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Thank you Janey x
On blog - My New Garden - First Year
Maybe this is because I am on the east coast Karen.
On photo - Nandina
We take a small bag of mixed bird food when we go to the river gardens and give the swans and geese some. They know us and waddle towards us to get a few grains before the seagulls swoop....Lovely to hear about your geese Janey. Were they the white ones? They certainly are great characters.
On photo - P1140481
Thanks Janey.
On photo - Bit of mist around today but lot...
Those are old ones, too. At the San Diego Zoo there’s some 100 year old ponytail palms that are huge with massive caudexes. I’ve posted them in the past.
On photo - Succulent Showcase (from my rece...
Good luck 🍀😎
On photo - Cane Begonia Flowers
Having the pots at different levels makes the space far more interesting.
On photo - Garden By Night
Wow! That's lovely.
On photo - Nandina Firepower.
I don't know much about fungi at all Janey, so I'm not sure what type it is. I always see a lot of different ones here when the rain arrives.
On photo - Strange fungi has popped up afte...
They are magnificent creatures Janey. You certainly know when they're around and they make a lot of noise.
On photo - Garden Visitor - female Red-tail...
Janey, that one is my favourite!
On photo - Calibrachoa varieties blooming n...
I've never tried growing this one as I've heard from other gardeners here that it doesn't like our monsoonal wet seasons much. They do thrive down south in the sub-tropical zone though.
On photo - Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleedi...
Janey, they do love warm climates and full sun.
On photo - Hymenocallis littoralis or Spide...
Thanks Meadowland and Janey. These are reliable annuals for me and I love that they self-seed when planted in the ground. This is the first year I've actually planted them in a garden bed and I'm eager to see how they go throughout the coming year.
On photo - Wishbone Flower / Torenia fournieri
Ir was a cockatiel with a white face .
Sorry, he was with us 27 years not 29. He would be 29 this year.
He was a whistler, he knew quite a few songs.His favourite song was "Jingle bells". People could not believe how perfect it sounded. He knew a several words too.
He was amazing little birdie.
People without pets underestimate the ability of these little creatures.
I did write about his death here on GOY:
On blog - My Lottie
Thank you Karen and Shirley_tulip .
I cannot believe that I missed it flowering.
On photo - A big surprise
What sort of bird lives 29 years?
On blog - My Lottie
Welcome to GoY Flobye.
I wasn't able to separate mine . Not really sure what to suggest. A mate suggested trying to slide a section up/down as that worked on her style of bin. But it didn't for me.
On question - I'm selling my compost bin i...
Wow, that's a beauty BB, could be a type of bracket fungi? I have a tree stump in the garden and all round the base are orange coloured bracket fungi. But it is very cold, 2° and wet here...
On photo - Strange fungi has popped up afte...
Wow, fantastic! I remember seeing these in a park in Sydney when I visited my boy.
On photo - Garden Visitor - female Red-tail...
They are really lovely, what a collection BB! I have one that's surprisingly lasted a few years up here in the north east..:)
On photo - Dianthus - varieties blooming no...
Stunning, the bottom one is so vivid!
On photo - Calibrachoa varieties blooming n...
It is lovely!
On photo - Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleedi...
Ooh, beautiful! I once tried to grow these, but they didn't. Not the right climate.
On photo - Hymenocallis littoralis or Spide...
These are gorgeous BB, they remind me of a houseplant we used to have over here. Velvet trumpets and leaves, a Gloxinia. They were large flowers though.
On photo - Wishbone Flower / Torenia fournieri
I agree with Julia, it's a smashing photo, lovely serene colours..:)
On photo - Bit of mist around today but lot...
Love them Linda, they're really elegant. We used to keep geese years ago, gorgeous massive eggs!
On photo - P1140481
Really pretty!
On photo - Nandina Firepower.
I've really enjoyed seeing your pics over the last year Karen. You've really worked hard and the result is a stunning courtyard garden. It's a joy to see...
On blog - My New Garden - First Year
Thank you so much Klahanie for your kind words.
That's amazing you had your little bird all that time! How lovely, but also upsetting to lose him 😞
What type of bird was he?
On blog - My Lottie
Haha, Shirley! I've some Shirley poppy seeds to grow later..:)
Sheila, lots to peruse for the spring .🌼
I've made a list of annuals I'm going to hopefully grow in spring too..:)
On photo - I love these two.
Yes they have a lovely perfume.
On photo - Hymenocallis littoralis or Spide...
Can't grow them up here in the north of Queensland, but they seem to do well in the south-east corner.
On photo - Sepals and flowers of a Hydrange...
It's a fabulous place.
On photo - Corner of the Spectacle Garden a...
I love the Ponytail Palms, the Beaucarnea recurvatas, as well.
On photo - Succulent Showcase (from my rece...
You've prompted me to start looking for Cane Begonias and the Conga Impatiens online now.
On photo - Cane Begonia Flowers
That's exactly why I am beginning to love them so much. They tolerate our long dry and they can get through a monsoonal wet season. Exactly what's needed here.
On photo - Alocasia ‘Regal Shield’
Gorgeous! I like that they bloom all year, but they only live around 5 to 6 years here in San Diego. I like the pink and red varieties, also!
On photo - Pentas lanceolata
The flowers are very fragrant, too.
On photo - Hymenocallis littoralis or Spide...
I really like tumeric flowers. I have a large one, also.
On photo - Curcuma australasica or Cape Yor...
Wow! So beautiful!
On photo - Tacca integrifolia - White Bat P...
One of my favorite Clerodendrum.
On photo - Clerodendrum thomsoniae - Bleedi...
Very pretty!
On photo - Sepals and flowers of a Hydrange...
Beautiful garden! The crotons and tree ferns look awesome, too!
On photo - Corner of the Spectacle Garden a...
Very beautiful pic! I love the Kentia and Sentry palms, too!
On photo - Succulent Showcase (from my rece...
The canes do die after a while, but constantly produce more.
I used to go to Antonelli Bros Begonia Garden nursery in famous Santa Cruz in central California. They had begonias that were almost 30 ft (10 m) tall. I never knew they could grow so tall. This is where I discovered Congo Impatiens back in the early 90’s. They had three varieties. They had a pink variety and a yellow variety, which I absolutely cannot find anywhere, not even on the internet.
On photo - Cane Begonia Flowers
They typically grow fast and look good all the time. Most Alocasia species are pretty drought tolerant even though in summer they love water.
On photo - Alocasia ‘Regal Shield’
I've had an account on Flickr for many years now - in fact I have 3! Plus 1 group I made up a few years ago. I was admin & mod for quite a few years on Flickr! This is the oldest of the 2 I'm actually using though I can't upload any more photos to it as I passed the 1,000 limit some years ago. I can still use the account but mostly for admin purposes. This is the 2nd account & the newest & which I only use for uploading photos as I keep it below the 1,000 photos limit.
The original one I haven't accessed for years so I don't know if it works any longer.
A couple of weeks ago I tried to make a 4th account but Yahoo won't let me open another account unless I can give them a different mobile number. I don't have any more mobiles I can add!
On blog - Hippeastrums
On photo - Birdbath
I'm pleased I placed it here just before going through the gate.A warm welcome!
On photo - Nandina Firepower.