Inside and out..2nd November..
By bloomer
Lets get the worst bit over with first.we still have.thick fog,at I’m not inspired to do any gardening today..unlike yesterday,in the warm sunshine..what a contrast !
Ah,that’s better…:o)
Wallflower..already !
..and colour inside..Pelargoniums,all potted up,and cuttings of Osteospermums,and Dianthus ,which all look to have rooted :o)
My treat to myself this weekend..A Vintage floral display,which will be something to look at in the depths of winter,or on foggy days like today..!
Hope it’s nice wherever you may be..
2 Nov, 2015
Previous post: A visit to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park,Wakefield..
Next post: The fun part of Autumn :o)
Hello Bloomer- yes it has been dismal here again today - although i have managed to spend some time sweeping leaves and tidying the borders - your garden is very bright and cheerful- is that a rudbeckia in the pot - the yellow daisy ? - Jane
2 Nov, 2015
Thanks were in the right place at the wrong time,it seems.. so annoying when it happens like that..thanks for your nice comment..I shall hate it when it's all finished..!
2 Nov, 2015
Hello Jane,and thank you ..such a contrast to yesterdays warmth and sunshine..I spent all afternoon cutting back and a general tidy up in the front garden..very therapeutic :o) and yes,it is a Rudbeckia in that pot.The reason being,although it's hardy,the slugs/snails were eating the foliage when it appeared in spring..they were not going to win !It's a small variety,but I can't remember the name offhand ..
2 Nov, 2015
Yes Bloomer I had the same trouble with a double cream daisy - the slugs stripped the leaves - but I put it in a pot and it has now started to make new growth - Jane
2 Nov, 2015
Yep your sky looks like ours, lol..
Very nice Sandra, colour like that does help even if we are indoors looking out, cannot remember the name of the yellow (pic no9 ) mine all came up white this year, started out as pink when I got my first one from my sister-in-law, then was yellow for a couple of years, hoping it turns back again to yellow because it doesn't look half as nice, in fact more like a rather large weed, I have left it in for now and we'll see what next year brings forth, you always do well with the begonia's, they look really bright and cheerful, another that doesn't do well in my garden.
Pleased to see you haven't cut the flowers off the Pelargoniums, I know a lot of people do but I too left mine on when I popped them in my g'house, its a bit of colour isn't it..Very attractive floral arrangememt...
2 Nov, 2015
I'm going to leave it in a pot,Jane,and will just keep it in the growhouse over winter..and pot it on as necessary..glad yours is ok in a pot too..
2 Nov, 2015
It looks like most of Britain has been foggy today,Sue..except for Wales,I believe..I don't know how Scotland has fared...
The Yellow plant is an Achillea..and I can hear you saying..of course it is :o) .I have had it years,and it has always done well..First plant I bought from Lidl,when they first opened here,so that's going back a while..good for the back of the border..:o) How strange yours keeps changing colour ! The Begonias always seem to do well for me,and I wouldn't be without them.they take no looking after either! I never take the flowers off the Pelargoniums,till they are ready..I don't see the point really..might as well enjoy them..I will trim them back,when they are finished..still lots of buds to come on them yet..:o)
2 Nov, 2015
That fog was a bit clingy today after all!
Your flowers are so lovely, in fact they all look smiley to me!
Your indoor displays look beautiful and I love your vase of vintage flowers - they just had to end up at your house, it was meant to be!
2 Nov, 2015
Sandra! Your garden blooms are amazing for November! I am very impressed. It was thick fog here today as well. I was going to plant some house leeks, but they will have to wait. Gardening is horrible when its damp and dreich. I went out instead and scoured the local charity shops for gilt frames for my daughter. She is moving in to her new home this month and wants to decorate a wall of her living room with lots of pretty gilt picture frames. I did really some great frames for just a few pounds. Rachel was ever so pleased. :)
2 Nov, 2015
You have quite a colorful display there Sandra. See how your garden rewards you when you most need it on those grey days. I really love your red sedum, the color is much more vibrant then mine - Autumn Joy. We are having a sunny warm spell here in New York and my Irises are all sending up new flower stalks. I hope the weather cooperates. Some of them have yet to bloom in the 5 years I've had them. Hope all is going well for you. :)
3 Nov, 2015
Thank you Chris,we needed some colour yesterday,didn't we? Still foggy,but not quite as dense as yesterday..Please you liked the Vase..It's hard to find some artificial flowers that look more like the real thing..I didn't think these hydrangeas looked too a distance :o)I think it's more the foliage that is always a giveaway..
3 Nov, 2015
Thank you Karen,I am happy with it too,for November..You did very well for your frames from the Charity shops.I have often found some good bargains too..Rachel will be well pleased with those..It sounds a novel idea..I hope she will be happy in her new home..:o)
3 Nov, 2015
Thank you Paul..I think you are right..they must have appreciated being looked after this summer :o) I love the Sedum at all it's stages,it is almost ready for turning brown now,and I leave them on all winter,or as long as they last..I do,however,remove the leaves as they yellow..tiny snails shelter on the undersides ! It's been a strange year for plants,so many flowering in the wrong season..enjoy your Iris's while they last..I am well,thanks,hope you are too..I think I owe you a PM ? more than likely,as I've been quite lax lately..nothing new there ! lol..
3 Nov, 2015
Yes, I hope so too Sandra. I think she will, although it will take a little while to get used to being on her own again. Tbh, I think it will be a permanent tip...but it will be nice to have the permanent tip NOT in my house!
3 Nov, 2015
Lovely lot of colour in your garden Sandra - isn't it a bonus for November? We had thick fog on Sunday morning, drove 25 miles though country lanes, quite eerie! Masses of spider webs hanging in the trees and shrubs. I've just noticed a Primrose in bloom in my garden, also some Roses in bud, weird! Your vintage floral display made me think of a similar one at Mum's care home, it looks very realistic!
3 Nov, 2015
Your garden looks very nice you are obviously a very organized person.
3 Nov, 2015
Oh Karen you do make me laugh!! daughters what are they like?
Sandra I cannot believe you have so much colour still in your garden, it looks wonderful, so uplifting!
3 Nov, 2015
I remember the tip,only too well,Karen..especially the girly bedroom..! I kept the door shut in the end,so I didn't have to see it..Rachel will be different altogether in her own place,I'm sure..we still have lots of stuff in our loft,which I keep threatening to get rid of..all I get is,'yes mum,I'll sort it '! :o)
3 Nov, 2015
Thanks Shirley..we had a warm sunny day on Sunday,but yesterday was horrible..In our local paper today,it showed a photo at the top of our valley..sunshine and 63 degrees ! Only two miles from us..definitely weird weather...
The Vintage flower display was from BHS..on 20 % off day :o) Maybe the home got theirs from there?
3 Nov, 2015
Thank you Peter,and yes,I am quite an organised back garden is only small,so it doesn't take much looking after.:o)
3 Nov, 2015
Lol,Angela..looks like you had the 'messy daughter' years too :o) I don't think I've had so much colour so late in the year,but what a lovely bonus it is..:o)
3 Nov, 2015
So much colour, so cheering on this chilly evening. Your garden is lovely. I'd completely forgotten about messy daughter syndrome - my twin daughters were horrendous but have improved with age - they will be 50 next year :)
3 Nov, 2015
Thank you Gee..oh dear,double messy daughter syndrome..!
I should think 50 sounds about right..mine has 14 years to go then..but what do I care,she doesn't live here anymore..:o) Her House,her mess Lol
3 Nov, 2015
Lovely lot of colour you have there Bloomer, thanks to all the TLC you give to your garden and of course the mild November weather helping keep things flowering for longer :o)
3 Nov, 2015
Similar weather here Bloomer, after a glorious sunday afternoon monday felt so old and damp, not a hint of sun or fog lifting then last night it rained quite a bit but warmed up......weird weather indeed!
whatever the weathers doing your beautiful garden certainly thrived on it.....glorious xxx
4 Nov, 2015
You've got lots of lovely autumn colour Sandra :o) It makes up for the fog. I hope you get some more sunshine soon ... I'd send you some but I can't find any this morning - it's raining lol :o)
4 Nov, 2015
63 degrees Sandra? How amazing for the time of year! Having read through the comments on girls and their rooms, Sarah apologised to me recently about her messy room in her teenage years. She's now going through the same problem with a 12 yr. old, they start even younger these days! :o(
4 Nov, 2015
Sandra, I can't believe the amount of things you still have flowering in your garden and the wonderful colours you have got to enjoy. I've heard of greenfingers but you must have green hands lol! Speaking of which, when I asked you about a cutting from 'slap and tickle' you didn't seem to think it possible, so I sent off for one are you now telling me your Dianthus cuttings are your successful attempts?
I love your vintage arrangement, I hadn't realised it was false until you said, so that show it's a good one...either that or I need new glasses lol!! The new conservatory furniture looks very nice too ☺
4 Nov, 2015
Thank you Neellan,that is kind of you..It's lovely to see all them still in flower,isn't it,plus the Autumnal colours at the same time ..:o) xx
I agree Pam,we are having weird weather ,you seem as though yours was similar to ours..yesterday was a little better,but very dull.and we also had rain yes,much warmer..thank you for your nice comment on my little patch :o) xx
Thank you Hywel,some sunshine would be very welcome,and I don't mind the rain,as the garden was quite is still quite misty today, damp..and boring! I think we might have to go out for a pub bar meal That will be far better than staring out of the window all day..:o) I could however, do some housework,but that has been voted out in favour of the pub Lol. xx
Yes Shirley..63 degrees higher up the valley..and about the same last Sunday here..unbelievable ,isn't it?I smiled about Sarah,and the 12 year old..what goes around,comes around..and good luck to her,on that one ! :o)I don't think there is the same problem with boys,is there? I remember Russell's mum telling me,his room always looked the same..neat and tidy.but the two girls?? Messy ! Lol xxx
Oh dear,I slipped up mentioning the Dianthus..(gobby,as usual :o) I did say,I would try,as I've never had them before,never mind trying to propagate..if they were successful,a few were going to be a surprise for you..Trust you to be an eager Beaver,and buy one..Lol.Anyway,it's early days yet,let's get through the winter..!
Thanks for your nice comment on my flowers,and glad you approve of the Vase,and the Suite..i'm happy with all of them :o) We did so well yesterday,didn't we? nice lunch,and a good catch up..and no 'proper shopping ' such..Lol xx
4 Nov, 2015
Oh dear, didn't mean to spoil your surprise, and I'll always be glad of more 'Slap and Tickle' if you get my meaning as I only sent for one,not trusting online plants and the one that came was a really Diddy and at present I daren't put it out, it's far too small. Yes lovely day together and a good catch up. Richard's not in favour of cutting the hole in the carpet to stop the rug from creeping, so it's back to the drawing board.
4 Nov, 2015
No problem Julia..I will still give you some,if they survive..:o) looks like yours will need nurturing over winter,but you can use your Garage now :o) So disappointing that Richard turned down my suggestion about your creeping rug ! Lol.. it would be less to get rid of when and if you get a new one..a rug sized piece less :o) x
4 Nov, 2015
Lol! You minx.
5 Nov, 2015
I think I get the message :o) Richard is such a spoilsport :o)xx
5 Nov, 2015
Lol! Not really he has agreed to go into Huddersfield on Saturday to buy the ring I was looking at ☺
5 Nov, 2015
I take it back then Julia..he is a wonderful man ! Lol How lovely,I bet you are so excited :o) xx
5 Nov, 2015
You could say that..and our new suite arrives that day too, how good is that ?!
5 Nov, 2015
Brilliant,Julia..two out of three ain't bad :o) ! Lol xx
5 Nov, 2015
Now why does that ring a bell? I'm sure I've heard that in a song ...ha, ha!!
5 Nov, 2015
We can do a duet next time we meet up..bring a hat,and see if we can get enough in it for a sarnie ! lol I very much doubt it somehow.unless you can sing in tune,to make up for me ..I will mime..ha ha back ! x
5 Nov, 2015
Oh dear, in that case it will be a bowl of soup and a couple of straws Lol!!!
7 Nov, 2015
BTW the suite turned up at lunchtime and then we went into town and got the ring. ☺
7 Nov, 2015
Too true,Julia ! ..well,what a lovely day you have had..I hope you are happy with
7 Nov, 2015
Extatic ☺
7 Nov, 2015
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Lovely to have so much colour in November, Bloomer.
Dull and foggy again here now but, evidently, it's been gloriously sunny from 11am till 3pm...but, not where I was working(in the area I used to live) damp, foggy and miserable!!
2 Nov, 2015