Late summer in Bristol
By bjs
This is a time of year when I have to look for flowers to photo instead of falling over them, as many of you know Autumn through to spring is really my time .
However see what you think of these.
Blue Hibiscus
Close up
Rudbeckia Irish mist doing really well in the sun
Fuschia ‘Annabell’
Clematis seed almost as pretty as the flower
A nice green Fern do have the name but not in my head
Lilac /pink Hibiscus
Close up my favourite one of these
Dwarfish Hostas have done very well minimal slug damage ,they are up off the ground though.
Another favourite Thalictrum at its best
Summer Heathers just opening
Cyclamen Purpurascens even better than when I showed it a while ago
Thalictrum ‘Hewitts Double’
as before
One more Hibiscus
Enjoy and I will go on with my pruning
21 Aug, 2013
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Awesome array of wonderful plants, very impressive Brian.
21 Aug, 2013
What amazing Hibiscus Brian...I love to see them because I really can't grow them here...they flower too late and the frosts get to them. But I just love them and they remind me of a holiday some years ago in the Dordogne. :))) Love that Fuchsia as well!...and that Rudbeckia!
21 Aug, 2013
Stunning photo's Brian.and I love them all..thank you for sharing;o)
21 Aug, 2013
Your garden is still very colourful Brian the Hibiscus is a fabulous colour , I have a yellow Thalictrum 6ft tall from seed Simbad ( Kathy ) sent me it's starting to go to seed if you would like me to save some seed please let me know :o)
21 Aug, 2013
Great Hibiscus Brian, and the Thalictrum is so pretty.
21 Aug, 2013
More beautiful flowers, especially the second one. Your Annabel looks very different from mine, which have grown much taller and upright - but not flowered anything like as freely as they did last year. And the pink is a bit washed out looking - any tips?
21 Aug, 2013
breath taking beauty (garden)...
your eye is VERY good to!!! in taking photos!
Lovely way to see plants that you have not only that but those plants have been so well looked after..
i love all i see :) and iam very WOWED by the Thalictrum ‘Hewitts Double’ first reason is the photography very well shot(not seen it photographed quite like that, perfection really!!! and second like the plant its self...Thalictrum here to looks perfect those two(Thalictrum ‘Hewitts Double’/thalictrum )plants they seem to be wieghtless!!
very charming..
thank you...
from jane. :J)))
21 Aug, 2013
ps:- theres a fly enjoying the ‘Hewitts Double’!!!
21 Aug, 2013
My camera is not too good at taking photos of Hewitt's double don't think it knows quite where to focus.
A sharp eye that picked out the fly I had not spotted it.
Amy was not familer with the yellow Thalictrum so googled it the pictures show a much more solid flower if that is the correct description,yes I would like to try the seed.I have a white one but as yet no flowers, was wondering if the double would cross with any others ,not sure if it is even fertile.
22 Aug, 2013
Was surprised when you said it was upright so checked it out seems you can train it any way you want apparently makes a good 2ft standard. As for why yours looks washed out I can only think it is starved did you prune and repot it early in the year, they grow so vigorously would think that is almost essential.
22 Aug, 2013
What a gorgeous selection Brian, and such stunning photos! I used to have Hibiscus 'blue bird' but now much prefer the beautiful "paler pink one": added to faves :))
Btw, when I went to 'Google' pink Hibiscus to see if I could track down the name, I found today's 'Doodle' which is a lovely representation of Debussy's "Clair de Lune" with added romance! Hope you get the chance to see it Bjs.
22 Aug, 2013
I love the blue Hibiscus Brian but have been unsuccessful growing them in this garden although my neighbours have the lilac one in their front garden and it always looks full of health. Thalictrum is on my shopping list for next year :o)
22 Aug, 2013
Hi Brian, no wonder this is your time of the year in the garden. Some beautiful shrubs and plants. That blue Hibiscus I have too, but yours must be much older, as your looks like tree and mine is just 150 cm shrub. However, it is nicer, when its leaves are dark green and not yellow green, like mine. How do you fertilise Hibiscus? Some people say, it doesn t need fertilisation, some fertilise with organic materials. I love your Rudbeckia Irish mist. But....I bought a new sort of Rudbeckia last week, a large one, really beautiful, so wait till next year...:-)
I must have a look on Google what is Thalictrum. It looks like a tree or bush. It´s so beautiful.
22 Aug, 2013
I too love all those Hibiscus Brian, they are very pretty, mine never does that well, it flowers but very sparsley. I am additing Thalictrum on to my shopping list too :O) lovely pictures :O)
22 Aug, 2013
Love the Hibiscus especially the blue one, I have the lilac coloured Thalictrum which is doing well but haven`t seen any sign of the white one from last year.
22 Aug, 2013
What's left to say about the Hibiscus - they are lovely specimens Brian, especially the Blue one. Looking back at the comments, it's very popular.
Your hostas rewarding you by getting them up of the ground. Despite a lack of slugs and snails here this year, there are still signs on the Hostas.
22 Aug, 2013
The Hibiscus is beautiful so is the Thalictrum Brian.
22 Aug, 2013
Yes Bjs, they both had new compost in big pots and were cut back. I think it must have been the awful spring as most of the other fuchsias have been poor as well, except for good old Lena. They were great with the same treatment last year.
22 Aug, 2013
Steragram my only other thoughts if it looks unwell is the possibility of Vine weevil in the roots, also you say large pots if very large they can make roots at expense of flowers
22 Aug, 2013
I would be hugely grateful if you would ID the gorgeous "lilac/pink Hibiscus" for us Brian . . . no joy as yet locating it on Google.
23 Aug, 2013
Love the thalictrums - first came across them in Scotland this summer and they just amaze me that there is hardly any substance to them, they are so light.
24 Aug, 2013
You are in luck my label was still intact after close on 10 years (not a plastic one) name Hibiscus Syriacus
'Lavender Chiffon '
24 Aug, 2013
Oh, thank you so much Brian . . . what an evocative name! Added your blog to faves. x
24 Aug, 2013
A great collection of pics; re your fern; could it be, polysticherum seteriferum?
2 Sep, 2013
David that one is not but would need to look at the label to tell you the name.
Linda 235 has a recent picture of P.Setiferum if you look you will see the difference this one has crested ends.
Do you grow many yourself I find them fascinating but the brain will not hold the names any more hence they are pretty securely labelled.
3 Sep, 2013
Homebird, That is surprising I would have thought it Would have either died or grown away by now ,do you think it might be worth checking that the root system has grown away from the original root ball because if it hasn't it will be starving, Have seen it happen with other shrubs but no experience of it with hibiscus
8 Sep, 2013
In a pot roots tend to go in circles as I am sure you know and if they are not spread out into an open shape when planting out that is often the problem, no nourishment going round in a circle.
8 Sep, 2013
Stunning hibiscus Brian and a great variety of plants too, I love the Thalictrum, mine has done well this year, they last such a long time and the foliageand seedheads are just as pretty as the flowers, enjoyed viewing;0)
27 Sep, 2013
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Wow Wow Wow amazing just love you blue hibiscus Brian and Rudbeckia Irish.
Thankyou for sharing your beauty.
I have added to favourites so I can keep looking back .
21 Aug, 2013