Sunny September days..
By bloomer
For the last three at least..! and I think the garden is as good as it’s been all ‘Summer ’.? Just a few photo’s to remind me ,that it didn’t turn out so bad after all..:o)
Taken yesterday.19th Sept..
Sorbaria Sem..a gift from Carole,(P.Potter) doing very well..I love it :o)
Weigela..second flush..
Front borders..
The Osteo’s weren’t fully open,to see them at their best,as it was still shady there..
Long border still retaining some colour..
Finally,signs of Autumn..the birds will be happy :o)
..and another nice day..hope it’s the same for you too..x
20 Sep, 2015
Previous post: York...The Minster,and Castle Museum Gardens.part 2..
Next post: A visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park,Wakefield..
I feel exactly the same Bloomer! Love your Weigela, isn't that a tremendous second flush! Love your autumn berries too.
20 Sep, 2015
looking much colour..;-)
20 Sep, 2015
So pretty, so neat, so colourful too - sit in the welcome sunshine and enjoy all you see!
20 Sep, 2015
Superb as ever Bloomer all looking really colourful and well cared for a lovely garden, one to be proud of :o)
20 Sep, 2015
Well done Sandra, very colorful. Love your Autumn berries and that Wiegela.
20 Sep, 2015
20 Sep, 2015
Thank you Pam..It's been a nice bonus,and a welcome one xx
Thanks Karen..the Weigela has been lovely this year.I cut out some of the old woody branches last year,so a lot of this is new growth from the must be thanking me :o)
Thank you Sandra..let's hope it lasts a lot longer yet :o)
Thanks's been nice to sit out and just look..the trouble is,like most of us,I can't sit for long without tweaking or deadheading ..secateurs are always at hand :o)
Thank you you will see,I don't plan colours much.I just let it happen ;o)
Thank you Paul..I've had both those a long time..The Weigela is called 'Florida Variagata' if I remember rightly..Given to me by my next door neighbour,as a small plant,as his late wife didn't like it..
Thank you Sheila..pleased you like it ..:o)
20 Sep, 2015
Everything in your garden and long border looks great, Sandra. Thank goodness for some warm days at last. :o)
20 Sep, 2015
Thanks Shirley,It's been better than expected really....sadly,as we came out of the pub,after a Sunday lunch,it had changed completely..grey skies,windy and chilly,,so we came home..well.three days of sun and warmth just about sums it up this year.!
20 Sep, 2015
I admire your optimism Sandra. When I visited Britain, I didn't see a drop of rain the whole time I was there, but my friends said it poured as soon as I left. I had nothing to do with it!
20 Sep, 2015
Only way to go , point trying to change things you have no control,it rained after you left England? ..could have been worse,I guess :o)
20 Sep, 2015
It's looking good Bloomer, whatever the weather has thrown at it.
It's been very very wet here recently so we still have water sitting in some of the borders and the lawn is very wet.
20 Sep, 2015
Thanks Paul..we haven't had a lot of heavy prolonged rain recently.and any we have had,has been overnight..just enough to water the pots..the borders have more or less taken pot luck :o)
21 Sep, 2015
If everybody's garden was like yours wouldn't it be wonderful.
21 Sep, 2015
Thank you Peter,you are so kind..:o)
21 Sep, 2015
It looks fabulous Darling, love the long border :o)
21 Sep, 2015
Hi there sweetie,how are you? and thank you.. did you spot how the Choisya is recovering? Lol It's taken it's time :o) xx
21 Sep, 2015
that is so colourful so nice to see the gardens keeping us smiling and putting on a show so late on, just what we all need to see the colour hanging on in there.
21 Sep, 2015
Thank you's such a bonus,isn't it? It stops you thinking about what we may have to come,and enjoy the present :o)
21 Sep, 2015
Wow Sandra, what a riot of colour you have ! It all looks fantastic ! It also looks a bigger garden than I imagined it to be !
21 Sep, 2015
Thanks Rose..small garden,big ideas ! Lol.The long border is actually not attached to our front garden,which is quite small..It's a separate piece of land opposite ,across the cul de sac road. There are 9 Bungalows,and quite private..Each Bungalow has it's own section ,and we got the longest bit..which I was pleased about..The back garden is small but easily managed..The camera does lie,sometimes :o) x
21 Sep, 2015
So pretty & colourful & how good to see some sunshine. I suppose the rain has made everything look so lush, I know we need it but I don't remember a wetter muckier year than this one.
We did just have 2 nice days b4 rain all day today tho.
Your garden is so neat, tidy & well behaved which just says how much you love it & enjoy being in it.
21 Sep, 2015
The long border is amazing, Bloomer. Looking so lush and healthy.You wouldn't think it's end of September.
22 Sep, 2015
Well, its still lovely anyway Sandra !
22 Sep, 2015
Thank you Greenfinger..and yes,it has been a wet and mucky year..but Mother Nature worked her wonders eventually ! We had rain overnight..if only we could put in an order to do that :o)
22 Sep, 2015
Thank you Klahanie..At least everything has lasted much longer,than if we had searing heat..I do like September..:o)
22 Sep, 2015
Thank you Rose..:o)
22 Sep, 2015
Looks beautiful
22 Sep, 2015
Thank you Gertrude :o)
23 Sep, 2015
Your garden looks wonderful Sandra so neat and tidy too. Mine is full of next doors leaves from the church.
23 Sep, 2015
Thank you 3d..we are lucky,as we don't get any leaves in our garden..lots of trees around,but the wind must be favourable,and blows them in a different direction ..:o)
24 Sep, 2015
Your are lucky then Sandra ?
24 Sep, 2015
Wonderful colour for the time of the year Bloomer. Lots of rain recently after a long dry period for us in Essex. Lovely to be able to cope with all that garden. Love your containers.
26 Sep, 2015
Thank you Dorjac,It's much easier than it looks really..mainly gravel ,which replaced a rubbish lawn, and where I can stand pots,and also a circular paved area at the back,with small borders,which are all Perennials or evergreens.. so why am I always finding something to do ? :o)
26 Sep, 2015
The long border is lovely and you certainly have plenty of colour to enjoy you say September can be a very rewarding month sometimes...
7 Oct, 2015
Thanks Angela..I still have lots of colour,which is great. A slow start this year,but at least it has repaid me in full..:o)
7 Oct, 2015
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Fantastic late colour Bloomer xxx
such a mild windfree dry weekend, bit like 'time out' ?
20 Sep, 2015