Summer in my garden..
By bloomer
Just thought I’d show you some new,and some old favourites this year..On the whole,I’m quite happy,but disappointed with a few pots this time round..I’ll get the failures out of the way first…The Zinnias..They were beautiful last year,so grew some more to fill three pots..most were very poor,and straggly,didn’t bush out at all,and hardly any I won’t be wasting time and effort with them next year..
These Lilies.however have been beautiful,and still some to flower yet…It’s the first time I’ve grown them..just a shame they are short lived..Sorry,no names,as they were a cheap bag of six,from a well known Supermarket..:o) .
Bedding begonias..some of which were overwintered from last year,and one of my favourites for easy care ,and lots of colour..I wouldn’t be without them :o)
I only remembered about these planters for the shed about three weeks ago,so the trailing Petunias were a last minute buy…just starting to get going now..
This has to be my plant of the year,and is going to be a firm favourite from now on..
…and hot pink..The Fuchsia in the centre of the Chimney pot,is Lena,a cutting from one gifted from Steragram,when I lost the one which was my Mothers..very sentimental for me,and thank you Sue x
Surfinias,and Antirrhinum,kindly gifted seeds from Amy,and ready for the second flush of flowers..
Agapanthus..probably about 10 years old,which I overwinter in the growhouse..
Echinops in full two more in my long border at the front..
A couple of small front garden photo’s..
Sedum…Purple Emperor’,a small cutting gifted by Carole ,a couple of years ago..and boy,how it’s grown and filled the back of this small bed..I love this one,thanks Carole x
and lastly,Cosmos,which I had to buy this year,as all mine failed..but I much prefer this shorter variety..
The small Fuchsia in the centre …Empress of Prussia,and very hardy,looks a bit lost yet,as it’s only last years cutting..but it will soon fill the space..:o)
So that’s about it for this years summer display.I hope you are all happy with your gardens this year :o)
30 Jul, 2014
Previous post: Thomas had better things to do..:o)
Next post: Gifts from special friends :o)
All looking lovely as ever Bloomer, my Lilies from the same store are still in bud I hope they do as well as yours :o)
30 Jul, 2014
Thank you Kath..I'm pleased you enjoyed seeing my small garden :o)
30 Jul, 2014
Thank you Neellan..They have been lovely,better than I expected really..just three more buds to open in the third photo,which look as though they will be a pale pink..The Burgundy ones finished to day,although they look deep pink on here.Those were my favourites.I hope to see yours when they open..:o) x
30 Jul, 2014
Your garden is beautiful, and TIDY ! It's a pleasure to see, and all your plants are thriving :o)
I overwinter my Begonias too, and they are an excellent summer bedder. I've got mine in the front.
30 Jul, 2014
Thank you should be tidy,as I am out there every day ! Lol..and it's much smaller than your garden..The photo of the border of Begonias is in my front garden too ,as well as some in the back..I used to really hate them,so I can't believe they are one of my favourites's a woman thing know the old saying,..a woman's privilege to change her mind Lol x
30 Jul, 2014
Oh I often change my mind too, especially about clothes.
And I didn't used to like roses but now I do ... (except when they stab me !)
30 Jul, 2014
HI Sandra: Great blog. I was wowed straight away. You have a talent for color and design. Everything looks to be exactly where it should be. I'm inspired. I wish I knew where to get a chimney pot.
30 Jul, 2014
Don't get me started on clothes,Hywel ! Lol..the times I have bought something I couldn't resist,and then hate it in a few months,or even weeks! The charity shops are very grateful for my mistakes :o) x
30 Jul, 2014
Thank you Paul,that is praise indeed,from someone who has a beautiful selection of flowers :o) sorry,I haven't got round to looking properly yet .It just happens to be right,sometimes,doesn't it? you haven't seen the mistakes :o).The Chimney pot was from our last house,when we had to have it taken down,and no way,was the builder going to take it away,although he did try to persuade me,it was going to be dumped ! I've met his kind before :o) x
30 Jul, 2014
I'm not as bad as that lol. It's just that I change my mind about what shirt I want to wear on a particular day. I often go back upstairs to put another one on instead lol :o)
30 Jul, 2014
Sometimes my "mistakes" look better then my intended design. Thanks for the compliment. Good move to hold onto the chimney pot. I'm sure he had other plans for it.
30 Jul, 2014
I do that as well,Hywel..:o) I've missed the bus before ,as a result .Lol.x
30 Jul, 2014
I agree Paul,nice when they work :o) Chimney pots fetch a very good price,more so when I had mine taken if he didn't know!..
30 Jul, 2014
Oh dear ! LOL :) x
30 Jul, 2014
Your Lilies may be cheap and from a local SM but they are lovely! Love the sedum, the colour is beautiful.Bloomer by 'name' and it's Blooming lovely Lol :-)))
30 Jul, 2014
I have been so pleased with them,Val,and didn't expect them to be so good ..6 for £2 ! Can't go wrong for that,can you? I love the Sedum too..It has spread so quickly,but I love that it stays that height..Thanks for liking my garden :o) x.
31 Jul, 2014
All looking very nice in your garden sandra... I bought some cheap lilly bulbs but only one came up... yours are lovely...
31 Jul, 2014
Thanks Holly,that's a shame..wonder why? Are yours in a border or a pot? maybe some little nasty got to them..:o(
31 Jul, 2014
Its a lovely garden Sandra, well done. Your little begonias have done well haven't they? Ours have been a bit neglected - taken advantage of because they are so tolerant. Where do you overwinter them?
It was nice to see Lena getting ready to strut her stuff - so glad she is growing well for you The purple emperors are lovely aren't they, and look good behind the silver leaves.(Don't throw any away will you, I would love a cutting if you can spare one!) How many plants are there in that group and did they spread by themselves or did you split them? Bathgate's right, you really do have an eye for design.
Clothes - well, with my shape (short *rse) I fear I don't really bother about them much, shopping is too depressing - have a couple of smartish trousers and the rest of the time its ancient T shirts etc.
31 Jul, 2014
Thank you Sue,I'm glad you have seen this,so you can see how well Lena is doing..It was in my border last year,but as it's quite a lax plant,I transferred it to my Chimney pot this spring..and hey ho,it seems much happier there..I also have another cutting,in a pot,which is doing well too,so thank you :o)
I potted the Begonias up,and kept them in our unheated Conservatory for the winter..and a couple were on the kitchen window sill..we were lucky to have a mild winter,and I shall do the same again..Carole (P.potter) splits hers,later on in spring ,and they have done well too..I haven't tried that yet
There are only two Sedums in that was a complete accident,as I broke a piece off ,so potted it up :o) ..I will take some cuttings soon,and save you one,if they take,with pleasure...
I'm with you on the ancient T shirts,,I don't buy a lot of smartish clothes either..don't go anywhere posh enough much..comfy and casual,that's me..:o)
31 Jul, 2014
Sandra, isn't that dark Lily a fabulous colour? Great bargain from the supermarket too! I have the Sedum 'Purple Emperor' ( thanks to Carole) and glad to say it's thriving in the sunshine.
1 Aug, 2014
A lovely display from all the flowers and plants in your garden Sandra, your Purple Emperor is much further on than mine Sandra, I think I will move it this year to give it more space to grow, and havent your Lilies put on a good show, the ones you brought me are in flower now too;0)
1 Aug, 2014
I loved that darker one the best,Shirley..Some of them were a bit smaller in height than the others,and all flowered at different times..but within two weeks of each other..I liked that,as there was always something to look forward to..shame they don't last long,but in the heat we have had,it's not surprising,even though they were a bit shaded..great value though ..
Glad Carole's 'Purple Emperor' is doing well for you too :o)
1 Aug, 2014
Thank you,Carole..I think that would be a good idea to give yours more space..if you can find one ! Lol. I am going to move one of mine too, into one of the small corner borders in the front garden,in front of a Euonymous..'Emerald and Gold'.It will be a nice contrast..and the other can stay where it is,and spread more..they have almost filled that bed ! It is one of my favourite plants,and I really appreciate you giving me that little cutting.:o) xx
1 Aug, 2014
Just love your garden which is so well cared for.
It is a credit to you Sandra and looks really beautiful. A true picture of an English summer garden. I really like the chimney pot planting and the new petunias and........... everything else in fact!!!
3 Aug, 2014
Thank you Chris,It's easy to care for a postage stamp size garden.! Lol.Most things have done really well this year,haven't they? I love my Chimney pot too..I usually try and ring the changes each year..:o)
3 Aug, 2014
Mine were in a pot.... :))
4 Aug, 2014
Just two sedums in that big clump? Wow. I was wondering where to put it but you gave me an idea I have a silver variegated euonymus, can't remember the variety, its not Silver Queen, and I think it would look nice with that. Thank you for offering to send me some.
It would be good to have a go at keeping some begonias - not sure if I'll have room after the fuchsias and pelargoniums are in. They survived in an unheated little lean to thingy last year but it was so mild - can't guarantee that again can we?
4 Aug, 2014
It would be nice to know in advance what kind of winter we will have next year,fingers crossed,eh? I will do my best to get a cutting,..when they finally finish flowering ! I will keep would look lovely against your Euonymous..I have a 'Silver Dollar' Hebe with mine...
10 Aug, 2014
Hello Sandra, I thought it was time I looked in on you ! Your garden looks lovely and colourful. I didn't have much luck with zinnias , but they are still in flower , just a bit weak looking ! I have the sedums you have and mine were from Libet , but although they have beautiful flowers , seem to have gone a bit leggy with an opening in the centre like something has been sat in it ! I'll be in touch soon. Take care. I hope Russell is well. xx
16 Aug, 2014
Hi Rose,lovely to hear from you :o)and thank you..My Zinnias are just the same this year..very disappointed with them..back to Pelargoniums,I think !
I know what you mean about the Sedum,'Purple Emperor'.I staked mine and tied the stems to it with garden twine..The flowerheads are heavily laden ,aren't they? I learnt my lesson last year,when I realised why the stems were splayed out from the centre of the plant..:o)
16 Aug, 2014
That's what I will do next year then Sandra ! Thanks.
17 Aug, 2014
It does work, fact,after reading your comment,I tied up a wayward stem I had missed :o)..not as easy when they have made so much growth,so better to do them before they get too heavy..I love this Sedum,better than any of the other varieties..they look good even when they go brown in the winter :o)
17 Aug, 2014
Oops better late than never, I thought I was looking at floral displays in the park lol! Seriously, lovely displays and the chimney looks fabulous xx
1 Sep, 2014
It's never too late,Julia..I miss loads ! Thank you,that's a lovely compliment..glad you approve of the Chimney :o) xx
1 Sep, 2014
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Sandra thankyou for the tour of your colourful garden
Such a pleasure.
30 Jul, 2014