Autumn Colours in 2010
By balcony
After Hywel wrote a blog on an autumn walk I felt inspired to go out & do the same! My photos are not nearly as good as his nor as interesting but at least we can compare what the autumn looks like in different parts of the UK where we live.
Here is a collage I made up with some trees that grow in a local school:
These are the individual photos that made up the collage above:
This last tree can be seen from a great distance & it’s a really vibrant orange!
This Staghorn Stumach seems darker this year than other years.
These two Firethorns look fabulous every year!
These variegated Weigelas should flower at the end of spring/beginning of summer yet here they are in flower in November!
These trees are a stone’s throw from our flat! They look much redder here than they really are – in fact the picture below, taken from our bedroom window, shows the true colours.
This tree flowers spectacularly in the spring. It looks like a pale pink cloud floating in the garden. Now in the autumn it has these lovely colours, too!
To finish this blog of autumn colour have a look at this Pear tree on one of the allotments in the field where our allotment is. It really does look like that red!
9 Nov, 2010
Previous post: Late autumn down on the plot (October 2010)
Next post: Cambridge Botanical Gardens (Compost Corner) 1
Thats a lovely set of photo`s Balcony......
9 Nov, 2010
No need to apologize for your photos, Balcony...they are lovely and it is nice to see there is so much colour despite your being in the city. The colours are spectacular this year and it was a pleasure to look at your photos.
9 Nov, 2010
Those orange trees are spectacular. We don't get much fall color here.
9 Nov, 2010
Now please don't put yourself down David ! These photos are brilliant. They are full of the autumn colours in your part of England, and thanks for showing them.
It's nice to have such beauty around us wherever we live.
The trees everywhere seem to be more colourful this autumn :o)
9 Nov, 2010
What lovely photos Balcony. Such gorgeous colours. I especially like the two pyrocanthus. Thanks for posting these. :o)
10 Nov, 2010
Thanks for some lovely photos of where you live, dont get anything like that here as i live in a town, so really enjoy seeing these sort of photos
10 Nov, 2010
Thanks everyone for your great comments & I'm glad you like the autumn colours around here! :-))
Clarice, I live in a town as well but it is much smaller than Blackpool. There are a lot of lovely trees around here - at any time of the year!
Gilli, the Pyracathus are really gorgeous! There are lots of them in people's gardens here & some of them are very old.
Hywel, thanks for your praise & it is indeed nice to have so many trees around us. Their spring & autumn colours are often magnificent!
Lauram, some of the trees around here have really lovely colours. The ones in Drake Close I had never seen before in the autumn so they were a pleasant surprise! They are no more than 2/3 mins walk from my flat!
Whistonlass, glad you liked the photos & the trees I think are more colourful this year, perhaps because of the long, hot, dry summer we had here this year?
Lincslass, I'm pleased you like my photos! :-))
Grandmage, glad you liked my blog & photos. I do like this time of year indeed!
I keep on remembering the city where we used to live in Spain, all along the main river there are miles & miles, quite literally, of tall Poplars, their thin candle like shape really light up at this time of the year. The leaves turn a bright yellow & to see these as far as the eye can see - up & down river - is a really magnificent sight! I must have a look in my photos on my computer & see if I still have a photo I can upload for everyone to see.
10 Nov, 2010
Wow... you've really captured some Autumn color here...beautiful pictures & trees
14 Nov, 2010
Thanks, Floralhead! I'm glad you liked it! :-))
14 Nov, 2010
Autumn colour is so uplifting while we batten down for winter again ... your pics are lovely Balcony ...
Love the Firethorns ... what a fab name for them! :o)
14 Nov, 2010
You are so right, Fluff! For the brief time they last they are very uplifting! So pleased you liked my pictures! :-))
I love the Firethorns, they look so lovely during the winter but when they flower in spring they are very nice for a few weeks as the branches are almost covered completely in tiny white flowers. Have you seen the thorns they have???
15 Nov, 2010
No but they sound scary! :o)
16 Nov, 2010
They are!
17 Nov, 2010
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Just wonderful Balcony, lovely pics and blog, dont you just love this time of year?
9 Nov, 2010