Log roll Phase 2.
By bloomer
Another day,and another border to replace..This time it was much easier to get the old stuff out,as the back border gets dug over more,than the first one,not as many deep roots,and not compacted.
You will notice,Russell has discarded his lovely blue coat,but is still colour co.ordinated !..must get him some matching gloves :o))
This is the parent Pieris to the one in the other blog,but not as many flowers on this year..must be an age thing,..I know the feeling.!
Acting the fool as usual..in Harry Worth mode today :o)
Think the sun has got to him..Lol
3pm,and all finished,so I am going to do my bit now,and top up the soil,with fresh compost..I like this bit..:o)
10 Apr, 2011
Previous post: Milk Chocolate cake recipe,for Shirleytulip..
Next post: Morons at work !!
glad russel got the next bit done and he does a great Harry Worth lol, i use to love watching him when i was a young girl haha, nice feeling of achievment when something gets done :o))
10 Apr, 2011
oh bless, happy chappie, he has done extremely well, Pieris look lovely
10 Apr, 2011
Hope you both have had a good day outside today.
Happy Gardening :)
10 Apr, 2011
Good luck ! You seem to be having fun in your garden :) Oh I remember Harry Worth - that was a long time ago - don't remind me lol
10 Apr, 2011
Great impression from Russell and just wait while I show Harry is gloves lol Your Peiris is stunning I just love this plant it gives so much interest all the year through, have you been taking it easy today no Baking lol
10 Apr, 2011
He has worked very hard this week,Cinders,and he even broke off to make ME a cuppa :o) how good is that ? :o)
We used to like him too,Sanbaz,but never thought I would end up with one !.He was just happy to be outside really,:o)
It looks good now,Yorkshire,and don't know how the other one survived the winter.Glad you like 'mummy' Pieris,I potted it up at our last house,and brought it with me..before we put the house up for sale,so its been here 9 years now,so its done well...
Thankyou,Mariek,We have had a lovely day in the warm sunshine,,hope you have too..:o)
10 Apr, 2011
Carole,I thought about your Harry,not Harry Worth..Lol,when I was taking the pics..and knew it would make him smile..and a teeny bit jealous of the gloves :o)
The Pieris has always done well,it must be happy there,and no,I haven't done any baking today,in fact,not much of anything,except nice jobs outside.No cooking at all,..Russ went for Fish and Chips for tea .I love days like this..:o)
10 Apr, 2011
All done and dusted,so they say,Hywel..all the soil back and top dressed with new compost,so looking good.I think a lot of us remember Harry Worth..very silly,but then so am I ,sometimes..Lol.
10 Apr, 2011
me too lol :)
10 Apr, 2011
:o))))Its nice sometimes..Lol.
10 Apr, 2011
lol ! :D
10 Apr, 2011
haha love it - love how it is coming along - great pics Bloomer :):):)
10 Apr, 2011
Thanks Paul..glad it made you smile..we were in a daft mood today..Lol.
10 Apr, 2011
haha yes I do act silly myself :D
10 Apr, 2011
Really Paul? I would never have guessed..!!!! Lol.Better than being miserable anyway...:o)
10 Apr, 2011
too right yes :):):)
10 Apr, 2011
LOL at `Harry Worth` Sandra! Your Pieris looks lovely. :o)
11 Apr, 2011
Thanks Sandra..it makes a hard job much easier if you act the fool a bit :o) Glad you like the Pieris,I think the winter has had its good points with so many plants this year..lots are looking really good..although,I don't really want another like it,next year..Lol.
11 Apr, 2011
Well done Russell...
looking handsome in blue :o)
Another blog for GoYpedia "Logs" .
13 Apr, 2011
Beautiful Pieris...I have to say, despite so many others saying the same! lol You make a good team then, working outside in the garden, and Russell on tea patrol too. How good is that!
I like your blue fencing too...very attractive, Bloomer.
14 Apr, 2011
Thanks Terra..I like blue in a garden...Lol.
Cheers Jacquie..we do ok working together..he digs,and makes tea,and I supervise and praise ! it works wonders .:o) Glad you like the Pieris,its one of my favourite plants,and also the fence..It is really a dark Jade green shade,but it does look to have a blue cast in some lights.
By the way,OH has just made me a nice coffee..ooh,he is a good lad ! Lol.
16 Apr, 2011
LOL! Bloomer can you parcel up Russell and send him here, what a star!
19 Apr, 2011
When he has finished re felting the shed roof..will you be in on Thursday ? ..Lol :o)))
19 Apr, 2011
You do keep your man hopping busy, Bloomer...log roll, felting the shed roof, making coffee....what a find :)
Maybe you could rent him out? lol I'll be next in the queue after Helen...lol
20 Apr, 2011
20 Apr, 2011
I will pencil you in,Jacquie..just keep him going with cups of tea..or the odd can of beer,if its hot..Lol...only one,as he will have to drive home.:o))
20 Apr, 2011
Okey dokey....hubby always has some beer in the fridge and tea is easy :)
He's going to be a busy man! lol
22 Apr, 2011
Lol,Jacquie..he would really like your husband..and you of course :o))
22 Apr, 2011
23 Apr, 2011
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Oh bless him Sandra, its quite sweet isnt it. Well done Russel, you have done well. You can have a cup of tea now.
10 Apr, 2011