Jungle House..at Manor Heath Park..
By bloomer
This is the second part of my previous blog,about this recently discovered Park…Although it was a hot sunny day,it was even hotter when we got inside..but so glad we went…
Lots of lush plants and all these lovely Terrapins…
Lovely Orchid..
Hibiscus,I think..
These were totally unexpected..and we stood ages just watching them..my favourite part of the visit..I have included the info about them,as I haven’t seen these before..but probably a lot of you have..
The tiniest ball of fluff with mum..so cute..and you really had to be careful where you walked..as there were so many..and not easy to get a pic,as they were soon running off among the plants :o)
Ah well,time to move on..
Into the Butterfly house…we really had to search for them among the leaves,and as it was almost closing time,I only managed to see three,but maybe another visit another time..
Time to go back outside now,for some fresh air..and an Icecream..:o).We couldn’t believe it was only £1 each to go in….we had another wander into the gardens..such a lovely day out.Hope you enjoyed the visit with us :o)
28 Jul, 2012
Previous post: How does it know? ..
Next post: Ist August...officially Yorkshire Day ! :o)
great place Sandra...and only a £1..!!!!
28 Jul, 2012
Thats fantastic price! For all that! Looks amazing Bloomer..love the wee chicks and the terrapins too :)))
28 Jul, 2012
Lovely photos, pleased you had a nice time at the park, love the little baby chick.
28 Jul, 2012
it really gives pleasure to see this , esp. the turtles ,butterflies, very wonderful:-))))))))))))))
28 Jul, 2012
Lovely blog Bloomer
28 Jul, 2012
Lovely flowers, cannot agree about the terrapins, my son had some, and they were nasty smelly bad tempered things, always hungry and just keep growing, Ugh!
28 Jul, 2012
WOW Bloomer! Fantastic!
28 Jul, 2012
Thanks Terra..we loved it in there..a visit in winter would be ideal..when it's cold outside ! :o)
Hard to believe,isn't it,at that price,Sandra..at least it is more affordable for families..and a lovely park for free..what more could you want ? :o)
Thanks Pixi..best day out we have had for ages..just loved that wee chick :o)
Thank you,Junna..so pleased you enjoyed it..:o)
Thanks Sheilar..glad you enjoyed it too :o)
Glad you liked the flowers,Lizziebee...I suppose there is a lot in nature ,that isn't to everyones taste..I know a few humans like those....and much prefer the Terrapins....Lol.
Thank you Lil..and if my numbers come up before your's,I will take you there :o)
28 Jul, 2012
love it Bloomer - sweet terrapins and birds too
28 Jul, 2012
Thank you,Paul..great place to visit..The keeper said he has one Terrapin that he can hand feed..but none of the others..just like us ,they have different personalities :o)
28 Jul, 2012
WooHoo Bloomer! You would think with all of the differnt lotto pools I am in, I would eventually end up winning through someone :/
28 Jul, 2012
Only one winner,Lil...them ! :o) ..but you never know..your lucky day might come before long :o)...Anyway,what are you doing on here ..I thought you were too busy ? ..I think you can get help with your Goy addiction ,..but not from me,that's for sure..:o)
28 Jul, 2012
Thanks for the visit Sandra, those quail are so lovely, maybe we could all have some in our gardens to keep down pests, I bet they don't only eat spiders and think how lovely they'd look.... :-))
28 Jul, 2012
Glad you enjoyed it,Ba..wouldn't that be a lovely sight ?
Shame we have cold winters though..I think that would be the end of them..!..
28 Jul, 2012
Oh, never thought of that:-(
28 Jul, 2012
Will definately pay a visit at sometime. Thank you for putting all those lovely pictures up, must have taken you ages. Jxx
28 Jul, 2012
She's got nothing better to do Jane, bet she's dodging the Olympics:-)
28 Jul, 2012
We will leave them where they are safe and warm then ,Ba...:o) ..and you know me too well ,cheeky ! I 'm not a sports fan,but I will watch certain bits ..:o)
28 Jul, 2012
YOU have cold winters??? Pft.
Glad you asked about my reappearance Bloomer.....yes, very busy, but my mailbox was exploding with pm's begging me to return!!! So much so that 'the boys' contacted me and asked that I log on to clear the messages as it was causing a problem for the server! Can you believe it?
Truth is it's too damn hot and humid to be working outside on the deck today so am inside in the AC very, very close to the computer. Every cig break oddly enough finds me here!
28 Jul, 2012
You must go Jane,it is great..It didn't really take long ..except for adding a pic twice and one in the wrong place,which didn't co ordinate with the text..but apart fom that..! ....I've done longer Lol.....Eden project parts 1 to 4 was a killer ! :o)
28 Jul, 2012
ooh,get you ! little miss popular:o) hope they weren't mostly from Rwanda professing their love,after hearing about your plans to fly us all over to your place..a heck of a lot of flagging to do! Lol...
I hate hot and humid too..but you know it's not a regular occurrence here( spelling..two cc's two rr's?? can't remember ! )..just been outside for a ciggy break too..
28 Jul, 2012
What are you saying????????????
The ones from Rwanda aren't legit??? What about the ones from Nigeria?? OMG......my world is crashing in around me Bloomer, much too upset to do a spell check for you! Quite insensitive of you ;)
28 Jul, 2012
Well,some of them might be legit,Lil..don't get upset...there,there,calm down...you will soon sort the wheat from the chaff ! and you can always show them your winter pic..:o)
28 Jul, 2012
Ahhhhh, the winter pic....the dating sights....all making sense now ;)
28 Jul, 2012
Lovely to see the flowers and butterflies. I don't think I would have gone in - I hate birds lol can't abide them ...
but I enjoyed seeing the flowers and butterflies photos :o)
29 Jul, 2012
I knew you would see reason ,Lil :o)
29 Jul, 2012
Glad you enjoyed the flowers and butterflies,Hywel..thank you,and I know you don't like birds...a girl in there,wouldn't go in the butterfly house,as she hated anything that could go near her face..you would have loved the gardens as well,so the Jungle House was optional..:o)
29 Jul, 2012
What a lovely place Sandra something for everyone, love the Terrapins and the gorgeous Butterflies and the exotic plants , a great blog!
29 Jul, 2012
Thank you Carole..we had a lovely day..and much better when it is unexpected..lots of open spaces too,just to sit and take in the views,with plenty of seating...it only took us 20 minutes from our house..:o)
29 Jul, 2012
Maybe we can make it together one day seems a very intersting place to suit all taste [Im sure there is a Cafe that sells Coffee and Scones ;0)
29 Jul, 2012
Great blog Bloomer.
I can't beleive it's only £1.
Love the butterflys & Quail but strangely (being the owner of a tortoise) I dont like Terrapins either.
29 Jul, 2012
I have just suggested going one afternoon,on the other park blog,Carole..I read that before this one..There is a cafe,but we didn't go in..so I'm sure we will find something nice :o)
30 Jul, 2012
Thanks Willinilli..we couldn't believe it either! I joked with the man taking the money,and asked if there was a special rate for Pensioners..and he said " 17/6d to you ! Lol...he actually said a half penny,at the end, but I haven't got a 'half' button on my lap top ! :o)
30 Jul, 2012
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Fascinating photos, Sandra. Glad you found this park and enjoyed your visit.
28 Jul, 2012