Tour de Yorkshire the final day..
By bloomer
This great event was passing through the village where I was born today,enroute from Wakefield ,and the finish line in Leeds..a journey of four hours..uphill and down dale..
It stopped raining by lunchtime,so we were so glad we decided to go..I feel a part of history ,as this is the first one ,of what is going to be an Annual event .Yorkshire triumphs again..:o)
A few photo’s of a wonderful experience..
The village street before the crowds arrived
The textile mill,on the right,where my mum worked,as a young girl..Sadly closed a few years ago,and awaiting conversion into small business’s ,apartments,etc..
The Police escorts..and where did all these people suddenly appear from ?
Here they come first of the team leaders..
Team Sky..
Here come the rest,over 100 of them..Sorry about that guy’s arm..always one taller than everyone else,in front of you..reminds me of sitting behind someone in the cinema..:o)
We didn’t manage to spot Bradley Wiggins.. not at the speed they were going,so this is the nearest thing..his car,with his spare bikes..come on,it was hard enough taking photo’s at all,what do you expect ? Lol
a couple of other cars,and it’s almost over..for this part,anyway..
I loved this….Typical Yorkshire Humour :o)
You think it’s all over ? It isn’t yet ! they had a steep hill to negotiate up to the village called Scapegoat Hill,which is over the Horizon,and down the other side,through Hebden Bridge,in Calderdale,and Haworth (Bronte Country) ,to complete their final journey at Leeds…..another two hours..
We wouldn’t have missed it for anything,and we aren’t really sporty people..but it really brought out the best in everyone who attended,,even one of the traffic police men,did a wheelie on the roundabout,anf high fived some of the crowd:o)..before the event,I may add ! Lol.
I hope you haven’t been too bored,with a non gardening blog..x
I forgot to add this photo..Thomas was too late to take part,he went roller skating instead…maybe in another few years :o)
3 May, 2015
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Next post: On second thoughts !
Bored? Not at all - the bikes I can take or leave but that third pic down really took me back to a meal we had with our son form Dobcross in the pub just out of the pic on the left. We also had an interesting morning along that street trying to find out where you lived - not realising you'd moved some years before....
3 May, 2015
Its always great to seeYorkshire! :)
3 May, 2015
Super pics Bloomer glad you made it and the rain kept off for the duration :o)
3 May, 2015
I love your photos and the memories for you that come with them.
I know exactly how you were feeling and to be part of a major sporting event , in your own part of the world, must have made you feel so proud.
The memory of the whole day will stay with you. The atmosphere and build up is great isn't it?
We hope to be on Dartmoor again for the Tour of Britain.....if you stand at the top of a hill, they come past more slowly!!!
4 May, 2015
I know what you mean,Gee..I had to crouch down to get mine,and only managed four decent ones,and by then they were away ! Good job Russell had his camera too,and better eyesight !:o)
Nice it brought back some nice memories Sue.The pub you mentioned is called "The Commercial" and doesn't do food,as far as we know,but there is one out of shot,going to the left,called " The Shoulder of Mutton" if that rings a bell? We keep meaning to try it,as it's said to be good..That was my Dad's local..I guess even if you had known my maiden name,no one would have remembered me..I left to live in Cumbria,in 1948,and came back in 1970..:o)
Thanks Karen,I know you are fond of Yorkshire..who wouldn't be ? :o)
Thanks Neellan..yes we did,after a lot of .all depended on the weather,which turned out to be lovely :o) I've just added another photo :o) x
Thank you Chris,we are really glad we decided to go,and it's nice looking around my home village..we often go there..
We had wondered whether to go to the top of the hill,but the roads are so narrow there,and not a lot of places safe to watch..or park either..but we would have got better photo's I'm without that tall guy's arm,for a start ! :o(
On our local news last night,an elderly lady aged 80,was in a collision with one of the bikes,as they arrived in Ilkley,later on..We don't know what happened,but she is in Hospital with facial injuries,and ,I think,a broken arm..The biker had to withdraw from the race too,but I don't think he ws seriously sad,it had to end like that,after all those miles without an incident..
4 May, 2015
You can take a lass out of Yorkshire, but you'll never take Yorkshire out from a lass! X
4 May, 2015
Very true,Karen..I think most of us,wherever our roots are,feel the same :o) x
4 May, 2015
Brilliant Bloomer, so pleased the weather improved for you....
it rained for us all the way to Penrith where the sun came out.....
then by the time we got home at about 6.30 we had missed what was a huge thunderstorm it seems.....
i wondered why everywhre was so wet!
4 May, 2015
Thanks were lucky to have missed the Thunderstorm...I think you had enough in the morning,like us..we had rain through the night..the right time !
4 May, 2015
You've got it right Karen - we never lose it.
Sandra the pub I meant was on the same side as the car park by the river and the food is served upstairs. Chef uses a lot of cream so beware if you're weight watching!
4 May, 2015
Sue,We have been studying where it could be,and we think you might mean the Riverhead pub in Marsden? The village where we were,and my birth place,is called Slaithwaite.,.but the roads look similar..It's the only one we know that serves food upstairs.We have only been once,as we were going to see the local Male Pantomime..! very entertaining..:o).
4 May, 2015
Come on Thomas you will soon catch them up!! lovely addition to your tour report Bloomer :o)
4 May, 2015
Thanks Neellan,I'm sure he will..maybe on his roller boots,instead of the bike :o)
5 May, 2015
We thought this was such a great idea Sandra, and it's lovely to see your photos of the event - thanks! Obvs, I'm a Yorkshire lass too (born in Harrogate) and reet proud :))
5 May, 2015
Eeh lass,tha should be reet proud..:o) I think we all are,and thank you,Sheila,I'm glad you enjoyed a small part of the Tour de Yorkshire..We are looking forward to seeing a supplement in our local paper tomorrow,of various stages..Radio Leeds is still basking in the glory,with lots of reports coming in..
We often visit Harrogate,and the Valley Gardens,but mostly in summer..:o)
5 May, 2015
You're right Sandra - OH says the road is too wide for where we were. Riverhead Marsden is right. But it does look very similar at first sight.
Sheila, didn't know you were another ex pat...
5 May, 2015
It is very similar,Sue..that's where my OH was born..all those years spent in Cumbria,and ended up back in Yorkshire,marrying someone from the next village :o)
6 May, 2015
Stera . . are you an ex-pat too?!
Btw, we had that thunder and lightning during a 'fun' croquet afternoon - my fleece got drenched! All very dramatic . . .
6 May, 2015
Lol Sandra - no place like home eh? I never wanted to move around but that's life.
Yes Sheila - only just though. Born and bred in Sheffield which is very near the Derbyshire border. My grandma who live with us and looked after me while Mum worked when i was small during WW2came form the Yorks Lancs border so my accent is a bit different from north Yorks - not quite true Yorks and not true Sheffield either...but certainly not Welsh, as I'm quite often reminded..and having also lived in Staffordshire for 40 years there's a bit of that thrown in too.
6 May, 2015
Perhaps you should go on the stage Sue?! You could do all the different accents! (I said something to friends yesterday in a 'posh old lady' voice, and they said I could give David Suchet a run for his money playing Lady Bracknell!!).
6 May, 2015
Lol, Sheila, that's pretty impressive! Sadly I can 't do any of them on their own, they get a bit mixed up - I think I have my own personal one! Just waiting for a bit of Welsh to get mixed up with it now..
6 May, 2015
7 May, 2015
Vey interesting Sandra, I knew about this as one of my brothers and his family settled up there, he and both his girls live in Cayton near Scarborough, his oldest daughter is headmistress at one of the schools along the route, they'd painted an old bicycle bright yellow only to have it stolen, luckily it was found and put back in position in time for the start, her husband and father-in-law do a lot of cycling and take part in lots of these events, they do a lot for charity especially the Candlelighters Fund....
Thankyou for sharing your photo's....
7 May, 2015
Interesting and beautiful countryside and village. Go Thomas...I just took my nephews rollerskating last weekend at United Skates of America, lol! so much fun. We do a lot of biking too.
9 May, 2015
Thanks Sue,and glad to hear they got the yellow bike back..There are still lots left in place here ,from the Tour De France,last year..mostly high up in trees,or bolted down,to discourage the thieves..sad it has to be done,isn't it/
9 May, 2015
Thank you Paul,glad you like my part of Yorkshire..It's great to be with your nephews,and encourage them to take part in various activities..Thomas is getting so confident on his bike and Roller boots now,and also plays in a childrens Football team on Saturday mornings..what next,I wonder? :o)
9 May, 2015
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We had something similar come through the village a year or two ago, Bloomer, they moved so fast if you blinked they were gone! But, as you say, it was good free fun and interesting to be part of it (although stationary, wheel-less and exhausted just seeing the effort they put into it!)
3 May, 2015