville we've been experiencing a very hot and dry January this year. Our city has been running around 2 deg C above maximum temperature for the month. Now while that doesn't seem like much, over the course of a whole month it's a huge figure. The humidity has also been horrid, so most days it's been feeling like 40 deg C.
On photo - Corner of the Spectacle Garden a...
That made me smile Feverfew :-)
On photo - Jessie
Sorry to hear about Bella, Hywel. Though our dogs never had that they did have to take medication every day for the last 3 or 4 years of their lives. I managed to get it down their throats but then it wasn't liquid but pills that I sometimes crushed & mixed in a little dog food for them. But it was often a fight to get them to swallow it so I often had to resort to holding their mouths closed till they swallowed it!
Vet bills are terribly expensive & our 5 little dogs ended up getting us into a lot of debt on the credit cards. At the time both my wife & I were working but my wife found an online animal pharmacy & the medicines became cheaper. Not until after their deaths did we manage after several years to get out of debt.
On blog - Bella
Lovely flowers, Andy! I've grown Begonias for years but never Cane Begonias.
Last year I got some 'Dragon Wings' Begonias & they grew very tall in 6" pots. So much so I cut them back 50% just before Christmas. They are now starting to flower again. But the curious thing with these Begonias is that they seem to need sunlight to colour up. The plants during the summer outside on the balcony were a very deep pink - almost red but in the kitchen, where they don't get direct sunlight, the flowers are just a wishy washy pale pink - almost white. :( Even the leaves lost their brilliant shiny green colour! :(
On photo - Cane Begonia Flowers
Thanks for telling us about Mr Kaja 7 I’m sorry you lost him too. :( As others have already said our pets become part of our family. We all miss our pets when they leave us! :(
On blog - My Lottie
Thanks Linda :)
On photo - Birdbath