Ist August...officially Yorkshire Day ! :o)
By bloomer
A day celebrated with the Emblem of a White Rose..and sorry to say,I don’t have any in my garden..but proud, all the same .:o) There are quite a few celebrations taking place all over the hope the sun shines on them all..and everyone else :o)
The photo was kindly sent to me by I could add it before the end of the day…thankyou :o)
1 Aug, 2012
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Thanks Pixi..took me a mo to figure that out ..duh ! :o)
1 Aug, 2012
Although I left yorkshire when I was 5-6 I still have part of my roots there. My dad and granddad came from Beverly where the modern version of this originated in the 70's, enjoy the day.
1 Aug, 2012
Ay oop, I were born in 'arrogate!
Would love to send you a pic of my one and only white rose (from a cutting, Bloomer), but it's just gone over. If it flowers again, I'll take a pic for you :))
Have a great day.
1 Aug, 2012
eeeee thats rite grand! My hub. is a happy man today too being born in York and very proud of it too! Have a wonderful day.
1 Aug, 2012
My Gran had a house in Dragon Parade Sheilar, we loved going there as children because the attic rooms had window bars and there was a dark basement, very scary.
1 Aug, 2012
Happy Yorkshire Day :o)))
1 Aug, 2012
Go on then Bloomer....don't you tell anyone I said this. Errhem! HAPPY YORKSHIRE DAY.
1 Aug, 2012
happy yorkshire day bloomer
1 Aug, 2012
Are you sure you haven't made this up Bloomer? I've never heard of West Midlands Day .... or Merseyside Day:-(
1 Aug, 2012
made it up she's says, blooming cheek, we have the yorkshire flag flying here,
1 Aug, 2012
Well,I am amazed how many of your relatives had the good sense to have their children in Yorkshire..:o) and for those of you that weren't..well that's can't win em all..,:o)...Terra,I'm sure you will find some Yorkshire genes somewhere in your gets everywhere :o).and Pimms .I must save this ,even though we are no longer at war with Lancashire..just in case a treason query should arise....and could always start one! ..Thanks everyone..:o)
1 Aug, 2012
I know Yorkshire..and she thinks she is going to have a look at Ralphies legs again too...she must be joking..after this ? no chance...!
1 Aug, 2012
"and Pimms .I must save this ,even though we are no longer at war with Lancashire"
WE finally won then. Glad you surrendered, it's about time :))
1 Aug, 2012
ahhh that is nice - and hope it is a great day for you
1 Aug, 2012
HaHa,Pimms..just lucky I guess..and never heard of the word "surrender " has no meaning in Yorkshire ..:o))
1 Aug, 2012
Another Yorkshire lass adds her salutations. Jx
1 Aug, 2012
Tomorrow is Aldridge day and the long standing custom (enforced by Royal Charter) is that anyone, not lucky enough to live in Aldridge, must sent a tenner to any Aldridge dweller that they happen to know:-))
1 Aug, 2012
and anyone outside yorkshire should send a tenner to all us dwellers,
1 Aug, 2012
Yorkshire Day? Is that like Pancake day?
I do like yorkshires, better get my mix made & put a nice bit of Beef in the oven, Lol.
1 Aug, 2012
I am (or was) a Lancashire lass (through no effort on my part, I tell you) but my Dad was from Yorkshire, and my Mum was a cockney. Am I allowed to join in and say "Happy Yorkshire Day" too?
1 Aug, 2012
Glad you worked out how to put my rose pic on ..
:o) x
1 Aug, 2012
I hope you've had a nice day Sandra and everyone else in Yorkshire.
I wonder if other counties have a 'day' ?
1 Aug, 2012
Happy Yorkshire day Sandra .. I was born in Yorkshire as well :o))
1 Aug, 2012
The ' Wars of the Roses' were nothing at all to do with Yorkshire and Lancashire. They were the battles fought between the armies of 2 cousins - The 1st Duke of Lancaster and the Duke of York, both descendants of King Edward 3rd of England, both claiming their right to the throne.
The White Roses of the House of York are much in evidence on beautiful Petit Point Tapestries in Fotheringhay Church, where Richard 3rd was buried on the south side of the High Altar after the Battle of Bosworth Field. He was born in nearby Fotheringhay Castle (now demolished) seat of the House of York. Every year on his birthday White Roses are placed on his grave by members of the Richard 3rd Society.
Our present Duke of York (Prince Andrew) is a descendant through the Royal line of King Edward 3rd of England.
1 Aug, 2012
Good lass,Jane,your county needs you :o)....and Willi,we didn't have roast beef and Yorkshire pudding either...a mega meat and potato pie instead ! mmm,yummy:o)
....Of course you are Gattina..half of your genes are from here,and that's good enough for me,lass :o)...
Terra,I had the help of my daughter to show me how..and by jove ,I think I've got it ! ..only I have yet to try it on my own ..thank you for the pic,it was a lovely thought :o)
Thank you,'s a nice thing to have ,isn't it? Like you,I am proud of my roots :o) I'm not sure if any other places have their own day....and welcome to the clan ,Amy..the more the merrier.....and thanks for that information ,Diane, is still nice to have a special day to celebrate.:o)
1 Aug, 2012
Happy Yorkshire day with less than an hour to go! but glad you have enjoyed it Bloomer :o)
1 Aug, 2012
Thanks Neellan..missed you last night..but first reply of the 2nd ! :o)
2 Aug, 2012
I have now checked my WEA notes. Briefly, John of Gaunt(born in Ghent) was the 2nd son of King of England Edward 3rd married Blanche of Lancaster and was created Duke of Lancaster.
Edmund of Langley (born and died in Langley Herts) was the 4th son of King Edward 3rd created Duke of York.
The Wars of the Roses were Battles fought at various places in the country between the legitimate descendants of these 2 men (York and Lancaster) so they were cousins fighting each other for the throne of England. It was nothing to do with Yorkshire and Lancashire. The Roses were their emblem. Probably worn stuck in their helmets to identify each other in the battles.
Our present Royal Family is descended from The House of York.
See 'Issue of Edward 111 of England -Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia Page 1 of 3.
2 Aug, 2012
Lancaster is the county town of Lancashire Diane,
2 Aug, 2012
The roses were a later association, after the wars were over and Henry the seventh was on the throne. The red and white roses affiliated with the two warring factions was a rather romantic invention. No roses would have found their way into anyone's helmet, and the wars would never have been referred to as "of the roses" at the time. The original emblem of the house of Lancaster was a white swan, it's neck encircled by a coronet attached to a chain, and the House of York was represented by a "Sun in splendour" Hence Shakespeare's line from Richard III "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this sun of York."
2 Aug, 2012
Now look what you've started Bloomer lol ....;-)))
2 Aug, 2012
Where are you from again BA ?
2 Aug, 2012
Scouser I'm afraid, so used to be Lancashire, but now designated Merseyside:-)
2 Aug, 2012
War of the Roses........... has it finished? lol :o))
2 Aug, 2012
Nope! And I'm not sure which side I'm on, either. I'm confuuuuuuused!
2 Aug, 2012
Bloomer gave up unilaterally on your behalf yesterday Jane. BA is going to be instated as Mayor of Leeds
2 Aug, 2012
Lol. That may be a good thing. At least the parks and gardens would look good. :o) As long as she doesn't fill them with darned red roses...............! Jxx
2 Aug, 2012
2 Aug, 2012
Oh Pimp, how can you reinstate B/A to be Mayor of Leeds, wait until Bloomer hears that one, no telling what she would plant,
2 Aug, 2012
Sorry Yorkshire..But the place needs taking in hand. Naturally all BA's improvements will cost a penny or two, so you'll have to stump up the extra in higher Council Tax of course. Lancashire hot pot served in the schools. We'll have the place a treat in no time. ...Get cracking BA.
2 Aug, 2012
you know pimp I have not been to leeds for over ten years, I worked there and don't feel like going back, B/A won't spend a penny, she will fill all the gardens with weeds, she is rather tight you know,as for council tax, if we have to pay anymore we will have to move, hey Lancashire hot pot sounds a damn good idea to me, yes served in all schools,one of my favourite meals,
2 Aug, 2012
Er with Yorkshire puddings of course....! x
2 Aug, 2012
I had to cover at Leeds House of Fraser for a week once. You lot are hard to separate from your cash I can tell you. There's some truth in that saying you know.
2 Aug, 2012
your right there about parting with cash, don't mind paying but won't be ripped off, Jane of course with yorkshire pudding,
2 Aug, 2012's not one of those places where I have to dress up as a giant sausage is it? If not ... I accept....plates of scouse all round ... All together now ...tra la I'm a lassie from Lancashire la la just doing my little clog dance tap tap:-)
2 Aug, 2012
OMG and she has been nominated Mayor of Leeds, I'm moving down south will be safest place
2 Aug, 2012
I saw it on Mock The Week where a lady Mayor had to dress up as a sausage .... I'm not doing that ... beneath my dignity. They said it looked like Dara O'Briain ... prefer to look like Alan Davies. I'm not mean ...I'd have your bins emptied once a month whether they needed it or not! Oooh and send out dog poo police to issue on the spot fines ... and bus police to stop anyone putting their feet up on the seats... make all public transport free and stop our roads clogging up with cars. Men and women of for me I'm nice. I think I'm getting into the swing of things now. Any more vote winning suggestions?:-)
2 Aug, 2012
how about no council tax for OAP's as a starter, and I think you would look best dress as a banana,
2 Aug, 2012
Free bananas for all Senior Citizens ..
2 Aug, 2012
yep, that's a goodun Terra,
2 Aug, 2012
Free wine on Friday.............and Saturday..........and Sunday...........and so on. :o)
2 Aug, 2012
Jane for Manchester Mayor ~#~\0/~#~
2 Aug, 2012
yerrrrrr good one Pimp
2 Aug, 2012
Trill on tap for budgies ...
2 Aug, 2012
Are you really sure these suggestions will get me the votes? Yorkie, I saw your snide remark and have decided to ignore it 8~P I have to think of the dignity of my office should I win:-)
2 Aug, 2012
well if you win that will be the laugh of the year,
2 Aug, 2012
Well then miss smartie pants ....prepare to laugh ha! All my friends are helping me with these vote winning suggestions:-)
2 Aug, 2012
Well as I'm running for 'the other side' I shall obviously have to plan my campaign meticulously. I shall veeto football on telly for one thing. Now, have to retire to plan my attack - ooops sorry campaign :o))
2 Aug, 2012
come on Jane, come on Jane, you can do it girl.
2 Aug, 2012
Hold up there Jane, I think you're running for Manchester not Leeds ...with such woolly thinking are you sure you're cut out for the role?:-)
2 Aug, 2012
Can't ban Footie in Manchester J. It's a non starter
I am 50 yards from Mecca.
2 Aug, 2012
How about special sheep lanes in the city centre? Oh Dear Lord, Pims, you don't support City do you?
2 Aug, 2012
I am always there for the underdog Gattina. Onwards and upwards.
2 Aug, 2012
Good for you, Pims! I don't like football whatever the colour of the strip.
2 Aug, 2012
City's an underdog? a very rich one then!:-)
2 Aug, 2012
Nooo Ba, not confused, I know it's Manchester - the 'other side' being Lancashire - well nearly. It possibly used to be... OK I've no idea really. lol Need wine. NOW!
You know, sheep can come into just about everything. Jxxx
2 Aug, 2012
Well,I take a well earned day off,and what do I come back to?..what are you lot on ? ..Jane defecting to Lancashire,and Ba,taking her place over must show allegiance if we let you over the border,Ba...I will be waiting to I live almost beside it..and trusty Yorkshire will be at my side, to frisk you,for anything Liverpudlian you may try to smuggle into our perfect world....Citizen ship will only be granted,if you can prove you can make a big Yorkshire pudding..suitably risen, with good gravy..we don't accept substitutes from your Aunt..whether her name is Bessie or not....and as for you Jane,I can't believe you are defecting to the land of Meat and potato pie,served with pickled red cabbage !!...What ??
Sorry to hear about Man city ,Pimms..but someone has to like them,I it Mecca Bingo you live near.? I bet you are a whizz at calling the numbers...unlucky for do know how well,Huddersfield town did,this year,surely....:o)...not that I'm bragging...ah well,what will be will be...
2 Aug, 2012
2 Aug, 2012
I'm not defecting Bloomer Honest. I have a cunning plan............ but shush, don't let on. I'm going to wait until I'm in office, then turn Manchester into Yorkshire. Obviously not a word of this can get out, don't want any info falling into enemy hands. Good lord, I'm from Bradford, if you cut me in half (but please don't), I'll have Yorkshire written through and through.... Jx
2 Aug, 2012
Cunning Jane...!! Bradford Manchester Just at the back of the Stadium. Used to be called the Tripe Colony, be nice to be home EH?
2 Aug, 2012
Watched it Pimms...and??? ..we were having an off day:o)
2 Aug, 2012
Definately an off day. lol Jx
2 Aug, 2012
your secret is safe with me, could call it "Bradman"...oops isn't that Pimms nickname?,no ,no..maybe Fordchester then ? :o)
2 Aug, 2012
Lol I have just found this enjoyed all the banter and hope you enjoyed your Yorkshire Day, got to admit its a lovely part of the country, but there again being a Lancashire Lassie we have just as much fame, with our Beautiful Red Roses, Tasty Lancashire Hot Pot, Famous Football Teams, Eccles Cakes, Lowry Centre, Manchester Ship Canal.............. could go on but will finish wit the Bonnie Lancashire Lassies lol ;0)))
3 Aug, 2012
Jane, a Trojan sheep! whatever next? Bloomer and Yorkie border guards? You can both keep your hands to yourselves thank you very much. Pimp I'm sure regrets his choice of Mayor now. Carole, no mention of whippets and cloth caps? I've decided to do something more worthwhile anyway so no longer standing for Mayor .... I see Koffi Annan has resigned:-)
3 Aug, 2012
Oh my Gawd, B/A has just thrown the teddy out of the cot,
3 Aug, 2012
The World needs me:-)
3 Aug, 2012
Yes I agree,Carole ,you do have some great claims to fame..but we have The Great Western pub..just over our side of the border !! :o)..shall I tell Rachel about your heritage? she won't give you as much Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding as Russell and I..poor Harry..tell him to defect,immediately ! Lol....and Yorkshire..we won't have to stand guard at the border anymore the Scouser is going elsewhere..thank you Koffi !:o)
3 Aug, 2012
Trojan sheep.............................LOVE IT! LOL Jx
3 Aug, 2012
Wouldn't that be a sight,Jane? funny :o))
3 Aug, 2012
I have to say BAaa was a disappointment as Mayor of leeds. Perhaps ruler of Gods own county was not enough for her... ?
3 Aug, 2012
Na, just not up to the job. Well what do you expect from an 'outsider'? (sorry Ba love you really)x
3 Aug, 2012
Do you fancy defecting,Pimms? already know Leeds..and House of Fraser would look ..well..average,on your better if you lied, and put Primark instead !
3 Aug, 2012
Primark.....................Harvy Nicks please :o)
3 Aug, 2012
ooh,posh ! only been in once....and when they brought me round,after seeing the prices !!!!
3 Aug, 2012
lol :o)
3 Aug, 2012
She was talking about Primark Jane... Bloomer thinks Harvey Nicks rides a horse while sticking up two fingers :D
3 Aug, 2012
Primark's too posh for me too, I like Oxfam and any other charity shop... and ebay:-)
Pimp, the World is calling me ...Koffi's shoes that will be hard to fill .... but I'll give it my best shot ... once more into the breeches my friend ....:-)
3 Aug, 2012
I concede Sandra, please dont tell Rachel, I would never hear the last of it from Harry, he would probably start eating mine lol
3 Aug, 2012
I am conceding defeat for today,Pimms...I can't think of an answer !!! ...oh ,blumming hummer,as SOME Yorkshire
folk say..I need to lie down in a darkened room..goodnight..tomorrow is another day.. ..who the heck said that? of course it is ! :o)))
3 Aug, 2012
I dare not answer anymore......................
Fly BA,,,, That sounds like an advert ;/
3 Aug, 2012
Lol,Carole..we are both 'conceding'aren't we? ..your secret is safe with Harry will be fine..and he has been known to eat a bit of yours anyway,so what's new? :o))
3 Aug, 2012
I think you are wise,Pimms..stop while you are ahead !
3 Aug, 2012
Mad as a box of frogs, the lot of you!
4 Aug, 2012
You see ....I have already brought an end to the war of the roses .....Peace all round .... I'm certain to get Koffi's job now:-)
4 Aug, 2012
You know Gat, my thoughts exactly. :o))
4 Aug, 2012
Recent posts by bloomer
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all .xx
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- Ist August..Happy Yorkshire day..xx.
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HY day! :)
1 Aug, 2012