News about Yorkshire, (Val)
By bloomer
I received a long awaited PM from our friend Val,late last night,and she wishes me to explain the reason for not being on Goy,for a while,on her behalf.
She has been,and is very ill,and awaiting a major operation,to bypass all her veins,and they are going to proceed soon..she is in a lot of pain,especially with her poorly legs,but I know you will all wish her a full and speedy recovery..
She also wants me to thank all her friends for their messages and concern,but feels unable to reply to you all yet..but I’m sure she will,when she feels up to it..She appreciates them all,.We have all missed her banter on get well soon,Val..we are all thinking of you,Ralph and your family ..xxxx
20 Nov, 2013
Previous post: The party's over..almost...
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Thanks for the news, funny I was only just thinking about her this morning will get in touch with her...wishing you a speedy recovery Val...x
20 Nov, 2013
Please send her love and hugs from me sandra xxx
20 Nov, 2013
Thanks Sandra, I guessed there was something very wrong when she didn't reply to my email. Good luck Val, thinking of you my dear, hope to talk again soon. xx
20 Nov, 2013
I'm sorry to hear about Val's predicament. I hope she makes a full recovery after the operation. I miss her on here, and thank you Sandra for letting us know how she is.
20 Nov, 2013
Dearest Val.............take care now and hope everything will be sorted out soon, wishing you a very speedy recovery.
Thanks B. for posting this blog. xxx
20 Nov, 2013
Thank you so much for this Bloomer, I too was wondering where Val was. I pray for success with the op and a quick recovery. Thanks again...
20 Nov, 2013
That's sad news for Val, Sandra ... I hope she has her op. soon and recovers well from it ... thanks for letting everyone know ... :o)
20 Nov, 2013
I'm sure if Val reads all your lovely caring comments,it will go someway to let her know how fondly she is thought of by all her friends,at this difficult time ..I am only the message bearer,but thank you on Val's behalf ,for your good wishes,for a speedy recovery..xxxx
20 Nov, 2013
Thanks B. :))
20 Nov, 2013
Thanks Sandra for letting us know....Val if you're reading these comments,you'll know just how much you're missed on here. I hope your operation is soon, and wish you a speedy recovery, take care.You've got to be back before the "rhubarb" banter starts!!!! Val x
20 Nov, 2013
Thanks for letting us know about Val, Sandra. I know she hasn't been on GoY much recently, but I had no idea she was so ill...poor Val.
The operation sounds horrendous, I thinks she's really brave, bless her.
Please pass on my VERY best wishes for the operation...I'm sure all will go well...and I wish her a very, very, speedy recovery. xx
20 Nov, 2013
I hit the like button Bloomer as a thank you for letting us know....I shall pray Val makes a speedy recovery...She and i got on really well and Pm'd often....i miss her here on Goy..xx
20 Nov, 2013
So sorry to hear this news Bloomer and wish Val well I hope she has an operation date soon and a speedy recovery my love to her Ralph and family x
20 Nov, 2013
So sorry to hear about Val's illness, I have missed her too, thanks Sandra for letting us all know, I send my heartfelt wishes for a successful and speedy recovery, best wishes Val to you and Ralphxx
21 Nov, 2013
I echo the words of Pansypotter as she put it all so well. I don't like to think of anyone suffering and hope that Val will be much better as soon as is possible.
With love, Chris
21 Nov, 2013
Get well very soon, so you are no longer in pain Denise x
21 Nov, 2013
I just popped in and saw this. What a terrible time poor Val has had this year, talk about it never rains but it pours:-( I miss her wicked humour on here, but I'm sure they can't keep a good woman down for long. Thanks for letting us know Sandra x
22 Nov, 2013
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Oh dear poor Yorkshire I wondered where she was,hope she's sorted and comes back to us very soon, thanks for letting us know bloomer, get well soon Val xxxxx
20 Nov, 2013