Flowerbeds on Ring Road
By balcony
As we enter, officially, autumn in the northern hemisphere on Monday, 21st September, I wanted to take my last photos of the flowerbeds on the ring road here. As we were lucky enough to have a warm, sunny day I decided I’d like some photos before they are pulled up during the coming week. The council gardeners will want to rip them out in the coming week so they can prepare the beds for the spring bedding plants.
Here are some of the pictures I took with my mobile phone’s camera today.
This one especially for David & his chocolate themed garden!
These next three photos are of the same central bed but which needs about 6 photos to do it justice!
This is the last flowerbed in this sort of immense “island” bed. I’ve tried but it is impossible to see all this island from ground level. To see it in its entirety you would need to jump into a helicopter & then see it from above!
18 Sep, 2009
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Lovely photo`s Balcony, its a good job I cant drive I`d get arrested for driving whilst admiring the flower beds and not paying attention to the traffic.....
18 Sep, 2009
Lovely Balcony, around here roundabouts are covered in greyish bricks and sprayed with weed killer so ugly.
18 Sep, 2009
Great shots Balcony ... erm with a handle like yours you dont need a helicopter :o)))) ..... doh! sorry.
I agree it is a shame they are going to pulled out, our roundabout at the end of our road is always full of blooms but they will start to take them all out soon, its another sign that Chr..... (oh! shoot nearly said it then) winter is nearly on us.
18 Sep, 2009
Lovely photos Balcony. What a shame they pull them out before they are all finished.
19 Sep, 2009
Lovely photos! Are the pulled-up plants offered up as 'freebies' or just consigned to the dump? Sad if they are! Someone, somewhere could offer them a 'nursing home' in their dotage and maybe keep them going for future years.
19 Sep, 2009
Wonderful Blog, I enjoyed going round and round and round hehe some wonderful plants and so colourful shame they dump them on a compost heap
19 Sep, 2009
Beautiful flower displays, like Morgana says what a shame they dump them Im sure there are lots of people who would just love to give them house room, after all they are paid for and looked after by rate payers money
19 Sep, 2009
From the size of them, it looks as if they at least keep the phormiums from year to year, probably the musas too.
Lovely pics, Balcony.
19 Sep, 2009
It is a shame they pull them up so early when they could easily go on a full month more before we have a frost. On the other hand some are looking distinctly jaded by now. The Dahlias especially are going over fast but if nobody deadheads them it's no wonder. I was thinking of picking off a couple of seedheads to plant the seeds next year & have chocolate coloured Dahlias on my balcony - but how to protect them from earwigs??? They seem to draw all the blighters from all over town! I end up with "lacy" leaves & flowers! It's no use catching them in upturned cups & killing them the next day - I'm sure they multiply overnight! 's a shame because I like Dahlias a lot.
19 Sep, 2009
Great beds all around here. I'm very familiar with the sad pull out of the bloomers, since I must or see them suddenly frozen in place on morning....lol. I just love things in mass and they really demonstrated that well with this. At least they are composting if nothing else. Many would live for years though. This kind of thing keeps many a greenhouse in business.
23 Sep, 2009
To my surprise they haven't started taking them out yet! Other years they start the first week of autumn.
23 Sep, 2009
Our town centre, roundabouts, etc., contain beautfiul disoplays from Spring through to th end of Spetember. Your blog has inspired me to go walkabout rather than drivearound, with my camera. :-)
Imagine, you thinking of our choc-themed garden when you saw that bed, lol! Lovely phormiums and grasses (pennesetum, I think). Many Thanks for sharing it!
Good Luck with the seeds, too. Incidentally, I read in a newspaper just today about a lady who loved her Town Council's floral displays. One day she saw a withered flower in one,thought it ruined the display, and pulled it out. Someone saw her, noted her car reg plate, and reported her. First she knew was when the police arrived at her door. She did have to attend Court, and was admonished as the Court realised that the act was committed with good intention. The Council, however, is still very angry.
I suppose/hope that the bedding plants being removed shortly go to the Parks Depts' compost heaps, and so end up back in the public display areas. If not, I think it would make sense for the Councils to advertise and hold "open days", when people could attend and take the plants for their own use (I'm thinking of seed and cuttings to root).
As you can tell, Balcony, your blog has got me doing a great deal of thinking. Many Thanks, again. :-))
26 Sep, 2009
Glad it's got somebody out of their car! :-D
Seriously we could do a lot of good for our towns & cities by praising their work when it's well done. They receive a lot of negative criticism, at times well deserved, but when something is well done it merits praise.
Huntingdon has won the gold medal in the Anglia in Bloom competition for the first time this year! :-) We have won silver on several occasions before but this is the first gold.
See my blog: Anglia in Bloom
28 Sep, 2009
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Pitty they're going to take it all up when it looks so colourful. But they have to look ahead I suppose.
18 Sep, 2009