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This is a lovely collage of some very pretty flowers.


Such a beautiful flower.


Thanks Klahanie, another frost yesterday and this morning but it doesn't linger as the sun gets on it. I have worked a little in the garden today ... :o)


Definitely. Today is actually quite pleasant in the sunshine. I have re-sited a Rosemary shrub from a pot to the front garden. I was very surprised to find three snails lurking at the bottom of the pot, in the crock ... :o(


Klahanie, many thanks for looking in. We visit there three or four times a year, to see all the different flowers through the seasons.


Dave has responded to my message (super quick - thanks Dave) and has asked the techies for advice.


What a cutie pie bird!

What’s hummingbird’s juice?

I have a hummingbird nest with two babies in my Jungle Dragon Acalypha right now. January and February is hummingbirds’ nesting season here.


I have the same problem Shirley.


Pretty and interesting place to go for walk.Thank you for posting.



On photo - NE Corner


Thank you Linda and Thorneyside for your nice comments.
Unfortunately I do not know its exact name.
I have it for several years.


:)) x


Thank you! X


I didn’t! Great, I have something to watch now! Have to get something from the licence fee.

On photo - NE Corner


Lovely idea. ceanothus are beautiful. I might plant one myself! I couldn’t grow them in Scotland. All I wanted to offer is, the variegated forms are not as floriferous, so I have been told.


Rightly so!


That is so true. Did you see the GW compilation programme that was aired last night? I watched it this evening and loved the section where Rachel de Thame talks about pollinators, fascinating stuff!

On photo - NE Corner


Karen, I am hoping Dave may be able to sort it out. I haven't tried to change my avatar and shan't bother now!

Daylily, it's not vital, but would help me to see at a glance just what plants I do have ... :o)

Hywel, I have definitely deleted plants in the past. You bother with the site because you're our friend ... :o)))


I don't know how to delete plants from the garden page, I've just tried doing it but it doesn't seem possible, but it was once because I've done it in the past.
The pages are so slow to change too, they take ages, and often it doesn't work at all - This site is hopeless, there are so many things wrong with it. I really don't know why I bother with it !


Beautiful trees ...
Lovely plates ... I like plates on the walls :)


Hi Shirley, yes I have noticed this too, tried to update a couple of plant entries


Same Shirley. Neither can I change my photo of myself in profile.


Yes, and also I think people are planting for wildlife more now too. If we don’t take the fruit, the birds can.

On photo - NE Corner


Thank you…I agree. :)

On photo - SE Corner


Can’t tell you how pleased I am Shirley. :)


It does! The older bark is white with similar patches but greyer.

On photo - Beautiful Bark


Me too Shirley :)


I think it is the one called ‘Christmas Cheer’ Linda. But there were half a dozen beginning to bloom.

On photo - Stourhead today #4


Thanks Owdboggy, i had forgotten ceanothus is known as
Californian Lilac !
Thank you Jimmy for your advice. I am about to look up Skylark and will prepare the ground as you suggest as soon as I can rope in one of my children to help!


I have Ceanothus Skylark growing against a south-facing fence and it is doing very well! Dig in plenty of grit or sharp sand to keep it well-drained and break up the clay.


Since they come from south facing mountain sides in California, I seriously doubt that British heat is going to discommode them.
Certainly there are two really good ones on the south facing walls at Powis Castle.


I agree! Spring is here!


They do remind you of Spring emerging don't they Shirley!


Yes , it is a lovely plant ...sorry about the frost.


They are truly spectacular! There’s some at the Palmetum in Oakland across the bay from San Francisco. The ones at the Palmetum were planted in 1984, I remember when my friend, Garrin planted them, because it was the year I joined the International Palm Society.


Beautiful Klahanie. I have a few doubles, mostly dark purple, but nothing as dramatic as this. It's stunning. Does it have a name?


Such a sweet little bird, lovely photo too.


Lovely ... :o)

On photo - Marbled Hebe.


This morning we have a lovely blue sky, but a ground frost so it's deceiving to think it looks warm!

On photo - Taken today.


Agree about the perfume ... mine is fabulous too!


Karen, I have noticed fruit trees on sale just about everywhere around here, not just in garden centres but ironmongers, greengrocers etc., I guess everyone has to diversify.

On photo - NE Corner


Still looks lovely though ... :o)

On photo - SE Corner


Looking great!


Looks like camouflage!

On photo - Beautiful Bark


I love the markings on Iris flowers.


Agreed ... my Crocus opened up in the sunshine yesterday, hooray!

On photo - So cheerful!


Lovely, we drove along a dual carriageway the other day and catkins were in abundance, just on one side of the road though.


Morning David, 1 degree here with a ground frost, brr!


Klahanie, I bought this after seeing the photo of the one Meadowland has, it's a lovely one! We have white grass this morning, thanks to the frost ... :o(


Thanks Karen, there is a frost on the grass today so no doubt it's very chilly outdoors!