Morons at work !!
By bloomer
As a lot of you know,we live in the lovely Colne Valley in West Yorkshire,and surrounded by hills and Moors.
On Friday evening,about 9pm,the first lot of morons,set fire to land above Slaithwaite,where I was born.Firefighters had to trek across Ikm of boggy marshland,with their equipment,under cover of darkness to deal with it.It spread for one and a half kilometres,and took all night….as if this wasn’t bad enough,The National trust,who own all the moorland above the next village of Marsden,on the border with Lancashire,received calls from the public,reporting 2 people on off road bikes,lighting fires about noon,on saturday.The blaze burnt about 8 square kms,and is designated as a Site ofSpecific Scientific Interest.The charred remains of an abandoned quad bike was still smouldering amid charred shrubbery.
50 firefighters,specialist wildfire units and a helicopter with water buckets worked till 10pm at night,and then again on Sunday.As it is the beginning of the nesting season,lots of the birds are ground nesting,and it is a disaster for them.It could take years for them to recover.There is a bird called a Twite,also known as the Pennine finch,of which there are only about 25 pairs of nesting birds in the country.
Well,I ,and everyone in the valley are devastated,as they have worked so hard to regenerate the moors with heathers,etc..I can’t put into words how angry I feel..
They have said they will pursue these people to the end,and are sure they will find out who they are..
It has helped to put the anger and upset,into words..,
I’m sure you would feel the same,if it was your locality..
I can’t say on here,what I would like to do to them…
12 Apr, 2011
Previous post: Log roll Phase 2.
Next post: Harrogate Spring flower show.
I could think of stronger names Bloomer. What is wrong with these people...It always makes me angry when a few idiots can destroy what so many have taken time and trouble to look after for our planet.
12 Apr, 2011
You're right about them being morons.
These types of actions make me want to commit murder.
12 Apr, 2011
I ask this question everytime... :((((WHY?:(((( WHY would anyone destroy things that are so pleasing to the eyes and free for all to enjoy. I just do not get it!! Sometimes I even cry at the thought as it does not make sense to me at all.
12 Apr, 2011
I can understand your anger and know how upset you must feel.
They do that here aswell . It makes me very very angry !!! and they also ride motor bikes etc on the mountains !!! That makes me angry aswell ... and the fly tippers !!! they make me angry aswell !!! I can hear fire engines going every day in the dry spring weather. And they steal cars and set them alight on the mountains !!! Oh I won't say what I would do to them but it would be rather drastic !!! - like what I did to the sgrubs in Beryl's garden - or worse !!!
12 Apr, 2011
I'm sorry but I can only think that these types of people have never been brought up to appreciate the outside world and to have respect for other people and their property. It's very sad because really they are missing out on such a lot.
12 Apr, 2011
I've been reading lately about people brought up on junk food whose brains don't develop normally --add that to complete lack of parenting and care and morons are the result, when you look around at the overweight glazed eyed, violent youth ....I despair....
12 Apr, 2011
imbeciles,i always remember finding a hedgehog and showing it to my twin sons,they were about four at the time and so exited to share this with me,an hour later we found a boy killing it and i went barmy,what were his words of wisdom"AND its only a animal"i grew to hate this child and his family,i know thats wrong but the whole family were wrong and i hate that children are not brought up to know better and care for what is right,children are haveing children who go on to have a child,that is the problem today,sorry ranting bloomer,they make you so angry we have a beautiful world and they dont see it
12 Apr, 2011
Words can't express what is truly felt by these idiotic acts of vandalism, they need to be pitied for their ignorance. Where did something go wrong for them?
Share in your anger, Bloomer.
12 Apr, 2011
Well,I have read all your supportive comments over and over again,and I feel a bit better,knowing there are so many of you that feel the same.I imagine all the residents in our little villages,would be in complete agreement,as they are very close knit communities,as these places usually are..I am almost sure,someone will be able to help the authorities in naming these scumbags,as Marsden in particular,is a busy tourist area,and there are always lots of people visiting ,especially the weekends.I wouldn't be surprised if the same lot,weren't responsible for both acts of vandalism,and probably it was a stolen quad bike that was burnt sounds as though it wasn't burnt out at the scene,but much nearer the village..very odd..! Anyway,you have all made me feel a bit better,..having a rant with does help to get it out of the system..a little ! I will be a lot happier when and if,they catch the little *********S !
On a lighter note,we are going off for a few days,and hope to have some nice things to blog about,from the Harrogate spring flower show,when I get back at the weekend.
Thank you all,for your support,my friends, Sandra X
12 Apr, 2011
Bring back National Service!!!! These days there is no respect. As one of my mentors always used to say, " you can't educate Pork! " Shameful, very Shameful.
12 Apr, 2011
Very true,Tiger..but real pigs are much nicer than this lot..!
12 Apr, 2011
See your point Bloomer and i'm insulting pigs, comparing them to these #######s!
12 Apr, 2011
so sorry to hear this Sandra,i can only echo everyones comments on here..i can understand how upset you are.. its terrible :o(((
12 Apr, 2011
i just cant find anything to say , but im thinking a lot have a nice break
12 Apr, 2011
Sorry to hear this Sandra this is where the system lets every one down from top to bottom when they are caught will they be punished like in schools which its been taken out of, they should be treated for their mental state and start there but they won't. Its all down to education and money and poverty at the end of the day pressure of what we should have from manufactures etc I am not excusing them just showing where it all starts , how many rich kids well educated do things like this, they are sure of a future and taught how to get things with out nicking them and burning evidence, hope you understand my point. My saying is the devil makes work for idle hands, just a awful shame its the birds and the moors have suffered, perhaps one day it will be an mp or coucilor will get a peice of it, then things will quickly alter when its on their door step. By the way love that word Moron not heard that for years only from my self and its very fitting to this. Hope you have a wonderful brake :o))
12 Apr, 2011
Have a lovely time Bloomer. I went there years ago with my ex, a very nice town and I bet the flower show is beautiful :o))))
12 Apr, 2011
I'm so sorry for your upset, Bloomer, that's a heartbreaking situation. We have morons here that do that on the hills behind Belfast, I've seen seven fires all burning at the same time. The habitat has been completely destroyed, and will take years to recover- if it ever gets the chance. It just shows they have a complete lack of respect for everybody and everything. They'll get what's coming to them, and they'll deserve every bit of it.
Try to put it to the back of your mind and have a lovely wee break, take care, :0)
12 Apr, 2011
idiots is the only word i can say on here sandra, idiots with nothing better to do, maybe if they worked they wouldnt think up stupid things to do with their sad lives, if i could get my hands on them grrrrr, mindless
12 Apr, 2011
Thanks will be nice to have a break,after the long winter..We love Harrogate too,and sometimes we go for the day..on the bus..only an hour away from too..oh,the joy of the bus pass .Lol.
12 Apr, 2011
They are everywhere,aren't they? what a society we live in.trouble is,they will probably be younger ones,and then they all get tarred with the same brush,and give the majority of them a bad name,which is a real shame..Thank goodness,these two are in the minority..
12 Apr, 2011
I'm with you on this one San..
12 Apr, 2011
sorry Joanella,Ann and 6d,I missed you out..but I agree with you too..and thank you,I am looking forward to having a break..:o)
12 Apr, 2011
So sorry Sandra, what more to be said, its all been said above and I agree with them all. Have a lovely break, shame we couldnt meet up next Sunday at Harrogate, perhaps another time..
12 Apr, 2011
As my stepfather says....'Education is a wonderful thing'.....I am constantly incredulous at the ignorance of people. Two days ago some wicked person went along a row of newly planted Mountain Ash trees on my estate and snapped every one of them in half. I know exactly how you feel Bloomer. I could have wept. I was part of the Residents Association who fought to have the trees planted as they were a condition of the planning application for the builder who disappeared without planting them. After all our hard work, now they are ruined. :((((( My stepdad also says...'If they had half a brain they would be dangerous'...well it seems that they have half a brain in West Yorkshire! By they way, I mean my housing 'estate' not my 'acres of pleasant land' have to laugh or you'd be crying!
12 Apr, 2011
That is so bad,Karen,I would have felt the same as you too..all that work you all did,to get them planted..You just feel so helpless,as these people have no feelings or scruples at all,have they? If they are caught,they don't get punished properly either,an ASBO is like a medal to them..and as for "Human Rights"..,don't get me started on that one..! well ,tomorrow is another day,as they say..but its good to get things off your fingers have helped dilute the anger on here tonight...never stopped typing ! Lol.
12 Apr, 2011
Cinders,I think we have all had our say tonight.Thank you,and I hope you enjoy it too.It would have been lovely to meet up,but you never know,maybe one day :o)Have a good journey,and hope your hotel is nice too..
12 Apr, 2011
Just caught your blog Sandra, that is simply dreadful news I just want to cry thinking about all the wildlife and wonderful moorland destroyed, like you i couldnt repeat what I would like to see happen to those morons, we had a spate of it when we were in Mottram thats over 10years ago and you can still see the scars on the moorland, it makes you feel so angry and helpless too, Hope that it has helped to get it off your chest a little and feel better knowing there are so many decent people on here that feel the same way as you do.
Enjoy your break and bring us all some lovely pictures back from the Harrowgate Show to cheer us all up, take Care xx
12 Apr, 2011
Yes, enjoy the flower show Bloomer!!
12 Apr, 2011
Like everyone here I could weep with anger and frustration because sadly nothing ever seems to be done when these `morons` are caught. I have always voted but I feel like writing across my next voting slip "WHAT IS THE POINT" because our voices never seem to be heard.
12 Apr, 2011
Oh Bloomer, how sad, and yes they are 'Morons' who know no better. They need to be hung, drawn and quartered in my mind!! Someone mentioned National Service, that would be brilliant or put them straight into the army and put them fighting on the front line, they would soon surrender, whimps. Trouble is they never find these louts do they?
Forget whats happened just now and have a jolly good weekend. x
12 Apr, 2011
I often recall comedian Kenny Everett's solution to 'moron' problems: "Round 'em up, put 'em in a field and BOMB the b*******s!!!"
13 Apr, 2011
Love it Nariz !!!
13 Apr, 2011
Sadly, mindless vandalism seems endemic in the UK.
Perhaps if they made the 'punishment fit the crime' things might get better. Still, even if caught they'll get 50 hours community service (of which they'll do 5 hours, before bunking off).
Perhaps a "Chain Gang" system for repeat offenders would work.... Oh sorry! 'Human Rights' prevents that....
Maybe, instead of 'Come Dancing' they might make a TV version of the 'Roman Games', with these morons instead of Christians; it would top the ratings and stop repeat offending...
Just a thought...
13 Apr, 2011
That arson is so sad .. why are there such horrible people in the world ? I hope the area recovers .... I realise it will take a long while ..
13 Apr, 2011
Ordinary human values of respect have gone out the window for many families and it's almost as if vandalism is a sport. It is the fault of parents in my teach your children the ways of decent living and respect and live that way yourself and the majority of people would be responsible and not destructive.
Damage to property such as you describe not only destroys the land and habitat but scars it for a very long time. Perhaps we need to teach these human values in the school setting from a very early age? No easy answers.
14 Apr, 2011
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Oh Bloomer this is just shocking, the first I have heard about this, normally we would get it on Calndar news,its a complete disaster, those poor birds, poor firemen also, lets hope they catch who started these fires and put them inside for a long time, maybe that would stop their cruel and sick antics,
12 Apr, 2011