Thank you Shirley tulip.*
By bloomer
This arrived safely this morning..and within an hour,was planted in its new home..I love it,and it will fill a gap nicely,..just the thing :o)) The shoe box packing was ideal for it Shirley,I wondered what it would come in..Lol.Thank you so much,I will look after it with love :o))
While I was outside,I planted up my recently bought Skimmia,which is now by the front door,and will plant it out,when it is more established.
It was freezing cold and dull,so I was glad to get back into the warm kitchen,to finish this off,for tea,
The family’s favourite..
It won’t last long !!
2 Mar, 2011
Previous post: In flower at last !
Next post: My Art Gallery.
Three cheers for our postal service ... that was in my garden pot at 8am yesterday and is now in your garden! Amazing! Pleased you like it ... I'll need to buy some more shoes now though ... need a box for packing ... lol! The Skimmia looks very healthy ... I'm still dieting so am ignoring the cake pic! Mind you ... it does look disgustingly good!!! : o ))
2 Mar, 2011
This belonged to my Mother in law, Pam,and I always loved it..I don't have any names for them..but it could be arranged! Lol.Thank you for your nice comments.:o)
2 Mar, 2011
That was really quick service wasn't it ?.Poor you ,no shoe box..! I keep going to the window to have a look at your plant..I'm sure its grown already ! Lol.The sun has come out,and it looks even nicer..:o)Sorry about the cake,Shirley,I shouldn't have tried to tempt time,I will just show an empty plate,especially for you...Thanks my friend,for your kindness..:o)
2 Mar, 2011
It seems we are all at it!!!! So lovely to share our plants with friends, I love it.
ps. i am too ignoring the cake :~( on a strict diet, have lost 7lbs!!
2 Mar, 2011
I agree Grandmage,its great..and its lovely to have the postman bringing something nice,instead of bills ! Ok,apology to you too,about the cake..but well done on losing must be pleased.:o)
2 Mar, 2011
Very, but could murder a piece of your cake Lol. x
2 Mar, 2011
Well done, Grandmage, it's a hard slog isn't it? We went out with my Mum this morning, ended up having a pub lunch and I had pasta, garlic bread and a very tasty salad. No need to cook a meal tonight now. : o ))
2 Mar, 2011
Thanks Shirley, it is very hard but I am pleased some of it is going!! Glad you enjoyed your lunch, we had a chinese out last week with my brother and that undid some good,:~( never mind back on the straight and narrow now.
2 Mar, 2011
: o )))
2 Mar, 2011
You will both be fine,after your meals out..I'm sure it won't have made any least there are a lot of choices you can have these days..and you can have a little treat now and then,can't you ? It won't harm,and just fills that little gap...
2 Mar, 2011
I'm just sat here drooling over that cake, what I would give for a slice of that, seems we are all getting plants via the post. I received three this morning, potted up in the greenhouse, your plants are lovely Bloomer, its so nice to share on here,
2 Mar, 2011
I have many Grape Hyacinths coming up yet again ... can't stand them ... any takers? No ... I thought not! : o ))
2 Mar, 2011
Hang on there Shirley, don't be so quick, I'm thinking about it,
2 Mar, 2011
I cant get rid of my grape hyacinths either Shirley. Once you've got them thats it. I keep digging mine out and they keep coming back.
2 Mar, 2011
Now if I had known that,Yorkshire,I would have made the effort to bring you a piece to B& Q.!.Thank you,for your nice comment..did you get anything today ?
2 Mar, 2011
I like grape Hyacinths,but have lots too,I am going to plant some in Alison's garden,as it is a bit bare..neither of them are gardeners ..yet,but I am working on them.!
2 Mar, 2011
Cor to think I nearly had a piece of your cake, I could have sat in B&Q with a coffee and eaten the cake, damn, missed out again, just my luck,
125 litre bag compost, 6 primulas, 6 strawberry plants and a teracotta strawberry planter, don't know why the girls are moaning about grape Hyacinths, I think they are nice,
2 Mar, 2011
Glad you got your plant so quick.... last time i saw it was in shirleys didnt you want it then shirley....
your cake looks very yummy.....
2 Mar, 2011
I see chocolate ! Give it to Me !! lol
Kind Shirley to send you that lovely shrub. You'll be pleased with it. I have one of those and love it (not as much as chocolate lol)
2 Mar, 2011
I'm chocaholic too-- theres a recipe called a 'ganache' you put equal amounts of cream ( or elmlea) in a bowl with chocolate ( dark if you like it rich) and melt it in the microwave, stir very well
it can be used for everything from filling a baked pastry case to a cake filling or icing or whisked with an electric whisk and it goes all light an fluffy--any way its a real treat :~p
2 Mar, 2011
That sounds nice. I'd probably eat it all from the bowl :)
2 Mar, 2011
its worth doing for a special occasion but you have to have lots of 'practise runs'.........
2 Mar, 2011
Holly, I bought one plant of Osmanthus, divided it into 3, so each pot had a piece and then realised I shan't need all 3 of them in the garden! Amazed at the postal delivery speed though ... : o )
2 Mar, 2011
All looks great - why our Skimmia hasn't flowered yet is strange but maybe it will soon - wish I could have a big slice of that cake :):):):)
2 Mar, 2011
I love the terra pot and the eggheads, but most of all....the CAKE!! :))
2 Mar, 2011
Oooh...what a tasty looking cake..a slice would go well with the cuppa I`m about to drink! The Skimmia looks lovely as does your new Osmanthus. :o)
2 Mar, 2011
Glad you got some lovely plants,and your strawberry planter,Yorkshire...we were so near,and yet so far..sorry I tempted you,and would have willingly brought you a piece,but I had a lot to do today...makes a change !.
It was quick,Holly..couldn't believe it myself ,when the poatman knocked.. the cake always goes down well..and fast.!,I make it a lot.It has carnation milk in it.
You made me laugh Hywel..still longing for chocolate then? you must resist,after all that weight you lost..glad you like the plant too,it is a nice one,and so nice of Shirlwy to send me it...:o)
Ive heard of Ganache,Pam..but never made it..It sounds really rich and decadent :o)
Thank you Paul .Sorry to hear your Skimmia hasn't flowered yet ,is it in the garden or a pot?,.I am well pleased with my £4 bargain:o)
Thanks Karen,I love my eggheads and pot too.I bought three of them,ages ago,another the same size,and a larger one,and after the last 2 winters,they have proved to be definitely frost proof.:o)/Glad you also approve of the cake :o)
It seems everyone likes the cake,Sandra..its a really old recipe out of one of those little Bero books,that my mum had for as long as I can remember...very tatty and dog eared,but I use it a lot..I am so happy with the Osmanthus,and my skimmia..Its been a very nice day..:o)
2 Mar, 2011
Yes I still look for chocolate. I'm always looking for chocolate :D
I ate 3 packets of Cadburies buttons yesterday lol. They disappeared in a few seconds ! I can't wait for warmer weather so that I can loose a few pounds in the garden :o))
3 Mar, 2011
You will soon lose it again Hywel,most of us have succumbed to temptation this winter,so you are not alone..:o) Through sheer boredom,sometimes..and when we can get out more,it will be better..I won't be out there today,its freezing,and it was very frosty this morning..:o(
3 Mar, 2011
We had a bit of frost, not much - just a touch :o(( too much for me lol. It's been nice today though in the sun. But I hope it warms up soon ..
3 Mar, 2011
Sun ? Sun? whats that Hywel just grrrreeeyyyy here.....
its only the thought of chocolate that keeps me going :o)
3 Mar, 2011
lol. Eat plenty then Pam :o)) We've had a few nice days this week. I hope it spreads !
3 Mar, 2011
so do I Hywel its an easterly wind and 2 degrees-- roll on summer..... xxx
3 Mar, 2011
lovely plant from shirley and yummy cake, love the eggheads to lol
3 Mar, 2011
Thanks San,I am chuffed with the plant..cake almost gone,just saved Thomas a little piece for tomorrow,to finish his lunch.,minus the filling,as it will be a bit too rich for him yet..11months old today,and just loves his food.:o)
3 Mar, 2011
aww sandra how fast 11 months has gone by :o)
3 Mar, 2011
What a lovely gift from Shirley. it looks very healthy! my skimmas are just starting to open now they are such hardy plants I love them. I was only thinking about your choclate cake Sandra when I was doing a baking session last week, I did make it awhile back and it was very yummy, but cant find the recipe now, so would you mind bring it for me when we meet next week;0)
4 Mar, 2011
Now then Sandra!!!....tempting everyone with your yummy looking certainly looks delicious.......but I'd rather have the
4 Mar, 2011
It certainly has San.we have had him all day today,but he has been so good,and he loved his cake for pudding!Needless to say,we are both cream crackered tonight,but in a nice way,Lol.
Thanks Carole,I am so pleased with Shirley's plant,and my Skimmia.I will bring the recipe next week for you.I think I sent it via a PM,but if you are anything like me,you probably had a blitz on deleting things you no longer need,then realise you have got rid of the wrong ones.Lol.
No problem,I will write it this time :o)
Are you sure,Lou ? but then again,you will no doubt be eating some tempting things in the near future...won't you ? Lol...not long now..:o))
4 Mar, 2011
Love the shrubs and the egg-holder :o)
5 Mar, 2011
Thanks too :o)
5 Mar, 2011
I'm guessing the skimmia and osmanthus have grown bigger ... and the cake is now just a lovely memory ;o)
5 Mar, 2011
I am willing them to grow Terra,very impatient,as I KNOW I have to wait...and the cake shrunk in no time..Lol.
5 Mar, 2011
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I love the eggheads Bloomer who are they?
( the cake and plants look good too :o)
2 Mar, 2011