Little Treasures
By bjs
Little being the word for this Daphne Flower,it is nearly as large as the plant purchased last summer
Daphne Blagyana ‘Brenda Anderson’
Rhododendron ‘Seta’
This is one you have seen in previous years ,just a few flowers so far
Snowdrop new to me has Five outer Petals, yes five one is in hiding out of shot
Galanthus ‘Mrs Thompson’
Hepatica’ Cobalt Blue’
This nearer to cobalt than the picture shows
This is a Two year old seedling from the above Hepatica I have nine of them,looks like a bit of a wait for flowers
Another Hepatica This time Japonica ‘Ryougetsu’ quite like it, but not the price
Very little treasure this time Crocus ‘Corsicus’
Could not resist a close up of it
Hepatica as a double form may have shown it before but what the heck I like it.
15 Feb, 2013
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Thank you for sharing all your beauty Brian.
Love your Daphene Brenda Anderson and so pretty Hepaticas on my wish list.
15 Feb, 2013
How lovely - stunning pictures Bjs - I smelt the Daphne other day - they're heavenly! Hope all our bulbs come up or at leat half - most have been drowned or pulled up by animals of some sort - but to be honest I am really bad at bulb planting
15 Feb, 2013
Little treasures indeed Bjs, and I bet the beautiful flower of the Daphne smells wonderful.
15 Feb, 2013
MasterĀ“s miniatures...
But details of Crocus are most charming :))
15 Feb, 2013
Another pleasure to see your pictures Brian.
That Daphne is gorgeous. We can tell why you love your collection of Hepatica. Beautiful.
There was a picture posted earlier by Naoto of a lovely looking Hepatica. Did you see it?
15 Feb, 2013
lovely photos Brian, love the colbalt blue one especially :o)))
15 Feb, 2013
Brian they are such lovely little treasures.
15 Feb, 2013
I just love Daphnes and got close to one in a garden centre today to catch its beautiful scent.......I am not allowed any more because they always die here so I have to enjoy other peoples'!!!! It is a shame isn't it?!!!
15 Feb, 2013
Gorgeous Bjs....I have a few hepaticas but the new shoots are just emerging...I left them outside...oops, thats probably not a good idea....I love your collection...:>)
15 Feb, 2013
Its all been said there are not enough adjectives to match your treasures.
15 Feb, 2013
Beauties all of them. So nice to see them - brightens up the day. :O)
16 Feb, 2013
superb photos of fascinating plants.
16 Feb, 2013
I too love hepaticas bjs. really like the pink double.
16 Feb, 2013
The Daphne will have an amazing scent , ours died of old age last year it had been dug up and given to us by friends who left to start a new life in Australia 20 years ago , lovely bright photos Brian , your hepaticas are stunning !
17 Feb, 2013
A lovely set of pictures Brian Spring is on the way in Your garden, I have lots of new growth but very few flowers yet ;0)
17 Feb, 2013
Really exquisite flowers you have there Brian
17 Feb, 2013
Lovely photos...I bet the Daphne has a lovely scent!!!!
17 Feb, 2013
Brian, these really are treasures! That crocus is absolutely fantabulous! What a perfect colour it has. Hepaticas are really lovely. I had one in my old garden...hepatica nobilis...nobody told me they were 'tricky' and it grew very nicely in a raised bed. I've not tried any here yet, but if I see any at the local nursery I might be tempted!
19 Feb, 2013
Karen I don't know that the Hepaticas are difficult,providing they are not subject to hot summer sun,I do have a couple in the garden but rarely see decent flowers they are chewed by everything that moves.Hence the reason they are in pots.
19 Feb, 2013
Wildrose do you not have a shady spot to grow Daphne
19 Feb, 2013
Thanks summer sun? I wish! ;)
19 Feb, 2013
Great show Brian.Lovely Daphne.Is that Hepatica from Edrom's?
19 Feb, 2013
Exquisite photos, bjs. Love them all.
My Hepatica has been trampled by the dog and eaten by something but is hanging in there, just.
The minature daphne are a delight. As are the crocus.
I want an alpine house!
20 Feb, 2013
Phil Hepatica from Edrom 2011
Fractual cat for me the only way, no longer want to crawl around the garden in winter.
20 Feb, 2013
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exquisite! i love those dark stamen in the pink Rhododendron, the close up of the crocus is stunning, a five petal snowdrop ~ amazing and those Hepaticas are very special
beautiful photos Brian
15 Feb, 2013