Milk Chocolate cake recipe,for Shirleytulip..
By bloomer
This is the same one,that I gave Carole (Pp),and Amy .
Its from a very old recipe book,so the ingredients are still in ounces..
7oz SR Flour
8oz sugar.
4oz margarine( block type )
2 tablespoons Cocoa.
2eggs,beaten with 5 Tablespoons evaporated milk,and 5 Tablespoons water.
1teaspoon Vanilla essence,or extract.
Sift together,flour,sugar and cocoa.
Rub in margarine.
stir in eggs,essence and liquids,and beat well.
You will find it is a very runny texture,so not suitable for loose bottomed tins.
Grease and line,2 ,7" sandwich tins.
Bake in a moderate oven…
325-350 F, 170 C, Fan,150,or gas 3-4.,about 30-35 minutes.
When cold,sandwich together with filling of your choice..
I use buttercream,but add sifted cocoa,and a little Vanilla flavouring..nice with fresh cream for a special occasion.Cover the top with milk chocolate..I use the Belgian cooking one,but any is fine,and I usually decorate with Walnuts…hope you like it Shirley,but beware,it will soon go..:o))
9 Apr, 2011
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I have made this cake quite a few times it is really nice.
9 Apr, 2011
Thanks Mariek,,and I do apologise,as you have just reminded me,that you mentioned you would like this too..sorry..but better late than will only eat it,anyway ! :o)..I always work in them too,as I still try and convert back to these weights in my mind,if it is in grammes..if it ain't broke,don't fix it ,is my motto..Lol
9 Apr, 2011
Ah,Mavis,have you got the same old ancient recipe book as me ? Mine was already very well used and tatty,as it was my Mum's..but I still use it more than the others..:o)
9 Apr, 2011
Yes I have Bloomer would'nt be without it, have you tried the boiled fruit cake? I lost my original one so I look on line if I need to check any thing.I did get a new one but gave it to my next door neighbour who is from Bangladesh.
9 Apr, 2011
Yes I make that fruit cake quite often..but i cook it in a loaf tin,as I find its easier to slice into portions...never thought about going on line,Mavis..thanks,I will remember that..can you still get those books then? or are they different recipes ?.that was kind of you,to give it to your neighbour..:o)
9 Apr, 2011
Lovely great job !!!
9 Apr, 2011
Cheers going to make this tomorrow.?.or will you be too busy gardening ! :o)
9 Apr, 2011
probably gardening lol - unfortunatley My Mum a diabetic type 2 - so I'd feel a bit guilty lol
9 Apr, 2011
I'd love some of that though mmmmmm
9 Apr, 2011
Many thanks for this recipe, Sandra. It's gone to my favourites now. Talking of old recipe books, Mum has some recipes from her mother-in-law, all hand written in beautiful writing! Does anyone have a recipe for 'Wacky Cake'? It involved vinegar, sounds awful, but was delicious! I've just Googled it, found it as a wartime ration cake! : o ))
9 Apr, 2011
Sorry to hear that Paul,so am I ,but well controlled,thank goodness,so I know how she feels.I.was told I could have a treat in I do :o).luckily I prefer savoury things anyway..but still bake for family,and it doesn't really bother me..
9 Apr, 2011
You are welcome,Shirley,hope you like it..:o).How nice for your mum to have those..I have a lot written down too..but mine are more of a scribble..but I can read them!
I should make the effort and rewrite them neatly..:o)
I haven't heard of Wacky cake,but I am intrigued,so will google it later..:o)
9 Apr, 2011
I got it at Morrisons in the home baking section ,a couple of month's ago Bloomer. As Azar and myself sample each other's food now and again and she needed oven temperatures I knew the book would help.
9 Apr, 2011
Thanks Mavis,I will take a look,next time I go..but will close my eyes going past the plants at the entrance ! Lol.
9 Apr, 2011
Thats hard to do Bloomer I tried yesterday and came home with twelve Bizzy Lizzies!
9 Apr, 2011
Like the look of this Bloomer, must give it a go:-)
9 Apr, 2011
I know the feeling Mavis..but I think they have some lovely healthy plants,and very reasonable..I have had a few this year :o)..I love Bizzy Lizzies,and forgot I had some seeds I collected last year..a bit too late now,I think..but I have plenty of other plants growing,so I am ok.
9 Apr, 2011
\o/ Ba..go for it girl..its very 'moreish' :o))
9 Apr, 2011
Ive saved this to favourites will do this for a birthday cake like you daughter did for Thomas thanks for sharing Sandra X
9 Apr, 2011
Thank you,6d,its ideal for a birthday cake..and it was the first time she had really done any baking..she was so pleased.:o)'s a bit messy and sticky,rubbing in the margarine..have some hot soapy water gets down your nails ! but worth it Lol.
9 Apr, 2011
Well at least she had a go and it looks lovely you can tell her so from me. I was always taught at school to rub flower in your hands first and it shifts most of it off hehe.
9 Apr, 2011
I will tell her 6d,thanks..I wonder if it will make any difference,as you have to rub it into the flour anyway,or do you mean after you have rubbed it in ? I find it washes off easily..I hate getting it all over the taps,if I forget to have the water ready..:o)
9 Apr, 2011
After you have done it, rub it in seperately, lol the flour will take most off it of. dip your hands in the flower and rub your hands over the sink or surface and it won't be so greasey I hate greasy or sticky hands
9 Apr, 2011
Thank you for putting your lovely recipe on, your daughter made a very professional job of it and it looked yummy! I must try it very soon, it sounds unusual, be interesting to do, I'll tell you how it turns out!
9 Apr, 2011
It is the cocoa in the sifted flour,that makes it look worse,than it really is,6d,and after 30 years of making it,I find the warm soapy water on standby,is fine....:o)
10 Apr, 2011
Thanks Libet..hope you will like it..and look forward to seeing your pic..:o)
10 Apr, 2011
10 Apr, 2011
Alison did a lovely professional job of this cake, love the number one smarties, can just imaginge Thomas picking them off lol, funny you should mention boiled fruit cake have just made two small loaves [Harry's favourite] then what food isnt his favourite lol
10 Apr, 2011
Thanks Carole,I helped with the smarties..Lol.We love fruit cake too,so Harry is not on his own..Sounds like Russell,foodwise....except curry, and anything in a creamy not much he doesn't like...:o)..Oh,and your Harry enjoys yours as well,if I remember rightly.!!
10 Apr, 2011
You do, you do !! ;0)
10 Apr, 2011
Lol,Carole,I will smack his hands if he tries to pinch some of yours,next time we meet..or make him sit at the next table !! :o)..Sorry,Harry,..don't cry,I like you really :o)
11 Apr, 2011
chocolate ...
... did someone say chocolate ? ;o)
looks very tasty !
13 Apr, 2011
Lol, Terra, like a moth to a flame, Tt to chocolate. : o )))))
13 Apr, 2011
This would be a hit in our family as the kids all like chocolate. I like the way the smarties add the decoration to the cake...great job! :) I've favourited the recipe too.
I know what you mean about a favoured and old/scruffy cookbook. I have one of those too...published by Five Roses Flour in Canada and it's ringbound but pages are ripped, coming out and the more popular recipes are very easy to find (they've got spills on their pages!!). I was given it by a lady in our church when they held a Wedding Shower for me (that would have been 40 yrs. ago) it's lasted pretty well.
14 Apr, 2011
Thanks Terra, I know you like chocolate too! think we all do Shirley..:o)
Thanks for adding it to your favourites,Jacquie..the old recipe books are great,aren't they? mine sounds just like yours.all stained,well worn and tried and tested many times..:o)
16 Apr, 2011
thank you bloomer ~ and shirley for remembering where this was!!
looks really yummy!
12 Sep, 2011
Glad Shirley was on the ball,Sticki..:o)
13 Sep, 2011
I have put it in favourites as well. I tried to copy it so I could print it out but I could not do that. I'm grateful for the old weights too. My son gave me a converter which at the twirl of a knob tells me the metric equivalents. I have it up on the wall and it is so handy. I had to buy a set of measuring cups recently because so many nice recipes come using cupfuls which is fine but it gets awkward trying to work out an accurate third or quarter cupful. Thomas's birthday party food looks very tasty. He must have loved his cake.
PS I have succeeded in copying it for printing so it will be laminated and go in my "Friends" cook book.
13 Sep, 2011
Thanks,Scotsgran.,Thomas loved his cake...:o) I have a converter too,,but a paper version pinned on my notice board..I agree about cup measurements..mainly an American measure,I awkward to weigh out,or guess..and how do you know ,what size cups they use? Always puzzled me..if they are the same as we know as cups....
13 Sep, 2011
Unless I'm looking at a china tea set I don't have 2 cups which look the same. I bought a cheap set of cups from Morrisons. They come in 1 cup, a half, a third and a quarter cup set. I was so impressed at how easy they are to use in recipes specifying cups that I gave that set to my grand daughter and I bought myself a set of stainless steel ones. I can put the fat on top of the Esse to melt where specified. Lots of Canadian, American and Australian recipes specify cups. I do have a convertor in one of my cake decorating books so it is sheer laziness to use cups I suppose.
13 Sep, 2011
Scotsgran if you want to copy something to print out or just to save, try this:
move the mouse until the curser is at the beginning of what you want to copy
click the left button and hold this down, move it across everything you want to copy ~ this will highlight everything you want copied
then let go of the left button and with the curser somewhere in the highlighted area click the right button
a list of options will come up, including copy, left click on the word 'copy'
next go to an empty page ~ in word ~ or wherever you want the copied version
click the right button on the mouse and use the left button to choose the option to paste
you should then see all that you copied ~ ready for printing or saving
it sounds complicated but its fine once you have done it once or twice and its so useful
13 Sep, 2011
Thanks Sticki,I was doing that but every time I tried to copy it I got a message saying 'error on the page' and i was off GOY and had to go back to START. I did eventually manage to do it though. I was wondering if a device had been planted in the site to prevent copying as a precaution to safeguard members security. Obviously not.
Whistonlass I must ask what would be the closest alternative to Oreo biscuits in UK. I have a Canadian recipe which calls for them.One half to be crushed for a cheese cake the other half roughly chopped. I looked for them on the internet but all they seemed to have was a sandwich type biscuit.
13 Sep, 2011
dont we have oreo biscuits here?
13 Sep, 2011
If we have I don't know what they are. I have not seen them. Be interesting to find out.
13 Sep, 2011
Scotsgran,..Whistonlass said a little while ago,that she was taking a break from GoY,so maybe she won't see your request..Hope you manage to find out..another Canadian member,perhaps,if you can recall one..
13 Sep, 2011
I have seen Oreo biscuits on sale in a well known supermarket ... but they seem to be cream filled ... not a plain cookie ... obviously didn't buy any as I'm dieting ... aren't I, Bloomer? ..........
13 Sep, 2011
Are you now. well I believe people who eat what they like don't need to overeat because they are satisfied. Shop bought biscuits are not a patch on anything you can make at home so you are safe enough.
13 Sep, 2011
Scotsgran, Bloomer and I have a standing joke about how my knowing a Gingersnap biscuit has the least amount of fat in it ... OH and I have just cut down on the amount of bread/cakes/pastries we eat ... for a while anyway ... :o)
13 Sep, 2011
Are you Shirley ? Lol...of course you to be known as super sleek Shirley :o) I have never heard of those biscuits..why were you in the biscuit aisle? oh,for Megan.!
Ok then...:o) to bed now,before I read your next comment !LOl...goodnight all....
13 Sep, 2011
13 Sep, 2011
Okay. Sensible folk.
14 Sep, 2011
Eleven billion biscuits sold annually ... according to the 2003 survey! ... Amazing! . . . . .
14 Sep, 2011
i dont fancy them.
14 Sep, 2011
Who? :-)
15 Sep, 2011
Me neither, know..THEM ! :o)
15 Sep, 2011
THEM ... otherwise known as Oreo biscuits ... go back a few comments and all will make sense ... ish!! :o)
15 Sep, 2011
I'm just winding Ba up ..again,Shirley..I have to play her at her own game! :o)))....
15 Sep, 2011
it would be very easy to get lost or go mad in any one of these blogs; mind you im not too sure anyone would notice the difference if i did!!! [go mad that is]
15 Sep, 2011
Oh I'm sure we would, would start being serious and sticking to the topic at the beginning of the blog..:o))
16 Sep, 2011
It'll never happen ... lol!
16 Sep, 2011
Too right...Lol.
16 Sep, 2011
Did someone mention chocolate cake?
17 Sep, 2011
Ok just one slice then:-) Bloomer a poem is needed from you (SISter gathering to welcome Flori back) on Pamg's wonderful Sunny Sunday Morning blog:-)
17 Sep, 2011
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Thanks Bloomer - I'm obviously very old too as I still work in lbs and ounces !
9 Apr, 2011