On second thoughts !
By bloomer
As I posted a blog recently,on my revamped pots,which I decoded to paint a different colour..I wasn’t happy with the stone trough..It was too ‘in your face’ stood on the wall,against the newly repainted fence. I have removed the Ivy,and planted a cutting of Fuchsia .Lena’ in it’s place..kindly gifted from Steragram ,a few years ago..
So,I just happened to have another “I’ve been thinking” moment,while Russell was giving the shed a refresher,of ’Wild Thyme ’ :o)
It is now the same colour as the shed .. what do you think?
Just looking forward to planting it up now..it won’t be getting changed again..not in the short term anyway :o)
Hopefully,some taller plants at the back,and three half moon Baskets to hang on the fence,with trailing plants..so that should help to hide the rusty old table and ladders next door ! ..for the summer at least,I don’t see it much in winter ::o)
12 May, 2015
Previous post: Tour de Yorkshire the final day..
Next post: ..and then there were three :o)
Thanks M.land..I had given trailing Geraniums some thought for the trough,it's north facing,so it only gets a little morning sun..but the wall baskets would be ok for some,as more light filters through the fence..I still have vouchers to spend :o)..even though I have lots of seedlings and cuttings waiting to get big enough to plant out..one never has enough for other pots though ! lol.
12 May, 2015
Thanks Pam,glad you approve :o). It's only three weeks since I painted it in the first place...Lol xxx
12 May, 2015
Its a Womans privelege to change her mind Sandra lol I think it is a much nicer colour now and cant wait to see what you finally decide to plant;0))
12 May, 2015
It had a good undercoat then!
maybe another photo when the flowers are out?........
12 May, 2015
Very lovely colour. I prefer it now. :)
12 May, 2015
i love the blue one :-)))
12 May, 2015
Much nicer Sandra I love that colour ,it doesn't matter how long it takes as long as you are happy with the end product... xx
12 May, 2015
Thanks girls..I'm glad it's been done.it just didn't look right,and to be honest,neither of us liked it...but the two other pots I painted at the same time,look fine in the front garden..It was a now or never moment,while Russell had the paint tin open,and a brush in his hand..did I mention he whizzed over it for me ,with two coats? )He wouldn't have been too thrilled if he had already finished for the day,and washed the brush out...Never waste an opportune moment ! Lol
I will post a photo when it's in full bloom ..:o) xx
12 May, 2015
Super job Russell well done on your second thoughts Bloomer - a great success and all in keeping with the garden colour scheme! look forward to seeing it in all it's flowering glory!! :o)
12 May, 2015
Now your quite sure you like it this colour ? lol....I likes it in both colours, but you are the one who has to live with it!!
12 May, 2015
Thanks Neellan.it made a difference,that he didn't like it either..no raised eyebrows or muttering at all ,when I suggested it :o)x
12 May, 2015
Lol,Angela..yes,quite sure I can live with this colour..seeing as I have to look at the shed in the same,which doesn't offend the eyes :o) Can you imagine if that had been the other colour instead ? yikes ! :o) x
12 May, 2015
Looks very nice sandra...
13 May, 2015
13 May, 2015
Thanks Holly..:o)
13 May, 2015
Yes....it's a yes from me Simon..oops, sorry, I thought it was Saturday night for a moment.
Ha ha...yes, the pale blue gets a thumbs up from me!!
14 May, 2015
Lol..it could have been worse,Paul..you could have said Amanda' look at me',Holden..nah,never watch it :o)
Thanks for liking the new colour..ahem,..Wild Thyme greenish/bluish/greyish ..hey,blue will do ! Lol
14 May, 2015
I prefer it to Sandra the colour wont weather as qyick and will go lovely with any flowers and their green foliage.
14 May, 2015
Thanks 3d..that's what I was thinking too..I will have fun deciding what to plant..got lots to choose from,when the seedlings get going :o).
14 May, 2015
Yes hope they soon sprout up. I heard the other day our summer is going to be dull and wet, ? we will have to get one of those sun lamps or move abroad in the sun.
14 May, 2015
What will be will be .I don't take much notice of weather forecasts,3d,as they can't get it right day by day..I won't be happy if it's as cold as it's been today..I even got my gloves out again !
14 May, 2015
Looks good Sandra ! Does Russell ever get chance to sit down ! Hahaa! xx
14 May, 2015
Yes its been cold here too as the sayinv goes don t cast a clout out untill Mays is out. Yes I tend to agree the weather fore cast is seldom right.
14 May, 2015
As I am rather late seeing this, I trust that you haven't changed this new colour also!!
It is lovely and much as I liked it before I think this is even better.
16 May, 2015
Thanks Chris..and no,I haven't changed it..I think this will be permanent :o0 x
16 May, 2015
I like this blue colour. Looks wonderful Bloomer.
20 May, 2015
I agree,Klahanie,much better..thank you ..
20 May, 2015
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Very nice xxx
12 May, 2015