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Thank you for liking it Homebird. They serve the purpose.
On photo - Winter activity
Valentine's day , Homebird :-)
On photo - Gifted flowers
Wow! What a lot of Crocuses you have open in your garden, Shirley! :)
On blog - A day of two halves
Homebird if you search for Amaryllis in my blogs you will find several I've written on how to get them to flower the next year after they flowered for the first time & how to get them to flower in following years. They are as easy as Daffs to get to flower again.
On photo - Amaryllis with buds in living ro...
Sheila, it's a never ending job,ha ha but I love it.
On photo - View across front garden.
Thank you HB...Hebes are a favourite here.
On photo - Marbled Hebe.
Shirley, there’s a corner of waste land in our Close that has been completely taken over by a tall bamboo. How it could ever be got rid of I can’t think. I ‘m glad I’m not living next to it. Just thought, perhaps a Panda would be useful!
On photo - Bamboo
On photo - Apple rules.
I like it FF.
On photo - Apple rules.
Oh my goodness. Our midges are bad enough here, your ants sound absolutely horrible.
On photo - Green Tree Ants (Oecophylla smar...
Always so tidy and colourful Julia.
On photo - View across front garden.
Beautifully vibrant isn’t it.
On photo - Beautiful 'Bannow Bay ' ...
On photo - Winter activity
Very pretty. What have you done to deserve them?
On photo - Gifted flowers
I can’t get them to re flower.
On photo - Amaryllis with buds in living ro...
That’s very unusual. Very attractive.
On photo - Beautiful Bark
We need to see much more of it…
On photo - Taken today.
It’s gorgeous.
On photo - Marbled Hebe.
Nice and colourful Linda.
On photo - P1170278
So lovely to see them.
On photo - Patch of snowdrops
That is lovely Linda.
On photo - P1170278
Josie, I will never, ever plant a Bamboo in my garden after the tremendous spread of one I planted years ago! It was in a small raised bed, that was edged with the log-roll stuff and the Bamboo roots pushed it over, awful stuff and a devil to remove too!
On photo - Bamboo
Thanks Josie, I have been going there for many years. It's only a couple of miles away from home for me.
On photo - Crocus ... on a dry day.
Thanks Hb, I shall reply to your PM later.
On blog - I've started, so I'll fi...
Hywel, I used to take my children there and it's always a lovely place to visit throughout the year.
Rose, I think 'Cabin fever' was setting in. so even though it was definitely chilly, it was good to get out.
On blog - A stroll around Highdown Gardens
I did, just posted a blog to show them with Bees enjoying them being open!
On photo - P1140611
Oh Hywel that was the other name I was thinking of..
If it grows in hedgerows around you could it have come with your seeds you kindly offered me last year?
On question - I think this is Salad Burnet
Aww sorry to hear this, only just seen your post x
On blog - My Lottie
It looks like it. Sanguisorba minor. It grows in the hedgerows around here.
I don't know if it's invasive. I've got a few Sanguisorbas and they're well behaved, but this is a wild form so I don't know.
On question - I think this is Salad Burnet
Lovely colourful photo.
On photo - Taken today.
Hi Shirley, Hope you found some crocus out.
On photo - P1140611
Striking colour!
On photo - Beautiful 'Bannow Bay ' ...
Thank you for sharing this Shirley. I enjoyed the "walk" with you. It looked like it was a cold day!
On blog - A stroll around Highdown Gardens
Thanks Klahanie. There is a slug hiding under that downturned petal! I’ve ordered beer traps!
On photo - Helleborus Credale Strain Double
That's a lovely photo. The sun is shining here, at last, so I'm off to see if any of my Crocus have opened.
On photo - P1140611
Thankyou Balcony. It's lovely to see their vibrant colours especially when we haven't had much sunshine. The snowdrops have lasted a long time and the flowers are fully open now. The different patterns in the flowers are amazing.
On photo - P1140611
I think it’s a 10 a and above outdoor plant, but I would guess it’s as hardy as Monstera deliciosa.
On photo - Rhaphidophora decursiva - Dragon...
Beautiful leaves, Andy! :)
On photo - Rhaphidophora decursiva - Dragon...
Beautiful Crocuses, Lindak! :) One of my favourite spring flowers! :)
On photo - P1140611
Wow, you have cracked on. Your garden looks so neat and tidy for all your hard work.
On blog - I've started, so I'll fi...
In east Yorks I sow them direct in early April. I have done them in pots before starting some late March and keeping in the unheated cold frame.
On question - I have been given cerinthe seeds
I'm glad you made the most of the nice day Shirley, you visited an interesting place :)
On blog - A stroll around Highdown Gardens
On photo - Iris reticulata ‘Alida’
Thank you x
On blog - Tidy up time!
That sounds daunting Phyl! Thank you for looking in x
On blog - Beautiful January Morning
:0 Don’t go there Shirley! :)
On photo - Iris reticulata ‘Alida’
They started to grow while in transit, so it will be easy to keep them shallow.
On question - Peonies: I just received some pe...
Hi Klahanie, this is our regular walking place with tearooms, where we have a cup of coffee or tea now and again. We always take some grain down for the ducks.
On photo - 20250221 090552
Glad you enjoyed a nice day out at Highdown Gardens. I have never visited there.
On photo - Crocus ... on a dry day.
I agree Homebird. This was my first day out after the snow melted to discover (surprisingly) several blooming plants around.The temperature is fairly warm now on the south of Vancouver Island.
On photo - Patch of snowdrops