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Lovely flower. My potted one was blown over in Storm Darragh, the pot now has three cracks and when we moved it this morning, to the shade of the vine to dry it out prior to re-potting it, there is a mound of soil on the patio in between the pot feet!

My plan now is to buy a lightweight pot a couple of inches bigger, some ericaceous compost and then pot it on. I would hate to lose it.


Lovely to see some sunshine ... no wonder you have seating in the shade! Have a lovely Christmas.


It is stunning! A plant I have never grown, don't know why as they are so attractive.


Thank you Janey. I'm overjoyed to be at home this Christmas and surrounded by these decorations.


Exactly Hywel. I love being surrounded by decorations that are tied to special memories.

How wonderful that you still have some from your childhood. Tatty or not, they are worth keeping.

When I was a child, decorations were very light on. We had a real tree, cut down from a cattle property outside our small town, but the only decorations for the tree were paper chains that we made ourselves.

The only other decoration in our small house was a nativity set and a Merry Christmas banner that went in the front window.

I'm very impressed that you still have your very first nativity set! I love the fact that your partner Beryl is still with you at Christmastime in the form of those treasured decorations. That's very special.


Merry Christmas 🎄 BB, you've a lovely collection there of decorations and their memories, thank you for sharing them..


Happy Christmas Klahanie, enjoy the winter holidays xx


Wow, that's lovely Karen!


It's nice to put some decorations up, especially ones that bring back fond memories.
I still have some from my childhood days ... most of them are rather tatty and worn now, and stay in the box, but I always put up a crib that was given to me on my very first Christmas, by a great aunt :)
I've also got some that Beryl (late partner) bought and I put them up too :)

I hope you'll enjoy your retirement :)


Thank you ... Merry Christmas Klahanie :)


Thank you ... Merry Christmas Bushbernie :)


I thought it was Notre Dame as well. We've been there and it's beautiful. How lovely, Well done for doing the jigsaw.
Gerry likes doing jigsaws. He has a pile of them in the spare bedroom.....

On photo - Finished Puzzle


That's good Sue, I'm pleased you've now got the adblockers :) xx


Thanks 🙏


Licuala species are slow in the hot tropics and painfully slow here in San Diego’s mild subtropical climate. It’ll be decades before they are of any size, 6 ft or 2 m.


It’s an expensive plant here, too. But, online you can sometimes get a good price.


Hywel and Balcony, thankyou so much for your advice, it was much appreciated, I've downloaded the adblockplus and flitted around the blogs for a quick look at them, the ads have gone and I can now read them properly, that includes the big one that kept popping up along the bottom of my page as soon as I logged in, that one was the worse and was literally doing my head in.. Hywel I should have asked for advice months ago shouldn't I, it was very straightforward as you said, now hopefully I can catch up on all I've been missing....x


What a delicate beauty.


Over here people would go crazy at the thought of 100 seedlings. Medinillas are prized plants in tropical gardens and they are expensive to buy.


I also have Malwarebites free version, The chaps in the computer shop told me it's all you need. I never get infections from viruses either. (ie my computer never does lol)


They should make good trees in a few years time!


Sue, there are a number of free antiviruses as well. I've been using computers for over 20 years & have never had an infection, save once, & that was quickly sorted 20 years ago! I've never, ever shelled out a penny for them either!

You don't need to pay for Norton or any other. Besides Microsoft's "Defender" (installed on every Windows PC) is free & has improved no end in the last decade! It's the main antivirus on my computer. It updates automatically & runs scans often & I've yet to come across a virus on my computer.

I do also have another antivirus called "Malwarebytes". I have had the free version installed on my computer for several years &, in spite of the nagging to upgrade to the paid professional version, has worked really well for me. I do run a virus scan as soon as I can after the computer is turned on but it has never, ever found a virus!

Like Hywel I've several adblockers in my Firefox browser as well. Though the browser is pretty good also at keeping bad programmes away from our computers.


I hope you have good luck with them!


Why don't you try these Sue, I've had them for years, they are totally free, no need to pay membership, and I NEVER see any ads on GoY or anywhere else.
Easy to download - even I could do it.


Hi Shirley, sorry its taken a few days to get back to you, long story cut short, we've been occupied with very ill relatives so been travelling both to Addenbrooks and Leicester.....
It would be so good if we can stay here on Goy, I've tried other sites but just didn't get on with them at all.... As to the adblockers I did have one on my other laptop but its expired, reason I didn't renew my membership was because it never did work on Goy anyway, as my laptop was protected by Norton through Derek's subscription I wasn't unduly bothered, however now I'm trying to get a new subscription in my own name but they say there is already an account in that name so only need my password of which I don't know, won't give me option to reset it without administrators permission to change anything, that person was Derek, without divine intervention I am what you call "Up the Creek Without a Paddle Shirley," not teccie minded at all , I get confused as to which one is the best ....


What a beautiful and very special card to receive. Happy Christmas Shirley to you and your family. xxx


Seaburngirl, you have some very special treasures amongst your collection. Having your grandmother's decorations and your parent's glass bells is truly lovely. They are priceless treasures.

I love the idea of embroidered cards that then become family keepsakes. The family tradition of putting up the Xmas tree on the 17th is a beautiful way to pay tribute to your mother.


Feverfew, at the beginning of my teaching career parents and students would very often buy chocolates and mugs or wine, which I considered too expensive. I worked at schools in low socio-economic areas.

I then started mentioning how much I'd love Xmas tree ornaments or decorations, hoping they would take the hint and not spend so much money on a gift at the end of the school year.

Thankfully, the message spread and that's how the collection began.


Karen, I'm sure your collection brings you just as much joy and over 35 years the decorations would have changed considerably.


I’m going to post a pic soon. I’ve been wanting to post a pic for quite a while. They’re all growing like grass in two plastic strawberry containers (here where strawberries are sold). I’m only guessing there’s 100 total, but there could even be more…or possibly less.

If you lived here, I would give you some. I’ve seen how well you take care of your plants.


Merry Christmas Klahanie. Enjoy your festive season.


Happy Christmas Klahanie...such a cute treex


Oh ok, further north than where you live.

That’s good information which makes a lot sense. It’s commonly sold as Australian fan palm here in the U.S., but I know there’s several native Australian fan palms: Livistona australis; L. drudei; L. decora; L. humilis are just a few examples.


Thank you Kate, hope you can look after yourself in spite of it being such a stressful time. xx

On blog - Break away..


Same to you Bushbernie and your family.


what a lovely collection of ornaments. I love treasures like this.

I have decorations from the 1900-10 that were my grandmothers, then glass bells that were on my mum and dads wedding cake 1943.
Moving forward there are some from my childhood 1960's and then ones that my daughters chose 1995- present day.

They have an embroidered card that I have done for every Christmas except 2007 [don't know what happened there]. that started in 1992 when Elizabeth was born. They have added them to small frames that hang either on their trees or on the wall. Just finished the ones for this year, just need framing in cards.

My tree goes up tomorrow which would have been my mum's birthday. The tree was always put up for her birthday and I have continued the tradition. Even though it also commemorates her death. She died on her 79th birthday, within 10 mins of the time she was born.
Both daughters also put theirs up on the 17th.


hi Kids gran, I finally downloaded a free adblocker that Hywel mentioned. No adds now.

Have a lovely Christmas too.

On blog - Still around !


...and to you and your family BB.


Have a lovely Christmas Kidsgran. You do have a lovely view from your front garden.

On blog - Still around !


I think they are all lovely & what a good idea to buy teacher
tree ornaments. Good that you can still remember who gave which, so many memories bound up in those small gifts. Have a lovely Christmas Bb in your own home. I bet you have some nice sunshine!


Yes Delonix, the Licuala ramsayi is native to north eastern Queensland, further north than where I live, and in the rainforests up there. We often refer to it as the Queensland Fan Palm, rather than the Australian Fan Palm.

The Licuala ramsayi was the one I had growing here.


Wow! 100. That's wonderful. I'm sure there will be many people who'd love to purchase a seedling. If I were closer, I'd be putting my hand up! ✋


Thank you Karen. It turned out to be a far more meaningful exercise than I was expecting.


Thanks Janey ... :o)


Thanks David ... enjoy the Christmas celebrations.


Thank you all I will download Adblocker .

On blog - Still around !


A friend here has done the same Lindak...the leaves aren't red but it has become a large plant.


So far they are doing very well. I think they’ll be big and strong to go outside by early Spring.


Me too.

My largest plant bloomed in late summer of 2022 and I planted seed in late Spring of 2023. For the first time in over 20 years of trying to germinate this plant I got about 100 seedlings. They’re a year and half years old now. I need to separate them all and figure what to do with them. Most likely I’ll sell them.


Hello Kidsgran! Happy Christmas x

On blog - Still around !